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Shaping Methods for Low Density Lattice Codes. Meir Feder Dept. of Electrical Engineering-Systems Tel-Aviv University * Joint work with Naftali Sommer and Ofir Shalvi. Lattice Codes for Continuous Valued Channels. Shannon: Capacity achieved by random codes in the Euclidean space
Shaping Methods for Low Density Lattice Codes Meir Feder Dept. of Electrical Engineering-Systems Tel-Aviv University * Joint work with Naftali Sommer and Ofir Shalvi
Lattice Codes for Continuous Valued Channels • Shannon: Capacity achieved by random codes in the Euclidean space • Lattice codes are the Euclidean space analogue of linear codes • Can achieve the capacity of the AWGN Channel: • High SNR proof – de Buda, Loeliger, and others • Any SNR proof – Urbanke and Rimoldi, Erez and Zamir • Specific coding and decoding of Lattice codes: • Some lattice codes are associated with good finite-alphabet codes (e.g., Leech Lattice ~ Golay Code). • In most proposed “lattice codes” a finite alphabet (binary) code is used, with proper mapping to the Euclidean space (“Construction A”) • Sommer et al 2008: Low Density Lattice Codes – efficiently decoded lattice codes constructed by direct mappinginto the Euclidean space!
Lattice and Lattice codes • An n-dimensional lattice in Rm: Linear combination of n linearly independent vectors, with integer coefficients • A lattice point x (in Rm) of a lattice G: x = Gi • where i is an n-dimensional integer vector; • G is a matrix whose columns are linearly independent vectors in Rm • Lattice code: The lattice points inside a “shaping domain” B • Basic cell, Voronoi cell: volume |G|
Lattice capacity in AWGN channel • The AWGN channel capacity with power limit P and noise variance σ2 : • ½ log (1 + P/ σ2) • Poltyrev defined the capacity of AWGN channel without restrictions; performance limited by density of the code-points. • For lattices, the density is determined by|G|. Poltyrev’s capacity: • (When normalized to |G|=1 Poltyrev’s capacity:σ2 < 1/2πe) • With proper shaping and lattice decoding, a lattice achieving Poltyrev’s capacity also attains the AWGN capacity, at any SNR (Erez and Zamir)
Low Density Lattice Codes • Observation: A lattice codeword is x = Gi; • Define the matrix H=G-1 as the “parity check” matrix, since • Hx = G-1x = i = integer frac{Hx}=0
Low Density Lattice Codes • Observation: A lattice codeword is x = Gi; • Define the matrix H=G-1 as the “parity check” matrix, since • Hx = G-1x = i = integer frac{Hx}=0 • y = x + n is the observed vector. Define the “Syndrome” : • s = frac{Hy} = frac{H (x + n)} = frac{Hn}
Low Density Lattice Codes • Observation: A lattice codeword is x = Gi; • Define the matrix H=G-1 as the “parity check” matrix, since • Hx = G-1x = i = integer frac{Hx}=0 • y = x + n is the observed vector. Define the “Syndrome” : • s = frac{Hy} = frac{H (x + n)} = frac{Hn} • Low Density Lattice Code (LDLC): • A lattice code with sparse parity check matrix H
The bi-partite graph of LDLC • Regular LDLC – row and column • degrees of H are equal to a common • degree d • A “Latin Square LDLC” : • RegularLDLC where every row and • column have the same non-zero • values, except possible change in • order and random signs Observation vector: y=x+n
Iterative Decoding for LDLC • An iterative scheme for calculating the PDF f (xk | y), k=1,…,n • Message passing algorithm between variable nodes and check nodes. Messages are PDF estimates • The check node constraint: ∑hi xki = integer . Leads to “convolution step” • The variable node constraint: Get estimates of the considered variable PDF from the check nodes and the observation. Leads to “Product step”
The iterative algorithm Example – Slide show: 25 Iterations, 4 nodes
Simulation Results • Latin square LDLC with coefficients as discussed. • Block sizes: 100,1000,10000,100000 • Degree: d=5 for n=100, and d=7 for all others • Comparison with Poltyrev’s capacity
The Shaping Challenge of LDLC • LDLC (and lattice codes in general) are used at high SNR, where the factor of (bit/sec)/Hz is high • Lattice Shaping: Power Limited Lattice • Communication with infinite lattice does not make sense (even at high SNR) It requires infinite power. Need to attain Shannon, not Poltyrev, capacity • Shaping for lattice codes is essential. It is required for more than the 1.53dB shaping gain • Encoding: • Lattice encoding is relatively complex: evaluating x = Giis O(n2) as G is not sparse • Nevertheless, efficient encoding can be done by solving efficiently (say, by Jacobi method) the sparse linear equation - Hx = i • Further simplification by incorporating encoding with shaping
“Nested Lattice” Shaping • The original paper (Sommer et all 2008) proposed “nested lattice” shaping: • The information symbols are chosen over a limited integer range, depending on the desired rate • The evaluated codeword is then “shaped” into the Voronoi region of a coarse lattice (of the same structure) • This is done by finding the closest coarse lattice point and subtracting it from the evaluated codeword – requires LDLC decoding! • Unfortunately, LDLC decoding for nested lattice shaping does not work well – LDLC “quantization”
Shaping methods that work • Suppose H is constrained to be triangular. Clearly in this case H can no longer be regular or “Latin square”, only approximately: • The triangular H can be randomly designed similarly to the design of regular LDLC in the original paper. • Since symbols (integers) that correspond to • initial columns are less protected , coarser • constellations can be used for these • columns - with minimal rate loss:
Hypercube shaping • Similar to Tomlinson-Harashima filter in ISI channels • Denote the original integer vector by . The shaped codeword corresponds to another integer vector . • Let be the constellation size of the i-th integer. The shaped vector satisfies: • The correcting integer is chosen so that the corresponding code component • This choice can be done sequentially and efficiently since H is triangular and sparse:
Systematic shaping • A novel notion -“Systematic Lattice”: • A lattice where the integer “information” symbols can be obtained by rounding its continuous-valued components! • Systematic lattice construction:Let the modified integer be • where , i.e. • This is done sequentially and efficiently: (can be interpreted as a generalization of Laroia’s pre-coding scheme) • Standard shaping methods (e.g. trellis shaping), can be combined with systematic LDLC, over slightly larger constellation, to attain most of the possible shaping gain. • This added shaping does not change the decoder!
Nested Lattice shaping • The nested lattice shaping proposed in [Sommer et all 2008] can be implemented, and yield good results when H is triangular • This is similar to hypercube shaping, but now the correcting integer is not chosen independently, but as a vector: • We have: • Nested lattice shaping is performed by choosing that minimizes • This can be complicated : LDLC decoding may not work for “quantization” • However, since H is triangular, sequential decoding algorithms can be used to possibly attain much of the shaping gain
Shaping methods for Non-triangular H • An arbitrary LDLC “parity check” matrix H can be decomposed as • where T is triangular and Q is orthonormal (QR decomposition of ) • Let be the modified integer vector . The desired is such that the codeword after shaping (satisfying ), is either restricted to be in a hypercube, or has minimal energy • . Thus , where • Since T is triangular, the methods above can be applied to find (and hence ) so that is in the hypercube or has minimal power. • The transmitted LDLC codeword is with equivalent shaping properties. It can be evaluated directly by solving, with linear complexity the sparse equations:
Performance Up to 0.4dB can be gained by better rate handling. Incorporating Trellis or shell shaping with systematic construction will gain additional ~1.2-1.3dB . Block size 10000. 1-3 bits/deg-of-freedom (average 2.935) Maximal degree 7: 1, h,…,h
Performance with Non-triangular H • Simulated LDLC matrix of size 1000, due to high QR decomposition complexity.. • Constrained the number of non-zero elements of T (recall ) to N=500000 (full matrix), 200000, 100000, 50000 • Maximal constellation size was 8 (3 bits/degree of freedom). Tuning the constellation to led to average 2.9 bits/dimension. • At this rate, Shannon capacity ~17.4dB. • Capacity with uniform distribution ~18.9dB. • Simulation results for hypercube/systematic shaping and the various choices of non-zero elements N (at Pe=10E-5): 20.5dB, 20.6dB, 21.1dB, 22.2dB • Distance to the uniform capacity: 1.6dB, 1.7dB, 2.2dB, 3.3dB • Note: At block size 1000, for Latin square LDLC (see Sommer et al 2008) the distance from Poltyrev’s capacity was ~1.5dB.
Summary • Shaping for lattice codes is essential. It is required for power-limited communication with finite lattice. For more than the 1.53dB shaping gain! • Shaping methods for LDLC that work: • By constraining H to be triangular and sparse shaping – leading to power constrained lattice coding – becomes easily implementable • Introduction of the notion: “systematic lattice codes” • The methods can be adapted for non-triangular H using QR decompostion • LDLC can potentially operate over AWGN at less than 1dB from the Shannon, Gaussian bound, at any number of bits/dimension. • Together with efficient, parametric decoding (see e.g., Kurkoski and Dauwels 2008, Yona and Feder 2009 ) Low Density Lattice Codes can shift from theory to practice!!
Further Work on LDLC • Prove that the class of LDLC indeed attain capacity • Complete convergence proof • Choose better code parameters • Irregular LDLC • More efficient decoding algorithm: Compete with LDPC + Multilevel: Currently ~order of magnitude more complex, yet perform better (especially if compared with Gaussian shaping performance) • LDLC concept attractive and natural for the MIMO application as well (space-time lattice). A “small” channel matrix keeps H sparse.
Regular and Latin Square LDLC • Regular LDLC – row and column degrees of H are equal to a common degree d • A “Latin Square LDLC” is a regularLDLC where every row and column have the same non-zero values, except possible change in order and random signs • Example: • n=6, d=3, {1, 0.8, 0.5} • (before normalization)
Iterative Decoding for LDLC • An iterative scheme for calculating the PDF f (xk | y), k=1,…,n • Message passing algorithm between variable nodes and check nodes. Messages are PDF estimates • Each variable node xk sends to all its check nodes the PDF Initialization:
Check node message • The relation at the check node k: • ∑hi xki = integer • xkj = (integer - ∑i≠j hi xki) / hj • The message sent by check node k to the variable node xkj is its updated PDF, given the previously sent PDF’s of xki , i≠j
Calculating the Check node message • Recall check node equation: xkj = (integer - ∑i≠j hi xki ) / hj • Convolution step: • Stretching step: • Periodic extension step: • is the message finally sent to xkj
Variable node message • Variable node xkreceives estimates Ql(x) of • its PDF from the check nodes it connects to • It sends back to ikj an updated PDF based on the • independent evidence of all other check nodes and observed yk • Specifically – message is calculated in 2 steps: • Product step: • Normalization step:
PDF waveforms at the Variable node Periodic check node messages with period 1/hi Larger period has also larger variance
Final decoding • After enough iterations, each check node has the updated PDF estimates of all the variables it connects to. • Based on that, it generates the full PDF of the LHS of the check equation. • Specifically, if the check equation is: • Then, it performs a convolution step: • followed by a decision step for the unknown bk:
Further highlights of Previous Work • Latin Square LDLC – Analysis, Convergence • Let |h1| > …> |hd| . Define • “Necessary” condition for convergence: α < 1 • Good performance with a choice {1,h,h,….} where h is such that α < 1 • For d=2, convergence point correspond to integer b that minimizes • where W is a weight that depends on H. Different than ML, close at low noise! • For d>2 the analysis is complex. Conjecture – similar result to d=2 case. • Decoding by PDF iterations: • Δ sample resolution of PDF, K integer span, L=K/Δ sample size, n code size, d degree, t iterations: • Computation complexity – O • Storage complexity – O
Parametric decoding of LDLC • In LDLC the PDF’s (messages) are Gaussian mixtures • However, the number of mixtures is too high to follow • Recently, Kurkoski & Dauwels (ISIT 2008) proposed to keep the number of mixture components small, by combining several mixtures into a smaller number of mixture components • This approach has been further simplifies recently, taking into account LDLC mixture properties (Yona and Feder, ISIT 2009) • Main concepts/algorithm: • A Gaussian mixture is approximated by a single Gaussian that has the same mean and variance at the mixture. This minimizes the divergence between the mixture and chosen Gaussian • Algorithm: Given a Gaussian mixture - list of mixture elements • Choose strongest element in the mixture of the LDLC iteration, at each step/node • Take mixture elements whose mean is close within A to the chosen element. Combine them all into a single Gaussian • A is chosen to reflect the “uncertainty”: different for variable and check nodes • Remove these chosen elements from the list. Repeat until have a M Gaussian – resulting M element mixture is the iterated PDF • Reasonable performance loss for high complexity decrease!
Complexity, Performance • Note that the check node messages are periodic, and so may require infinite replications. In the newly proposed algorithm we take only K replications. • Thus: Variable node message contains M Gaussian at most; Check node message contains KM Gaussians at most. • Storage complexity: • Computations complexity: • Straight-forward - • Sort – • Compare with Kurkoski & Dauwels: • (recently Kurkoski claimed that single Gaussian may work too – by density evolution; however, we could not validate that in practice over simulated codes) • Practical choise: M=2,4 or even 6, K=2,3. Storage and computation complexity is competitive with the alternative, finite-alphabet, options
Encoding • Unfortunately, evaluating x = Giis O(n2) since G is not sparse • Nevertheless, efficient encoding can be done by solving the sparse linear equation • Hx = i • Can be done via Jacobi’s method: An iterative solution with linear complexity • Further simplification when incorporated with the shaping methods now described..
Convergence of the Variances – cont’d Basic Recursion, for i=1,2,…d Example for d=3:
Convergence of the Means – cont’d • Asymptotic behavior of “narrow” consistent Gaussians • m denotes the vector of n “narrow” mean values, one from each variable node • Equivalent to the Jacobi method for solving systems of sparse linear equations • Asymptotic behaviorof “wide” consistent Gaussians • e denotes the vector of the errors between the “wide” mean values and the coordinates of the correspondinglattice point