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The Characteristics of Model Undergraduate Psychology Teachers

The Characteristics of Model Undergraduate Psychology Teachers. Guy A. Boysen McKendree University Regan A. R. Gurung University of Wisconsin – Green Bay. STP Best Practices Conference 2013. Contributors. Aaron S. Richmond, Metropolitan State University of Denver

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The Characteristics of Model Undergraduate Psychology Teachers

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  1. The Characteristics of Model Undergraduate Psychology Teachers Guy A. Boysen McKendree University Regan A. R. Gurung University of Wisconsin – Green Bay STP Best Practices Conference 2013

  2. Contributors • Aaron S. Richmond, Metropolitan State University of Denver • Tara Kuther, Western Connecticut State University • Steve Meyers, Roosevelt University • Mark Sciutto, Muhlenberg College • Erin Paavola, National-Louis University • Vincent Prohaska, Lehman College-City University of New York • Yvette Tazeau, Santa Clara University • Marie Thomas, California State University San Marcos

  3. Overview • Background of the Presidential Taskforce • Summary of the model characteristics • Self-evaluation • Discussion of characteristics, their uses, and future directions

  4. Background

  5. Background • How were characteristics selected? • Committee members proposed content • Content synthesized previously established standards into one document

  6. Background • How were characteristics selected? • Committee members proposed content • Content synthesized previously established standards into one document • Committee members incorporated feedback from psychology teachers and the STP executive board • What was not included? • Teaching at other levels • Online teaching • Individual mentoring and advising of students

  7. Model Characteristics • They are an operationalization of the characteristics shared by the best teachers of psychology • They take a broad perspective on model teaching

  8. Model Characteristics • Six general categories of competency • Training • Syllabi • Course content • Instructional methods in the classroom • Assessment of student learning • Student evaluations of teaching

  9. Model Characteristics • Each categories each has subcategories • Training • Subject knowledge • Pedagogical knowledge • Continuing education

  10. Model Characteristics • Within each subcategory are the actual model characteristics • Training • Subject knowledge • Exhibits exemplary knowledge in subject area • Each subcategory is also associated with evidence needed to document competency


  12. Model Teaching Category: Training Subject knowledge Evidence CV with degrees listed Copies of graduate transcripts Publications/presentations in content areas taught Records of continuing education • Exhibits exemplary knowledge in subject area

  13. Model Teaching Category: Training Pedagogical knowledge Evidence Graduate level pedagogical training Scholarship of teaching and learning publications/ presentations/projects • Possesses knowledge in basic educational theory and practice

  14. Model Teaching Category: Training Continuing education in pedagogical knowledge Evidence Records of continuing education such as conferences, workshops, professional society participation • Maintains up to date knowledge in educational theory and practice

  15. MODEL TEACHING CATEGORY: Instructional Methods

  16. Model Teaching Category: Instructional Methods Pedagogy Evidence Sample lesson plans Syllabi Records of classroom observation Teaching awards • Effectively employs instructional methods such as active learning, collaborative learning, Socratic method, or direct instruction

  17. Model Teaching Category: Instructional Methods Teaching skills Evidence Records of classroom observation Student evaluations of teaching • Demonstrates excellence in basic classroom teaching skills such as: • Effective communication • Preparation • Listening, respectfulness • Technology competent

  18. MODEL TEACHING CATEGORY: Assessment Process

  19. Model Teaching Category: Assessment Process Student learning goals and objectives Evidence Syllabi Lists of objectives for courses Sample lesson plans • Establishes specific, measureable learning goals

  20. Model Teaching Category: Assessment Process Assessment of student learning outcomes Evidence Sample assessment methods and results • Conducts evaluations of success at meeting learning goals

  21. Model Teaching Category: Assessment Process Reflection on assessment Evidence Examples of changes based on formal and informal assessment • Utilizes data on learning outcomes and self-reflection on teaching performance to improve teaching and learning

  22. Model Teaching Category: Assessment Process Scholarship of teaching and learning Evidence Professional publications, presentations, or reports showing scholarship of teaching Dissemination of knowledge about teaching on local campus • Disseminates information on teaching outcomes and innovations

  23. Model Teaching Category: Assessment Process Evaluation directness Evidence List of learning objectives Sample evaluations of student learning • Aligns evaluations with learning objectives

  24. Model Teaching Category: Assessment Process Evaluation utility Evidence Student evaluations of teaching Sample evaluations of student learning • Provides prompt, constructive feedback to students


  26. Model Teaching Category: Syllabi Course transparency Evidence Course Assessments Course Policies Course Goals Course Schedule • Provides clear and complete information about the course in the syllabus

  27. Model Teaching Category: Syllabi Course planning Evidence Syllabi containing course schedules Sample lesson plans • Demonstrates intentional selection of activities, evaluations, and assignments to achieve course goals


  29. Model Teaching Category: Content Scientific literacy Evidence Syllabi Assignments and activities Assessments • Establishes learning goals that reflect the scientific foundation of psychology and implements best practices to achieve learning goals

  30. Model Teaching Category: Content Psychology knowledge base and application Evidence Syllabi Sample lesson plans Class activities Class assignments Class assessments • Establishes learning goals that appropriately reflect the diversity of perspectives and breadth of content

  31. Model Teaching Category: Content Liberal arts skills Evidence Syllabi Sample lesson plans Sample student work • Fosters development of basic skills among students – e.g., writing, critical thinking, information literacy, collaboration, and speaking

  32. Model Teaching Category: Content Values in psychology Evidence Diversity in syllabi Ethics in syllabi Sample lesson plans • Infuses ethical and diversity issues throughout teaching

  33. MODEL TEACHING CATEGORY: Student Evaluation of Teaching

  34. Model Teaching Category: Student Evaluation of Teaching Student feedback Evidence Summaries of students evaluations Teaching awards • Solicits formative and summative feedback from students on teaching effectiveness

  35. Model Teaching Category: Student Evaluation of Teaching Reflection on student feedback Evidence Examples of changes based on evaluations • Utilizes formative and summative student evaluations of teaching to improve teaching and learning

  36. Research-Based Practices • The model characteristics encourage: • Training teachers to use research-based practices • Subcategories: training, continuing education • Use of research-based practices by teachers • Subcategories: pedagogy, syllabi • Evaluation of research-based practices • Subcategories: assessment of learning, scholarship of teaching and learning

  37. Self-Evaluation

  38. Self-Evaluation • Purpose of the Model Characteristics is to motivate quality teaching • Taskforce created a self-evaluation rubric for evaluation of model characteristics • Teachers can determine areas of competency and areas in need of improvement

  39. Future Directions

  40. Discussion


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