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Students g rade IV School c lasses I-VIII Liliesti Baicoi

Travelling through Europe. Students g rade IV School c lasses I-VIII Liliesti Baicoi. C reations l iterary and plastic.

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Students g rade IV School c lasses I-VIII Liliesti Baicoi

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  1. Travelling through Europe Students grade IVSchool classes I-VIII Liliesti Baicoi Creations literary and plastic

  2. When you want to make an imaginary trip to our old continent, Europe, read this material you want to be a source of inspiration and creative. In it you will find beautiful thoughts of the students in fourth grade, who have opened their hearts and minds to give us this wonderful lesson geografie.Citeste each creation with interest and admire the scenery as you become more spiritually rich!

  3. Travel in Europe Europe is an ancient continent, with a brilliant lived civilizaţie.Aici great thinkers, famous artists, inventors who have contributed to the progress of mankind.From Europe started in the wide ocean sea seafarers who have achieved great geographical discoveries and migrations to populate America and Australia. The continent has a large population, natural wealth, science and tehnică.Europa plays an important role in the development of mankind.Europe has 700 million inhabitants, almost one eighth of the total world population noastre.Cel longest river is the Volga River Rusia.Drapelul blue with 12 stars was adopted in 1955 by the Council of 26 May 1986 Europei.La flag became the official European Community . The circle of stars represents the unity of peoples numbers invariably European Union are ready and lor.Stelele hours on the clock dial.Each country retains its flag propriu.În Europe Northern Europe lies States: Iceland, Norway, Sweden, Denmark and Finlanda.Cea largest country in size and number of inhabitants is Sweden. Norway, Denmark and Sweden are also called Scandinave.Exceptând countries All other countries Denmark reach the north, the Arctic polar. Here, in the summer months the sun never set, and when winter comes polară.Atât long night begins in Sweden and Finland meet thousands of lakes formed by melting gheţarilor.Locuitorii Nordic countries are engaged in fishing, farming, timber exploitation.In the South of Europe are the following countries: Portugal, Spain, Italy, Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Serbia, Montenegro, Macedonia, Albania, Bulgaria, Greece, Andorra, Monaco, San Marino, Vatican, Malta and Cyprus.Spain has the largest scope and most populous city has Italia.În La Mancha, Spain is surrounded by a vast plain.Italy is easily recognizable. It is shaped like a cizme.Această country towns visited by many tourists for its famous.Greece and the Hellenic Republic and today retains traces of its glorious past.In Bulgaria Kazanlak valley grows trandafiri.Bulgaria gives 80% of the total production of rose oil.Portugal's largest cork producer in lume.Romania is located in the central part of our Europei.Ţara is a varied landscape: plains, hills and forms the Danube Delta munţi.Aici before flowing into the Black Sea.

  4. Trip to London You should know that London, the capital of the United Kingdom of Great Britain, is one of the most interesting cities of lumii.Părinţii my spoiled me with a trip to Londra.Odata we arrived there armed with a map of the city, a subscription the subway and not least with great patience and we set off.First stop was the Tower of London, a place full of history of London, was jailed for several famous prisoners, instead of public executions and residence of the kings and queens of England until 1837.Imi sorry that I could take part in the ceremony takes place every evening and consists of locking all uşilor.La this ceremony a few tourists are allowed to accompany the guard but this must make a written request înainte.Palatul Buckingham few months I have not visited since 2010 is open to the public only between 27 July and 29 September. 'London Eye' or 'Millennium Wheel is a giant wheel with glass cabinets. The wheel was built in 1999 to mark the turn of the wheel mileniu.Este largest of its kind in lume.Era pity to miss the opportunity to give us in this wheel. Although 2o euro ticket has not really been nostru.Nu taste sorry for us that we had the most spectacular panorama of the old center of Londrei.Ne I could enjoy a magnificent panoramic view of London and London Bridge. We have seen that raising the bridge for this day the bridge was scheduled to rise to allow large vessels to treacă.Pentru learn how it is possible to cancel the bridge actually two motoarelor.Un room I visited last stop I made at a wax museum. Here we I photographed together music and screen stars and world famous political figures. I was inspired and we bought tickets before the official site of the museum. So I could get cheaper than the ticket.Although fatigue has said the word, this trip to London filled our heart with joy. My parents have promised future trips and other frumoase.O to keep you informed. Vrajitoru Ioana, class IV

  5. Germany, a country of unforgettable Last summer I was in Nuremberg, Germany. This city has a special architecture: ancient cathedrals, museums, beautiful and a great library. The streets were merchants selling traditional sausage wrapped in chocolate or fruit nemţeşti, my favorites.              I walked into a restaurant and I tasted chicken şniţelele nemţeşti, lamb and roast chicken Vienna.             Shining city alleys clean and I realized how important it is to live in a clean city. I understand that only we can be sure that residents who live in the city to be civilized.            I hope that one day and we pride ourselves on clean cities, and tourists to praise us for it. Persunaru Catalina, class IV

  6. Paris, a wonderful world Last year on May 23, I went to France with my family. We stayed a week. We visited: Disneyland, "Paris looked old world, the Eiffel Tower and Gardens Versailes. I also took a walk on the river Seine and visited the Louvre Museum.Disneyland opened its gates on 12 April 1992, giant puppets habitual daily parades at 16.00. Every day there were parades with famous characters from the stories, but also inviting pets. All the children danced and rejoiced. My heart leaps for joy when I saw those beautiful dancer and princess dresses of different colors, blinking. At a parade I saw a huge castle and they were less attractive siren queen clothes, her sisters and father. In another, it was Alice with her dress puffed with turquoise, green and blue velvet. We visited the "doll house" boat on the water smooth and crystal clear. On top were magical dolls, ballerinas, Chinese, French, dressed in colorful clothes and beautiful. He impressed me more than pirates.The most famous monument is the Paris Eiffel Tower. Every day, at 12.00 at night, turn on lights and shine just 5 minutes. When I got into it, I really liked was something special. Eiffel Tower is an unforgettable treasure land of velvet. I have been with the boat on the River Seine. When I went on smooth and clean water, we saw Monparnas Tower.I went to the "Paris looked old world. " In this part "sleepy" of Paris you can wander through the gardens and unique market town. Menagerie with reptiles, birds, small mammals, attractive and loving feline is fascinating.Located in downtown French Louvre Museum is the largest museum of history and art in France. Pyramid say it's the ice crystal. Attracted me most famous Mona Lisa by Leonardo da Vinci.How interesting was in France! Tetu Miruna, grade IV

  7. Quiet Nest Last summer, with school, I went in Balchik, a small town on the Black Sea in Bulgaria, which belonged to Romania between 1913-1940.This place was visited by Queen Mary. She was born on 29 October 1875 at Eastwell Park, United Kingdom. It was dubbed by the people: "Queen Mother", "Mother Wounded", "Regina soldier" because of his actions during World War I, when soldiers are helping in hospitals at the front. In 1924 he visited again, the Queen Mary Balchik area where, with some architects, construction would begin castle, having to finish in 1936. Park has been transformed over time in the botanical garden. Now contains 3,000 species of plants, some rare collection of cacti and about 250 copies. Castle have whitewashed walls, massive carved wooden doors, mirrors, chairs, a fireplace, marble bath.          The garden surrounding the castle is not just a garden, but a real field, lying on a hill, which is still nine other gardens. To be visited throughout the area have bought a map to guide us and to be followed point by point.         The visit lasted four hours. This trip I really liked their selection of cacti and impressed me. That's why I want this summer to visit again with my parents garden. Parvulescu Ana Maria- grade IV

  8. Dear Jean,  I would like to introduce you to my home country, Romania. I live in Prahova county, city Baicoi. Romania is a country with varied terrain.           Black Sea coast is in Constanta County. Coast is divided into stations, each named after planets in the solar system around us.          And city and resort Mangalia, Mangalia, Saturn is stuck, Jupiter, especially young people preferred Costinesti, Venus, Neptun, Eforie Sud, Eforie Nord, and not least the mother who is leading the luxury offered.          I want to tell you more about some resorts. Every year the festival takes place in Mangalia National Callatis pop music festival named after the old town of Mangalia. Among the Romanian light music stars were: Anna Lesko, Smiley, Linda, Michael Treistariu, Delia Matache, 3 South-East. Saturn resort where I had the opportunity to sit for the first time when I was at sea is a little more special because of the multitude of games for children. At night the resort is wonderful and different materials are exposed to be collected as memories.          Of course, the most beautiful experience was and is meeting with ie blue and emerald sea. At the same time remain beautiful every time impressed by its waves, big and clear. The beach is a great size and clean. Everywhere were people were looking. Fine sand was shining, the color of gold, discovered in some places without too much effort, one shell of different shapes and colors, more or less special and beautiful at the same time.          In Constanta is a veritable aquarium is home to a multitude of aquatic species: dolphins, some species of fish such as white sturgeon, a species declared endangered, frogs turtles, sharks, etc.. Also there is an aquarium in Constanta, where you can watch an acrobatic program held each day, the protagonists are large dolphins and seals.          The mother is the most famous water park in Romania, namely Aqua Magic. The park is open to all persons having special places for children but for adults. Among other things, prevailing slides of various shapes and degrees of difficulty, and very clean pool.          In the winter you can visit several countries in different parts of the country, the Carpathian mountains chain raid our country from North to South-West. Some specific mountain resorts are Stana de Vale, located in Apuseni Mountains, which otherwise is a few miles from my hometown, Predeal, Sinaia, Bucegi Mountains located, and others, each of which is a real place to relax with all the options namely specific winter skii slopes, ski slopes, snowboarding, snowmobile and lifts for observing nature.           I hope someday we can see these beautiful places of Romania. Preda Bianca, grade IV

  9. My dear friend, Micheline, With unspeakable joy I write again, hope that you will only receive good news from you. Easter Holidays have passed and with them, and this brief spring holiday.I started classes again and my colleagues were very happy to tell them about my beautiful trip to France. I told them about you and let you know that would be very happy to get întâlnească.Eu I told them that is considered the cradle of Christianity, France celebrates Easter with great fanfare. I told them how the whole country is covered by the euphoria of celebration, even the shops are decorated with bunnies, chickens, bells and colorful fish in my ciocolată.Prietenilor They could not believe that the little French, for as they awaken on the first day of Easter , go to the nest they have done in the yard or garden and find Easter eggs, especially left for them. I also told my colleagues about the importance for the French Easter tradition called "Flying Bells." They were excited to find out how French Catholics believe churches on Good Friday all clopetele fly to the Vatican, bearing with them the pain of those who mourned the crucifixion of Jesus Christ and how the bells fly back on the first day of Easter bring lots of chocolate eggs. My colleagues were amazed to hear that, following this tradition, church bells in France do not beat the Good Friday until the first day of Passover. To have seen what had fun when I told them how I participated in the contest of rolling raw eggs on a slope. Our egg was not broken and so was considered "successful egg for egg symbolizes the stone that was once part of the tomb of Jesus Christ. I told them about the egg throwing contest aer.Din Unfortunately I was the first to escape the egg and so I lost the contest.But all these are nothing but good memories and I look forward to your next holiday to be reunited. This time, however, you expect me to Romania. With much love,Elena Bobea

  10. Continent Europe The continent of Europe is one of the most ancient continents, having a large population, natural wealth, science and tehnică.Europa is a beautiful continent with a great ancient thinkers civilizaţie.Aici lived, famous artists, inventors who have contributed to progress all mankind. Europe covers an area of 9.7 million square kilometers and over 700milioane residents living close to one-eighth of the total population of our planet.  In 1945 he was adopted by the European blue flag with twelve stars arranged within a clock as the hours on May 26, 1986 was officially called the European Community flag. From 1 January 1999 the euro became the single European currency.   From Europe started in the wide ocean sea seafarers who have achieved great geographical discoveries and migrations to populate America and Australia. Italian Christopher Columbus set out from Seville in the discovery.   Europe is a continent with countries with large but highly mici.Statul Vatican is the smallest (0.44 km)    With more than 1,000 years ago, the Vikings began to leave the country, Scandinavia in search of new lands.The European Union aims to build a prosperous Europe in which to observe the identity of each people.Europeans celebrate every year on May 9, Europe Day. Rusea Adriana, grade IV

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