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Curriculum Design Using the Outcome-based Model at Chulalongkorn University

Explore the impact of qualifications frameworks & learning outcomes on curriculum design at Chulalongkorn University. Graduates develop key competences for lifelong learning. Learn about the university's curriculum transparency, changes in curriculum development, & the implementation of an Outcome-based Curriculum Initiative. Discover the attributes of C.U. graduates that focus on global citizenship & essential skills. Discover the challenges faced and solutions implemented using the CU-CAS system for curriculum administration.

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Curriculum Design Using the Outcome-based Model at Chulalongkorn University

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  1. 2nd SHARE Workshopon the Impact of Qualifications Frameworks and Learning Outcomes on Higher Education In ASEAN Curriculum Design Using the Outcome-based Model at Chulalongkorn University M.R. Kalaya Tingsabadh, Ph.D. Former Vice President Chulalongkorn University

  2. Background Information • C.U. was established 100 years ago • A fully comprehensive university • 24 Faculties, Colleges, Schools • 40,000 students (2/3 undergraduates and 1/3 graduates) • Producing just over 10,000 graduates per year (1/2 Bachelors, 1/2 Masters and Doctorals: about 500 PhDs)

  3. Types of Curriculum

  4. Faculty

  5. C.U. Graduate Attributessince 1970s Having Knowledge and Good Morals

  6. Curriculum DesignBefore 2008 • Input-Process-Output • Curriculum structure: • Total credits • Compulsory subjects • Elective subjects • e.g. Bachelors 4 years – minimum 120 credits, general education 30 credits, core subjects 84 credits, free electives 6 credits

  7. Curriculum Transparency since 1990s • Course syllabus for every subject • content; objectives; teaching methods; weekly schedule; evaluation criteria; references; • Paper-based evaluation by students and lecturers

  8. Major Changes in Curriculum Development in 2008 • Thailand Qualifications Framework • C.U. Outcome-based Curriculum Initiatives

  9. Thailand Qualifications Framework(2009) Show PDF

  10. Outcome-based Curriculum Initiatives Chulalongkorn University

  11. Activities at C.U.2008-2009 • Formulating the attributes of C.U. graduates with full participation from stakeholders: Deans, Directors, Deputy Deans for Academic Affairs and for Student Affairs, Programme Directors, Faculty Members as well as Heads of Faculty Academic Affairs Offices (*students) • Explaining to all stakeholders about the underlying ideas of outcome-based curriculum

  12. What to learn Content intracurricular and extracurricular Outcome-based Curriculum Environment Support PROCESS OUTPUT INPUT Output Graduates New students Evaluation How to learn Strategies &Methods

  13. Dublin Descriptors • Knowledge and understanding • Applying knowledge and understanding • Making judgements • Communication • Learning skills

  14. Key Competences for Lifelong Learning- A European Reference Framework 1. Communication in the mother tongue 2. Communication in the foreign languages 3. Mathematical competence and basic competences in science and technology 4. Digital competence 5. Learning to learn

  15. Key Competences for Lifelong Learning- A European Reference Framework 6. Interpersonal, intercultural and social competences and civic competence 7. Entrepreneurship 8. Cultural expression There are a number of themes that are applied throughout the Framework: critical thinking, creativity, initiative taking,problem solving, risk assessment, decision taking, and managing feelings constructively play a role in all eight key competences.

  16. Chulalongkorn University Attributes of Graduates “Valuable Global Citizens”

  17. Approved by C.U. University Council in 2010

  18. C.U. Graduate Attributes 1.Being knowledgeable(well-rounded and in-depth) 2.Being able to think (Critically, creatively, and having problem solving skills) 3.Having an inquiring mind and knowing how to learn 4.Having leadership qualities 5.Maintaining good health 6.Possessing essential capabilities (professional skills, IT skills, communication skills, mathe-matical and statistical skills, management skills) 7.Having good morals 8.Being community-minded and socially responsible 9.Sustaining Thainess in a globalized world

  19. TQF Decree • MOE of Thailand issued a decree instructing that all H.E. programmes in Thailand must be redeveloped using the TQF model within two years • benefitting the OBC drive at C.U. • impossible to accomplish within the time limit as C.U. had 540 programmes but had to push on – providing funding for seminars at the programme level

  20. Immediate Action • Requesting OHEC to use C.U. Attributes in this major curriculum development as they are comparable to the Descriptors and LOs of TQF • Obtained official approval • This approval helped reduce opposition. We can use our own graduate attributes that we ourselves helped construct

  21. Very Big Question • How to make this colossal task truly improve the academic standard of C.U.? • TQF provided solution. TQF requires programmes to fill in so many forms • Solution: CU-CAS (Chulalongkorn University Curriculum Administration System)

  22. C.U. Curriculum Administration System • CU-CAS was developed to facilitate curriculum management • 3 parts • Course syllabus: content; learning outcomes linking to teaching/development methods and evaluation techniques; weekly schedule; evaluation criteria; references; • Course evaluation based on learning outcomes • Evaluation reports on learning outcomes for each faculty member, program committee, and department chair

  23. CU-CAS • Links many available databases e.g. student registry, course registry, faculty registry, course attendance records per semester, grade records. • Links course objectives to graduate attributes and to course evaluation • Produces real time evaluation results • Provides useful information for programme administrators


  25. Chulalongkorn University Curriculum Administration System (CU-CAS)

  26. CU-CAS is a web-based information system linking with the faculty data-base of the HR office, the registration database of the Registrar’s Office, the academic program database of the Academic Administration Division and the student e-mail database of the IT Office. • CU-CAS was developed • to fulfill the requirement of the Thailand Qualification Framework • (TQF) and • to automate the whole system combining the publication of course syllabus with online teaching assess-ment by students and lecturers

  27. After the course syllabus is completed CU-CAS automatically generates • Course description • Curriculum mapping • Course syllabus • Evaluation form

  28. Course Description

  29. Curriculum Mapping

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