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MAKING HEALTHY DECISIONS. Ch. 1 Notes. WHAT IS HEALTH?. Life Expectancy- The number of years a person can expect to live. Quality of Life- The degree of overall satisfaction that a person gets from life.

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  2. WHAT IS HEALTH? • Life Expectancy- The number of years a person can expect to live. • Quality of Life- The degree of overall satisfaction that a person gets from life. • Health- The overall well-being of your body, your mind, and your relationship with other people. • Two factors that can be used to evaluate health are:

  3. ASPECTS OF LIFE Social health- Being able to make and keep friends; how well you get along with others. How well would you rate your overall physical, emotional and social health? • Physical health- how well your body functions. • Mental & Emotional health- Being comfortable with yourself, with others, and with your surroundings (mental). How you react to events in your life (emotional).

  4. CONTINUUM OF HEALTH What is a continuum? Many of the choices you make on a daily basis affect your position on the health continuum. Examples: Not wearing a helmet, smoking, not exercising, daily eating natural fruits and veggies, being a good friend, etc. • A continuum is a gradual progression through many stages between one extreme and another. • A health continuum is the full range between “illness” and “wellness”.

  5. INFLUENCES ON HEALTH • Physical Environment- Includes both indoor and outdoor surroundings. Ex: The quality of air you breath, exposure to noise, etc. • Heredity- All traits that are passed biologically from parent to child. Gender- whether you are male or female.

  6. INFLUENCES ON HEALTH CONTINUED • Culture- The beliefs and patterns of behavior that are shared by a group of people and passed from generation to generation. Ex: Foods you choose to eat, if you display emotions or not, etc. • Social Environment- The people you spend time with- your family, friends, classmates, & other people in your community. Ex: wash hands before eating, brush teeth before bed, friends who take risks, etc.

  7. INFLUENCES ON HEALTH CONTINUED • Technology- Advances in technology= good. Sites online can be good but also can be misleading or self serving. • Media-forms of communication that provides entertainment. Ex: Music, video games, movies, TV, internet, magazines, etc.

  8. INFLUENCES ON HEALTH CONTINUED • Behavior: Decisions and actions you take. Habit- a behavior that is repeated so often it becomes automatic. • Healthcare: Medical services- doctors, nurses, dentists, therapists- clinics and hospitals. Your health is influenced by the healthcare that is available to you & your family.

  9. BUILDING HEALTH SKILLS • Practicing Healthful Behaviors • Advocacy (influence & support others in making positive health info.) • Health Literacy- Ability to gather, understand, and use health information to improve his or her health. • Analyzing Influences • Accessing Information • Communicating • Making Decisions (values) • Setting Goals (action plan) Specific Measurable Achievable Realistic Timely

  10. IDENTIFYING HEALTH RISKS • Evaluating Health Risks: Risk Factors -Short/Long-Term Consequences -Risk factors you can and cannot control -Analyzing Benefits and Risks • Influences on Health… Heredity Environment Culture Media Technology Healthcare Behavior

  11. HEALTHY PEOPLE • A Healthy You: -Gain Awareness -Gain Knowledge -Build Health Skills {analyze influences, access information, communication, make decisions (values), set goals, practice healthy behaviors, advocacy} • Prevention-Taking action to avoid disease, injury, and other negative health outcomes • Health Literacy- The ability to gather, understand, and use health information to improve your health.

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