Morgan Freeman By Izzy Lobin
Introduction • “Black History is American History,” Morgan Freeman said that, but he doesn’t just stop at civil rights, he also does lots more. I bet you’ve probably seen Freeman on the big screen, but he’s also done a lot off it, too. He’s a civil rights supporter, and donates to charity a lot. Now you know a little more about this man, and now I’ll tell you a lot more.
Early Life • Morgan Freeman grew up with his grandma and moved around a lot. He has three older siblings. • Freeman has been married twice and divorced both times. He started to act at nine as the lead of his school play, and acted throughout high school too. • After college Morgan became an air force airplane engineer. He later became a dancer on Broadway and other musicals. During that time he became an extra in his first movie thePawnbroker.
Career • Morgan Freeman is one of the most respected actors of the past two generations. He’s been in 96 movies and TV shows in his career. • One of the things that he does a lot with his money is donate to charity. Freeman also started a Relief Fund called the Grenada Relief Fund which is now called PLANIT NOW. Morgan did this to help the island of Grenada after Hurricane Ivan.
Accomplishments • Morgan has 4 Oscars!!! But Walt Disney has 26. • He won the Mississippi’s Best award. • Freeman also received letters from Delta University.
Accident • On August 3rd, 2008, Morgan Freeman and a woman passenger (Demaris Meyer) flipped off the rode near Ruleville, Mississippi. They were rescued using the “Jaws of Life”. • Freeman had the nerves in his left hand injured and couldn’t use it well for a while. • Demaris Meyer sued him saying he was drunk while driving that night.
Now • Morgan Freeman is still acting. His latest movie was Dolphin Tale. • It’s about a dolphin (Winter) who loses her tail and her spine can’t adjust to the new way she swims, and she might die. But a kid holds a fundraiser and saves her life with a doctor who makes prosthetic tails for Winter. • I went to the place where the movie was filmed and found out a lot of it was fiction. • The next movie he will be in to come out is The Dark Night Rises.
Now (cont.) • Freeman still does a lot of charity and acting. He donates money, and helps with PLANIT NOW. • Morgan Freeman is mostly as he always has been, fame hasn’t changed him.
Conclusion • In the end, Morgan Freeman has done a lot with his life. Helping people for charity, entertaining us as an actor, and lots more. All in all he’s a great man and has done lots on and off the stage. The End
Bibliography • http://www.wikipedia.org/ • http://www.looktothestars.org/charity • http://www.biography.com/people/ • http://wiki.answers.com/