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How to Cultivate the Creativity, Innovation, and Entrepreneurship?. Dr. Harold Szu 斯華齡, Physics 1963 NCKU Quadruple Fellows (IEEE, AIMBE, OSA,SPIE) and Academician(RAS) US Office of Naval Research, Basic Research Think Tank
How to Cultivate the Creativity, Innovation, and Entrepreneurship? Dr. Harold Szu 斯華齡, Physics 1963 NCKU Quadruple Fellows (IEEE, AIMBE, OSA,SPIE) and Academician(RAS) US Office of Naval Research, Basic Research Think Tank Director of Digital Media Lab & Research Prof. of George Wash Univ,
Never-Again Golden Age full of Dreams “If you can dream about, you can accomplish it.”
“If you can imagine about, you can become it ….” “The creation must be done passionately with a vivid mental picture imagination”
I have a dream of “Thousand-Miles Horse, and I’m one of them,”but where is my Bei-Loa ? I asked myself.
Where is my Bei-Loa? 八駿圖郎世寧縱高139.3公分,橫約80.2公分雍正時期所繪 (1723年-1735)
I knew the answer when TD Lee and CN Yang show the way. • I seeked Bei-Loa= George Eugene Uhlenbeck at Michigan, Ann Arbor,where Tai-You Wu & they did their Ph D .
Courage Creativity requires Intellectual and passion " Never be afraid to answer the first question”------ “How to think creatively, and carry out your thought diligently“----G.E. Uhlenbeck, a great physicist & teacher who discovered as a student the electron-spin ½ quantum number in 1910 Phys Rev; He has mentored many celebrity including Academia Sinica Ta-You Wu, Nobel Laureates TD Lee and Frank CN Yang, Wang Ming-jin,Woman Physics of China Tsing Hau Univ
What is the creativity, innovation and entrepreneurship? Creativity is a joy of living by self-expression, innovation is a manifestation of the creativity, and the entrepreneurship is the practice of creativity. Why do we care and they have anything to do with the living?
To be happy to nurture self expression creativity. Being leader, facilitate others’ creativity. To master dynamic knowledge economics,Ever-changing, increasingly complex, and competitive global village Give an elbow room to other creativity
UN Declaration • The 21st Century Higher Education • “The need to incorporate the creativity, innovation, entrepreneur methodology and spirit as the basic goal of higher education, especially for developing countries,” • IN: “21 Century Higher Education Perspective & Action,” • Declaration by UN 1999.
Entrepreneurship Not Just US Phenomena;BUT MIT alone statistics shows annually 150 new entrepreneurs from MIT alone; and MIT has already created 4000 companies; employed 1.1M and generated $232B revenue. College is a direct economic power, modern SC/PC/IT fuel it: e.g. Intel: More & Krove; Microsoft: Gates; Philips: Hewlett & Packer; Netscape: Anderson; Dell: Dale; Yahoo: C-Y Yang. Entrepreneur becomes Scientific System from K-12 to Univ.(16,000 ~20 Yr):Wide spreading entrepreneur education & research program as a complete scientific system from K-12 to College and Graduate School. 1600 universities support this program during last two decades. Public 2.3B SBIR & Private Angle, VC Investments:Taking the full advantage of society resources to emphasize the realization of entrepreneur incubator, industry park, angle & venture investors, entrepreneur alumni, professional association. Training by Successful Entrepreneurs as Professors: Cultivate stable environment for training professional team to encourage successful entrepreneur as guest professor in teaching of excellence with own case exemplar, and exchanging ideas with other professionals.
Develop your strong points fully (in Modern Cooperative Society)a well-rounded college education, not just working on how to perfect your weak points (Ancient Culture). • Success often needs just one strong point applied with network skill at right time, right place, right people. • Renew your non-defeated attitude to put failure, frustration, or suffering in a proper prospective, recalling your own family history or past suffering. • University encourages star pupils to develop any strength & talent fully. • Know Yourselves, improve deficiency if you must, or else dedicate it to others if you can afford.
Being a big brother, more pointers for how to make the best out of your golden 4 years. • Realization that the college is not an extension of HS paid by other. • Grow up faster in a freshman dormitory without home-made “pean-dune”, and must find our way around for other needs. • (i) NCKU is your highest degree, then: • be the most active and positive person in your class/group; • learn how to “win friend and influence people”, • Seeking future partners in business, • And luckily a soul mate for life too. • (ii) Go on advanced study, then show besides grades. • do research projects, • participate graduate school research team.
Creativity needs both intuition and precision (fine difference and similarity in three disciplines, whether endowed or developed). • Creativity in the Arts & the Literatures • Creativity in Math & Sciences • Creativity in the Engineering • Creativity in Business, and Management
The basic requirement is similar. The essential difference is Degree of Freedom/Constraint (D.O.F/C.) for the identical joy of living by “self-expression.”
Creativity in the Arts & theLiteratures— D.O.C.=2 • Own Inhibition: our own self-inhibition, • Medium Representation: the literature form 1D taxonomy, 2D painting or pictures, 3D sculptures, 2D+time movie or real-time drama • Only sky is the limit of imagination
Creativity in Math & Sciences-- D.O.C.=2+2 • Own Inhibition: • Medium Representation: • Transparency—”science has nothing to do with the truth but self-consistency”--Einstein • Accountability, or Reproducibility by other scientists-- Aristotle Phenomenology Theory
Math intuition and Creativity Poincare (1948): • Math is a discrimination between promising and useless ideas and their combinations. • Math thinking may be based on heuristic search among sufficiently rich representations. • Math intuition is an interplay between spatial imagination, abstraction and approximate reasoning, and analytical reasoning or visual-spatial and linguistic thinking, observed in fNMR imaging (S. Dehaene, 1999).
Creativity in Engineering-- D.O.C.=4+1 • Own Inhibition: • Medium Representation: • Transparency—”science has nothing to do with the truth but self-consistency” Einstein • Accountability, or Reproducibility by other scientists-- Aristotle Phenomenology Theory • Real World Utility Now!
The difference between the innovation and the entrepreneurship is merely the difference in bottom-line entrepreneurship is easier to say but hard to do; it has one extra constraint.
Where were you, when they invented X,Y,Z? X,Y,Z = Symphony, Radio, Movie, TV, PC, Internet, e-Commerce,Genome, Epigenome, Nano-Robot, Nano-Surgeon, etc. Chinese Yi-Chin created the limiting process of modern math e.g. the infinity has no outside; the infinitesimal small has no inside! 老子 (Lao Zi) 大而無外, 小而無内 Indian by Buddhism created the “zero” as the identity of plus (inverse minus) operations. European combining the limiting with the zero in a finite difference method created a rigorous calculus, a working horse of modern engineering. America led NASTRAN calculus into Space Programs
How to become a creative disciple • Keep good quality research diary & assignment record • Thoroughly follow through the lines of attacks • 24 hour turn around the assignment showing your thought process waiting for master comment • Edify the master in public and discuss in private
Keep good diary of concept, logic, essential steps, complete references. That’s why 2 hours extra per day, can yield 200%. Practice multiple resolution answers: 1 sentence for layman, 10 sentences for non-specialists, and hundreds for experts. Connectivity to prior works where ever can & give fair credits Simple idea for a short paper, profound idea for a long paper, then always publishable if not mix up.--- Einstein How to write an diary for journal
Work out your thought diligently: • Three Questions before select R/D thesis, • Keep two notebooks: diary, the literature • Enhance communication, verbal & non-verbal • Creative Negotiating, yourself and others • Build your team in college
Ask 3 Questions before Major/sub-field Yourself Researches • Wiseman for list of most important unsolved topics in your interested area • Researchers how to solve his or her problem, and cover all topics one by one comprehensively • Yourself what is your aptitude, specialty making you unique candidate to solve it major Wiseman When the intersection of union exists, you focus it with passion. Although may delay, never give up.
faster cheaper better Asian-Pacific Tigers did well in Me Too Engineering; sustainability is in doubt! • We must lear the next, called a Creative Me-Too, which reduces the exit risk, and provide competition for better products • e.g. Apple, IBM, China $600 PC=people computer, often makes a buddle of profit for successors.
How do we learn, creative or not? “From cradle to grave yard.” “From K-5 to K-9.” New science of sibilants getting past favoritism, finding niche, bridging differences, fighting it out, success & failure(Carsen & Cole & Steptoe, TIME July 10,,pp. 46-55, 2006). (1)Association (low-pass decomposition everything new appears the same); followed (2) Differentiation (high pass scrutiny), then (3) Unification (inverse Wavelet Transform); & (4) Continues again (Go To Do Loop (1-3) in larger domain) ----Royal Dutch Apprenticeship
Three Steps for Creative Me-Too to build upon others creativity • Courageous Insight of others • Application to own experience • Horizon in sight --------------------five to ten years later Insight Application In sight
Life-long learning & creativity:Grasp Six Chances Every Winters • 6 Nobel Prizes awarded every years in the Fall • Take good Notes of each with your courage's insights about what make it work • Write down also potential short falls if any.
To understand intelligent learning we must answer why animal brains are keptconstant temperature(37oC humen, 40o Chicken)? Cortex 17 Why do we always have pairs of input sensors (2 eyes, 2 ears, 2 nasal holes, 2 taste buds, 2 hands etc. 10 Dimension), but singular outputs ?
An increased activity of the right hemisphere anterior superior temporal gyrus (RH-aSTG) was observed during initial solving efforts and insights. • About 0.3s before insight a burst of gamma activity was observed, interpreted as “making connections across distantly related info during comprehension”. • Learning three phases: “Similar, difference, similar again”
Szu Patent 2007 Generalized Shannon Info Theory to Isothermal Brain Info Theory by minimum of Helmholtz free energy, Min. H = E - To S (Max. by Shannon under To=37oC)Szu assumed analytic E=Eo+m ([W]X - S) + l ([W]X - S)2 +.. The necessary & sufficient conditions of unsupervised learning in Dude-Hart unlabelled data classifier sense are:(1) brainsare kept at constant temperature, (2) All input sensors are Smart Pairs : “Power of Pairs In, Garbage Out” • IEEE Press 2004 “Comp. Intel” Ch.16 Szu Unsupervised Learning ANN, • 2. Shanghai Sci Ed Publ. 2003 Szu & Zhang” Intel Image Proc. BBS.
Prior Current Exploitation SW Szu proved mathematically in US patent 2007 from Physics to Physiology that the necessary and sufficient condition of unsupervised learning of animal brains are (1) brains kept a constant temperature 37oC and (2) power of input pairs 2 eyes, ears,… Fox News.DAT Precision strike Unsupervised ATR with ROC Single-pixel vector X BSS by min. free energy H=E - ToS for equilibrium where E=Eo+u{[W]X-S} DCIS X=(Dual IR Color 3~5, &8~12 wavelengths)
Nano-Surgeon eradicating point tumors Nano is not merely sub-micron but QM: tuning of optical energy away from biosystem:Carbon Nano-Tube (CNT), half width of DNA:15 L/a, was guided by Stanford Dr. Dai drug delivery (PNAS Aug 1, 2005) e.g. CNT coated with anionic form of folic acid to go after malign tumor growth vitamin called folate, rapidly absorb near-infrared laser heat to 70oC causing surgical explosion. We broaden CAD Nanorobot at the CNT release site. Broaden CAD Tool kits: QM+EM+Biomimetics called Nanomimetics. Zigzag Band gap semiconductor Cancer tumor N-IR Laser Nano-robot
Nanorobot NanoLithography 5 mm FOV on polycarbonate surface. Bimimetically modified Piezzoelectrical Cantilever allows us real-time multiplexing between two: “Soft noodle-to-feel-to-see hard chop stick to control” (US Patent pending Szu&Xi)
See you Thursday 1-3PM06-2(75)3 ext. 50238 Have a enjoyable and productive semester Szu_h@yahoo.com
God creates Man, and Man creates Food. The first creation is fire for food! If I were you, freshman again, I will never miss any opportunity to visit度小月擔仔麵;安平豆花 (府城小吃); • 遠在300多年前,漳泉移民的飲食習慣在台南生根發芽,不但內容豐富、素材多元,而且烹飪精巧、風味獨具,早已發展出獨特的飲食文化。 • 港埠、廟口、戲院、菜市場,向來就是人潮匯聚的中心,更是早期小吃發展的據點,如位處臺江內海水陸要衝的水仙宮 • 至今廟前攤頭雲集,知名的度小月、安平蝦卷都是在此發跡;中國城、小北夜市等新式、規劃完善的市集,而零星的創始老店、經典招牌則散見民族路、天壇、東門圓環一帶,至今屹立不倒。 The fact that I can eat yummy foods any time I wish is envious to every Alumni in Washington DC. In fact we all cherish the memory of the taste of擔仔麵. Although the food has never changed, but the place is getting bigger, better, and healthier, just like you are, so young, wholesome and full of life. I’m so excited to be here to share my experience with you all
I were freshman again, I would travel more around with friends in weekends. During week days, I would go after more celebrity talks given at all campuses. 台南‧小吃‧呷透透 府城景點
Talking about Freshman Orientation, NCKU is the world largest campuses on foot! YIN QUO Orientation: facing North, morning Sun is your right and 3x3 Campuses are laid out as “Yin-Quo”. Northern corridor:“Nie-Shine, Chien-Kuo Tsin-Yeh,” (working hard as YIN) follows clockwise QOU:“Tsu-Chiang, Sheng-Li, Kuang-Fu, Cheng-Kung(中). • North corridor YIN------Nursing, Medical, Hospital, Dorms; • East Tsu-Chiang ---- Space & Engineering; • South Sheng-Li --- Old Library, Dorm, Swim Pool; • West Kuang-Fu--- Student Center, President, Registration Liberal Arts, Management; • Middle East Cheng Kung --- Library, Sciences and Info Tech business etc; • NCKU motto “Chung-Lie-Tsu-Tse” marches towards a world-class university armed with “5 years 5 Hundreds Yi”.