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Efficient Detection of Impedance Cardiogram Points Validated by Doppler Echocardiography

This study explores the detection of characteristic points in Impedance Cardiogram (ICG) signals and validates them using Doppler Echocardiography. The research covers point detection methods, signal processing, evaluation techniques, and results analysis in ICG data. Key points include ICG point identification, artifact suppression, wavelet-based denoising, and automatic detection techniques. The material evaluates pre- and post-exercise recordings from healthy subjects and patients, combining ICG and Doppler echocardiography for comprehensive analysis.

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Efficient Detection of Impedance Cardiogram Points Validated by Doppler Echocardiography

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  1. Detection of Characteristic Points of Impedance Cardiogram and Validation Using Doppler Echocardiography S. M. M. Naidu, Uttam R. Bagal, Prem C. Pandey, SuhasHardas, Niranjan D. Khambete Dept. of Electrical Engineering Indian Institute of Technology Bombay

  2. Presentation Outline 1. Introduction 2. ICG Characteristics 3. Signal Processing 4. Method of Evaluation 5. Results 6. Conclusion 1. Intro. | 2. ICG Char. | 3. Signal Processing | 4. Evaluation | 5. Results | 6. Conclusion

  3. 1. Introduction Impedance cardiography (ICG) A non-invasive technique based on sensing the variation in the thoracic impedance Z(t) caused by variation in the blood volume in the thorax. ICG = – dZ/dt Applications: Estimation of stroke volume (SV) & other cardiocvascular indices 1. Intro. | 2. ICG Char. | 3. Signal Processing | 4. Evaluation | 5. Results | 6. Conclusion

  4. A 2. ICG Characteristic Points Impedance cardiography (ICG) A point: small negative deflection before B point, atrial contraction, after ECG P-wave. B point: deflection before C point, aortic valve opening, 1st heart sound. . C point: peak in ICG, max. acceleration of blood ejected from left ventricle X point: lowest value in ICG, aortic valve closure, 2nd heart sound. . O point: peak after X point, wide opening of the mitral valve. Fig. 1 Impedance variation signal and impedance cardiogram 1. Intro. | 2. ICG Char. | 3. Signal Processing | 4. Evaluation | 5. Results | 6. Conclusion

  5. 3. Signal Processing • ICG bandwidth: (0.8 – 20 Hz) • Artifacts in ICG: respiration (0.4 – 2 Hz), body movements (0.1 – 10 Hz), other sources; leads to errors in ICG points detection • Artifact suppression techniques • Subject holding the breath: limited duration recording. • Ensemble averaging:supresses beat-to-beat information. • Adaptive filtering:need of a reference related to the artifact. • Wavelet based scale-dependant thresholding:effective against only the respiratory artifact. 1. Intro. | 2. ICG Char. | 3. Signal Processing | 4. Evaluation | 5. Results | 6. Conclusion

  6. Detection of B, C, and X points (points most commonly used for calculating SV and other cardiovascular indices) Earlier techniques Threshold-dependent multi-scale wavelet based techniques: • tested on simulated ICG with added Gaussian noise, • application on clinical recording are not available Automatic technique:beat-to-beat detection of B, C, & X points, R-peaks as a reference Proposed technique • Beat-by-beat detection of characteristic points, without ensemble averaging. • Developed after examining a large number of artifact-free and artifact-contaminated recordings. • Baseline estimation & processing parameters selection not required. • No restriction of record lengths. • Useable in the presence of artifacts, without ensemble averaging. 1. Intro. | 2. ICG Char. | 3. Signal Processing | 4. Evaluation | 5. Results | 6. Conclusion

  7. A ICG point detection steps • ICG cycle identification: with reference to the automatically detected ECG R-peaks. • C point: highest ICG point after the R-peak and within (R-R interval)/3. • B point: deflection or notch preceding the C point and within 0.32Hpp-valley point interval, or in the absence of notch, a point at 0.72Hpp below C point. (valley point : point with the lowest value preceding C point and within (C-C interval)/5, Hpp: peak-to-peak between C point and valley point ). • X point: the lowest point after the C point and within (C-C interval)/3 starting from ECG T peak. Fig. 1 Impedance variation signal and impedance cardiogram 1. Intro. | 2. ICG Char. | 3. Signal Processing | 4. Evaluation | 5. Results | 6. Conclusion

  8. 4.Evaluation Material • Pre- & post-exercise ICG & Doppler echocardiography recordings carried out in clinical setup: 6 healthy subjects & 4 patients. • LVOT blood flow velocity, aortic valve dia.: ‘iE33 Ultrasound System’ (from Philips Ultrasound, Bothell, WA). • ICG, ECG, basal impedance, variation in thoracic impedance: ‘HIC-2000 Bio-electric Impedance Cardiograph’ (Bio-Impedance Technology, Chapel Hill, NC). • Digitized the recordings: 8-ch. 16-bit DAQ card KUSB-3100 (Keithely, Cleveland, Ohio), samp. rate = 500 Hz. • Exercise protocol: 10 min. exercise to introduce heart rate variability. 1. Intro. | 2. ICG Char. | 3. Signal Processing | 4. Evaluation | 5. Results | 6. Conclusion

  9. “material (contd.) Recordings: healthy sub., pre. & post ex. and patients at resting condition. Denoising: Respiratory artifact suppression by wavelet-based denoising technique with scale dependent thresholding. Fig. 2. Simultaneously recorded ICG, ECG, & Doppler echo. frame Upper panel: LOVT blood flow velocity & ECG by Doppler echo. Middle panel: unprocessed ICG & ECG Lower panel: denoised ICG & ECG ICG: solid trace with detected B, C, and X points. ECG: dotted trace with R-peaks. Samples

  10. Method • Detection of characteristic points for unprocessed & denoised ICG. • Detected points marked on the waveform. • ICG & Doppler echo. correspondence: • cardiac cycle: C-C interval in ICG, Pk.-to-Pk. interval aortic velocity profile, • is approximate: variability in C point & Pk. aortic velocity profile. • Quantitative evaluation Sensitivity = No. of correctly detected points / Total no. of points, Positive predictivity = No. of correctly detected points / No. of total detected points, Detection error = (No of failed detections + No. of misdetections) / Total no. of points. 1. Intro. | 2. ICG Char. | 3. Signal Processing | 4. Evaluation | 5. Results | 6. Conclusion

  11. 5. Results Detection of B, C, X points Solid trace: ICG,dotted trace: ECG, R-pk. & C: inverted triangle, B: circle, X: triangle (a) unprocessed ICG with B, C, X points (b) denoised ICG with B, C, X points 1. Intro. | 2. ICG Char. | 3. Signal Processing | 4. Evaluation | 5. Results | 6. Conclusion

  12. Evaluation indices (%) for detection of B, C, X points Sens. : Sensitivity, Pos. pred.: Positive prediction, Det. error: Detection error. No. of cycles:447 Detection of C: technique showed high sens. & very low det. error Detection errors of B and X:significantly reduced compared to earlier reported technique [31] 1. Intro. | 2. ICG Char. | 3. Signal Processing | 4. Evaluation | 5. Results | 6. Conclusion

  13. Agreement of ICG and Doppler echo.: statistical analysis Calculated: mean error, RMS error, and corr. coeff. (healthy sub.) 1. Intro. | 2. ICG Char. | 3. Signal Processing | 4. Evaluation | 5. Results | 6. Conclusion

  14. Statistical analysis Calculated: mean error, RMS error, and corr. coeff. (patients) Mean error:very small as compared to mean values of intervals. SD of errors:smaller than or comparable to SD of intervals. C-C interval ICG vs. Pk.-to-Pk. interval of aortic flow profile Doppler echo.: high corr. coeff. (0.98) both in healhty sub. & patients. Summary of results: C-point detection works for beat-to-beat esti. in the presence of heart rate variability. 1. Intro. | 2. ICG Char. | 3. Signal Processing | 4. Evaluation | 5. Results | 6. Conclusion

  15. 6. Conclusion Summary Modified, time-domain technique for automatic detection of BCX has been presented. Works in the presence of baseline drift & doesn’t require selection of processing parameters. Detected the BCX points with high sensitivity, low detection error, similar results were observed for the unprocessed and denoised ICG in both pre. & post ex. Future work Evaluation on recordings from a larger no. of healthy subjects & patients. Use of the detected points in estimating SV & other cardiacvascular indices. 1. Intro. | 2. ICG Char. | 3. Signal Processing | 4. Evaluation | 5. Results | 6. Conclusion

  16. THANK YOU 1. Intro. | 2. ICG Char. | 3. Signal Processing | 4. Evaluation | 5. Results | 6. Conclusion

  17. Abstract—Impedance cardiography is a noninvasive technique for monitoring the variation in thoracic impedance during cardiac cycle. Estimation of the stroke volume and other cardio­vascular indices using impedance cardiography requires error-free detection of characteristic points in the impedance cardiogram (ICG). A technique for automatic detection of ICG characteristic points using R peaks in ECG as reference is presented. It does not require pre-processing of the ICG signal for baseline correction and adjustment of detection parameters. The technique is validated using Doppler echocardiography as a reference technique, by recording ICG and ECG signals simultaneously along with velocity profile of blood flow at the level of left ventricular outflow tract. Application of the technique on the recordings from healthy subjects in pre-exercise and post-exercise conditions and from cardiac patients under rest condition showed a very low detection error. 1. Intro. | 2. ICG Char. | 3. Signal Processing | 4. Evaluation | 5. Results | 6. Conclusion

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