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Importance of drinking water during pregnancy

What is Cord Blood? The blood that remains in the placenta and umbilical cord following the birth of a child is called cord blood. Till now, it was discarded but recent studies have established its medical importance.

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Importance of drinking water during pregnancy

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  1. Importance of drinking water during pregnancyThe article mentions all the benefits of drinking water and also the important functions of water. Water is essential for all, weather pregnant or not. It helps your body and your vital organs to function properly. During pregnancy, pregnancy diet a woman requires more and more water to meet all the requirements of the body. Water is very important to keep the body hydrated and blood cells healthy. Water is also considered essential for good lactation and also a key component of breastmilk. Water helps the body to be hydrated; drinking enough water helps in preventing dehydration. Dehydration during pregnancy may sometimes lead to different body ailments like cramps, dizziness, headaches, nausea and oedema. Drinking enough water is very essential during the third trimester because at this stage dehydration can also cause contractions, which can lead to preterm labour. If you want to know that your body is hydrated or not, you can check the color of your urine. If the color is straw-colored or is pale then the body is hydrated and if the color is dark then you have to drink more water. Drinking enough water also helps in relieving the symptoms of acidity, heartburn, morning sickness and indigestion. public cord blood banking the hot and humid months, it helps in maintaining the body temperature and keeping your body cool. One of the most vital functions of water is that it helps in preventing urinary infections that are very common during pregnancy. Drinking enough water helps in reducing the risk of infection as the urine becomes dilute. It also eases constipation, water retention haemorrhoids and oedema.  To prevent dehydration, you should drink about three litres of fluid daily, approximately ten to twelve glasses of water or any other fluid like juices. During summer, you need to drink even more water because in summers there is more lose of water in the form of perspiration. Fruit juices and vegetable juices are quite essential during pregnancy,as these contain essential nutrients and are a good source of vitamins. But, you should keep in mind juices contain extra calories that should be burned by doing light exercises like walking, yoga, etc. Coconut water should be drink in plenty during all the stages of pregnancy, as it is a good source of manganese, riboflavin, dietary fibre, calcium and Vitamin C. Coconut water or nariyalpani is also one of the most important sources of electrolytes. It is a rich source of potassium, magnesium and chlorides and also umbilical cord blood collection a moderate amount of protein, sugar and sodium. Potassium helps in regulating the blood pressure and the heart function. Also, coconut water is essentially fat free and has zero cholesterol. Caffeinated beverages like tea, cola and coffee should be avoided during pregnancy because all these fluids are diuretics. Diuretics make you urinate more because of which there is more loss of water from the body. You should try to drink three litre bottles of water daily, which will help you and your baby to stay healthy.  

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