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Dynamic Assembly of XML-based Content for Learning. Motivation – Need. Learners often have specific , immediate , and unique learning needs arising from their interests, personal goals, tasks, or assignments
Dynamic Assembly of XML-based Content for Learning
Motivation – Need • Learners often have specific, immediate, and unique learning needs arising from their interests, personal goals, tasks, or assignments • Web-based courses often aim toward a broad audience and miss these unique needs – or must be manually customized to an approximate target audience (an expensive process ) • Learners often need small amounts of information scattered across documents, Web sites, content databases, and courses. • Web search engines are insufficient -- they do not organize related search results into a coherent whole for effective and efficient learning
The “Dynamic Assembly” Problem How can a system assemble learning information and activities "on the fly" to meet the user's immediate and specific learning needs? • How can we efficiently create small, repurposable snippets of diverse content? (XML, Learning Object Compiler) • How can we improve search precision for learning objects? (Learning Object Metadata extensions, index both content and metadata) • How can we enabling pluggable learning object components in dynamic learning experiences? (LOM extensions for instructional role) • How can we generate a coherent collection of search results that address the user’s need? (directed RDF graph search) • How can we generate a logical learning progression? (uniform sequencing policy)
System Architecture Learning Object Compiler Topic Graph, Topic Sequence, and Instructional role Sequence Courses Learning Time, Instructional role, & Topic Metadata Web Resources Personal Custom Course Catalogs & Tracking Data per User Learning Experience Metadata Web Graphs Relevance ranking Presentations Learning Object Metadata Per-User Data Search Engine Dynamic AssemblyEngine Course Playeror LMS Duration, Search Scope Learning Object Organization Documents Query Custom Course Source Materials Learner
XML Learning Object Compiler Potential XML Fragments Group & Tag Sources Docbook XML SCORM SCOs
Pilot Study • 7 large IBM Redbooks • A series of “how-to manuals” • Focused on the WebSphere product line • Over 5,000 pages of text and graphics • 300,000 lines of text + 6,000 images • Consistent presentation and writing style • No digital rights issues Challenges: • Multiple templates • Logical chunks vary in size • Dependencies/links • Redundancies, coverage gaps http://www.redbooks.ibm.com
Content Recombination – Modularization and Metatagging • 27 experts • 500 learning modules • 2-4 hrs avg/expert • 100-300 pp,/expert
Sample Learning Object Content XML <module xmlns:html="http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-html40"> <chapter id="454623" label="1."> <title>Overview of Web services</title> <sect1 id-=“458846” label=“1.1”> …. </sect1> </chapter> </module>
Sample Learning Object Metadata XML <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <lom xmlns=http://www.imsglobal.org/xsd/imsmd_rootv1p2p1 xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.imsglobal.org/xsd/imsmd_rootv1p2p1 imsmd_rootv1p2p1.xsd"> <general> <title> <langstring xml:lang="en">Overview of Web Services</langstring </title> </general> <typicallearningtime> <datetime>PT69S</datetime> </typicallearningtime> .... </lom>