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Managing Your Records at Jefferson Lab: Responsibilities and Tips

Learn about your records management responsibilities at Jefferson Lab, including what records to keep, file organization tips, and guidelines for retention and disposal. Find resources and contacts for assistance in the Records Management Handbook.

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Managing Your Records at Jefferson Lab: Responsibilities and Tips

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  1. Your Records Management Responsibilities Some of the records you will generate at Jefferson Lab belong to SURA and some to the Department of Energy. What are your responsibilities?

  2. What are we talking about? Record: • Any information created or received by an institution in the course of conducting its business. Records Management: • The control, maintenance, appraisal, and disposition of records.

  3. Things to remember You do have to save some records. File active records (those you refer to frequently).

  4. Things to remember Some of them for a very long time. Inactive records are stored for their federally mandated retention period before final disposition.

  5. Things to remember However, you don’t have to keep everything! Non-record items that are no longer referred to, or record items that have reached retention.

  6. Things to remember Finally … separate personal papers from official documents and When you leave Jefferson Lab for good, you can’t take lab records with you

  7. If you have questions … Department Files Coordinators Records Management Office - Kim Kindrew, x7805 Records Management Handbook - http://www.jlab.org/IR/records/handbook

  8. Good Luck!

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