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NITMED TUTORIALS. SOME CLINICAL PICTURES. 1. Picture 1. 2. Describe and give differential diagnose Classify and treat if the swelling brilliantly transilluminate and cannot be felt separate from the testis. Qu e stio n s. 3. Differential Hernia Hydrocele
Picture1 2
Describe and give differentialdiagnose Classify and treat if the swelling brilliantly transilluminate and cannot be felt separate from the testis Questions 3
Differential Hernia Hydrocele Otherdifferentials; Lipoma of thecord Lymphangiectasis of thecord Varicocele Funiculitis Answers 4
Hydrocele Abnormal collection of fluid within the tunica vaginalisof thetestis. Classificationas; Communicating and non-communicating Or Congenital acquired; primary orsecondary 5
Primary/idiopathic Congenital Infantile Funicular Encysted hydrocele of thecord Hydrocele of canal ofnuck Vaginalhydrocele Secondary Trauma Inflammation-epididymoorchitis Lymphaticobstruction-filariasis Tumour 6
Treatment Paeditrics ;herniotomy Adult;hydrocelectomy 7
Picture2 bbinyunus2002@gmail.com 8
Describe thepathology What are thetypes What is the timetable of testiculardescent What factor affect testiculardescent How is ittreated What are thecomplications Questions bbinyunus2002@gmail.com 9
Left undescendedtestes True undescended orretractile Timetable; 3rd month intrauterine- iliacfossa 7th month of fetal life- deep inguinalring Later part of 7th month travels down the inguinalcanal 8th month IU- superficialring 9th month shortly before birth drop into thescrotum Right testis descends beforeleft Answers bbinyunus2002@gmail.com 10
Favours; Shorting ofgubernaculum Differential body growth in relation togubernaculum Raise intraabdoinalpressure Higher body temperature inside theabdomen Development and maturation ofepididymis Hormones; hCG, testosterone andDHT Factors affectingdescent bbinyunus2002@gmail.com 11
Factorsinterfering Retroperitonealadhesion Obstruction at the deepring Short vasdeferens Short testicularvessels Short pampiniformplexus Insufficient pull by the gubernaculumtestis Deficient hormonalstimulation Prunebelly External exposure to estrogen during the 1sttrimester bbinyunus2002@gmail.com 12
Treatment Orchidopexy ;before2year Orchiectomy; Atrophictestis Adolescence and adult ; risk of malignanttransformation Intra-abdominal that cannot be broughtdown Complication Infertility Trauma/torsion/tomour Hernia inflammation bbinyunus2002@gmail.com 13
1. identify thispathology 2. how is itclassify mention two diagnostic clinical features in this photo. what could be two major problems ifunrepaired? what will you advise the parentsagainst? list three components of surgicalrepair. bbinyunus2002@gmail.com 15
hypospadias Classify as; glandular, coronal,penile, penoscrotal, scrotal,perineal. ventral urethral meatus, hoody, chordee,median grooving of the glans, spatulation of theglans (a) body wetting during urination, (b) psychological problems, (c) sexual problems, (d) socialstigmatization advise againstcircumcision (a) orthoplasty, (b) urethroplasty,(c) glanduloplasty (d) meatoplasty, (e)scrotoplasy, bbinyunus2002@gmail.com 16 (f) skincover
Identify and givedifferentials How is itclassified How is ittreated What are thecomplication What syndromes could be associated withit bbinyunus2002@gmail.com 18
Strawberryhemangioma Portwine stain(naevusflammeus) Salmonpatch Hemangioma are classifiedas Capillary, cavernous ormixed Treatment Reassure and observe lesion regresses spontaneously(during this period, cosmetic creams can be used tocamoflage) Corticosteroids; intralesional triamsinolone or oral prednisolone Sclerotherapy Embolization Lasertherapy Surgicalexcision Radiotherapy Capillaryhemangioma bbinyunus2002@gmail.com 19
Atrophy of overlyingskin Ulceration Haemorrhage Calcification Thrombosis Infection Recurrence Pressure effect especially in skeletal hemangioma; osteoporosis or bonyerosion Limbovergrowth Huge hemangioma can cause congestive cardiacfailure Complications related tosyndromes Complications ofhemangioma bbinyunus2002@gmail.com 20
Kassabach Merritt syndrome; haemangioma assiociated with thrombocytopenia Maffucci’s syndrome; haemangioma associated with dyschondroplasia Von Hippel-Ladau syndrome; hemangioma of the faceassociated with cerebellar hemangioma, glaucoma and pancreaticdisease Sturge-Weber syndrome; hemangioma associated with ipsilateral glaucoma, intracranial hemangioma and focalepilepsy Osler Rendu-Weber syndrome; hemangioma of GI, Urinarytract, liver, spleen andbrain Klippel Trenauny- Weber syndrome ; associated osteohypertrophy of the extremities and AVfistula Syndromes associated withhemangioma; bbinyunus2002@gmail.com 21
What is the common name of thislesion? What is the other name that it is also called that depicts its pathogenesis? What is thepathogenesis? List two (2) other sites of occurrence, though lessfrequent Name a striking lesion, though infrequent, that may beassociated List 2 diagnostic clinical signs of thislesion. List two (2) effective modalities oftreatment. Complications bbinyunus2002@gmail.com 23
Cystichygroma Lymphangioma or hydrocele of theneck Types; capillary, cavernous lymphangioma and cystichygroma Pathogenesis; benign proliferation of the lymphatic tissue that donot communicates freely with the lymphaticsystem. Sites 1. Posterior triangle of the neck—75%—most commonsite. Eventually may extend upwards in theneck 2.Axilla—20% 3.Cheek 4. Tongue—lymphangiogeneticmacroglossia 5.Groin 6.Mediastinum 7. Often multiplesites bbinyunus2002@gmail.com 24
May be associated withmacroglosia Swelling is smooth, soft, fluctuant (cystic), not compressible, brilliantly transilluminant. It isnot reduciblecompletely. Treatment Surgicalexcision Sclerotherapy ; for recurrent lesion. Scelosant ; bleomycin,sodium tetradecyl sulphate and glucose,Ok-432 External beamradiation Complications; Airway obstruction, infection, hemorrhage into cyst, insinuation into major structures, obstructedlabour bbinyunus2002@gmail.com 25
bbin yunus2002@gmail.com26
Identify thisabnormality • How is itclassified • What is theaetio-pathology? • List 2 clinical conditions that may beassociated. • List 3 complications of thiscondition. • State the timing and type of a correctiveoperative • technique for thiscondition. • State another specialist, apart from a plasticsurgeon, that should be involved in management of thisboy 27
Cleftlip Classification; Central cleft-rare Lateralcleft Unilateral orbilateral Complete(extend into the nostril) orincomplete Simple or compound(associated with cleft ofalveolus) Complicated(associated with cleft palate) oruncomplicated Aetio-pathology Both genetic and environmentalfactor 15% are familial through male sex-linked recessivegene bbinyunus2002@gmail.com 28
Nutritional deficiency; Vit B, Vit A folicacid. Rubella infection Drugs; steroid,phenytoin,diazepam Anoxia Radiation Stress Advance maternalage Diabetic Consanguineousmarriage In association with othersyndrome; bbinyunus2002@gmail.com 29
Cleft palate and VACTARLabnormality Complications of cleftlip; Cosmeticallyugly Defective suction during breastfeeding Dentalirregularity Defective speech with particularly with labial letters ; B,F,M,P,V,W Timing for correctiveoperation Millard rule of 10; child shouldfulfil ≥10weeks 10lbs(4.6kg) Hb10g bbinyunus2002@gmail.com 30
So the operation is performed when the child is 2.5- 3month Patient’s nutrition is accepted for GA andoperation Lips element are larger and repair is precise andeasy Dropper feed is easier post operatively to facilitate healing Operativetechnique Millard’s rotation advancementflap Tennison- Randall triangularflap Multidisiplinary ; plastic surgeon, orthodontist, paedo- dentist, paediatrcian, speech therapist, ENTsurgeons bbinyunus2002@gmail.com 31
Identify thepathology Classify What are problems associated withit How is itcorrected What is the optimum time forrepair bbinyunus2002@gmail.com 33
Cleft lip andpalate Classification of cleftpalate Incomplete Bifidauvula Cleft of soft palate along its entirelength Cleft of the whole length of the soft palate and the posterior part of the hardpalate.(intra-maxillary) Complete Cleft soft palate and whole length of the hadpalate bbinyunus2002@gmail.com 34
Problems associated with cleftpalate; Defectivesuction Defective speech consonant like;B,D,K,P,T Defectivesmell Defective hearing and chronic otitismedia Repeated respiratory tractinfection Chances of aspirationbronchopneumonia Defective dentition because of irregular development of alveolus Cosmetically ugly look particularly when associated with cleftlip bbinyunus2002@gmail.com 35
Treatment of cleftpalate Von Langenbeckpalatoplasty V-Y pushbackpalatoplasty Furlow Others The optimum time forrepair 14-18month ie before the child can speak (however current trend 9month -1year because child start making effort to produce understandable sounds) bbinyunus2002@gmail.com 36
List there (3) differential diagnosis of thislesion What is the definitive diagnosis of these swellings thataresoft (butnot cystic) and tender on examination? What is the other name the condition is known as which is based on its features? How is itclassify Complications bbinyunus2002@gmail.com 38
Differentials; Lipoma Neurofibroma Cysticswellings Dercum’s disease(adipose dolorosa) – multiple neurolipomatosis Lipoma Classification oflipoma; Encapsulated or diffuse (in relation tocapsule) Fibrolipoma, neavolipoma or neurolipoma(histological) bbinyunus2002@gmail.com 39
Classification Solitary or multiple(number) Sessile or pednculated(shape) Anatomical Subcuteneous Sub-fascial Intermuscular Intramuscular Subperisteal Subsynovial Intra-articular Submucous Subserosal Subdural orextradural bbinyunus2002@gmail.com 40
Complications oflipoma; Cosmeticallyurgly Necrosis due to repeatedtrauma Calcification Haemorrhage Infection Lipomatosis may cause huge enlarment anddeformity Liposarcoma Myxomatousdegeneration Ulceration bbinyunus2002@gmail.com 41
What investigation isshown What are theindications How is itreported What are mammographic findings ofmalignancy bbinyunus2002@gmail.com 43
Mammography Indications; Screening ; women >50year or >35years with riskfactors Diagnostic mammography to evaluate existing feature of breast disease Obesepatient Whenever breast conservation isplanned To rule out tumour in the contralateralbreast Mammography guidedbiopsy Follow up of benign breast disease with malignantpotential Follow up after conservative breastsurgery mastalgia bbinyunus2002@gmail.com 44
BIRADS- breast imaging reporting and datasystem Grade -features 0- need for furtherimaging 1-negative 2- benign (repeat mammography in1year) 3- probably benign (mammography in6month) 4- suspicious as carcinoma(biopsy) 5- highly suggestive ofcarcinoma(biopsy) 6- knowncarcinoma bbinyunus2002@gmail.com 45
Mammographic findings ofmalignancy; Microcalcification Branchingcalcification Spiculations Ductal distortion Masseffect Loss ofsymmetry Clustering bbinyunus2002@gmail.com 46
Spotdiagnosis How is pathologyclassified How would this patient betreated bbinyunus2002@gmail.com 48
Ans; Double-bubble sign- duodenalatresia Types ofatresia; Type1-mucosal defect with continuity of thewall-20% Type 2- lumen atretic with fibrous cord btw proximal and distallumen Type 3a – complete atresia with V shape mesentericdefect Type 3b- apple peel or chrismas treedeformity Type 4 – multiple atresia Adequateresuscitation N-G tubedecompression Iv fluid, fluid and electrolytecorrection Antibioticprophylaxis Vit Kprophylaxis Doudenoduodenostomy bbinyunus2002@gmail.com 49
a) What is the spotdiagnosis State 3 other parts of the body that may have this type ofabnormality. List 4 Aetiologic/Risk factors thatmay predispose to thiscondition. List 4 complications of this condition. (e)List 2 surgical treatmentoptions. bbinyunus2002@gmail.com 50