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I. Why empire?. 1. markets – farming and industry. 2. yellow press – Hearst, Pulitzer 3. manifest Destiny – Strong: Our Country: Its Possible Future and present Crisis 4. Social Darwinism – Roosevelt, Lodge 5. navy power – Mahan: sea power is world dominance. Diplomatic fusses.
I. Why empire? • 1. markets – farming and industry. • 2. yellow press – Hearst, Pulitzer • 3. manifest Destiny – Strong: Our Country: Its Possible Future and present Crisis • 4. Social Darwinism – Roosevelt, Lodge • 5. navy power – Mahan: sea power is world dominance
Diplomatic fusses • Near war with Germany (Samoa), Italy (lynchings), Chile (sailor deaths), Canada (seal hunting), and Britain (gold). • Hawaii – immigrant and tariff tensions, annexation opposed by Queen Liliuokalani
Trouble in Spain • Cuban rebels struggled under tariff, wanted independence; Gen. Weyler gave them reconcentration camps. • Yellow journalists Pulitzer, Hearst sensationalized the sinking of the Maine: “You furnish the pictures and I’ll furnish the war.”
review • Give 5 reasons for American imperialism. • Name 5 countries we almost went to war with. • What happened in Hawaii? • Why trouble with Spain? • What did General Weyler do to suppress the insurrectos?
II. Spanish-American War, 1898 • McKinley pressured into war by Roosevelt, Lodge; Teller Amendment said we would give Cuba independence • Commodore George Dewey destroyed 10 ships in Manila Bay, Phillipines
Phillipines • Aguinaldo helped defeat the Spanish in the Phillipines; Hawaii annexed as provisioning station • Overweight Shafter; TR and Rough Riders charged up San Juan (Kettle) Hill
Splendid little war • Spanish fleet destroyed, Puerto Rico and Hawaii taken • 400 battle deaths, 5000 to disease in “splendid little war.” • Praying over dilemma, McKinley paid $20m, annexed Phillipines, angering anti-Imperialism League
match • 1.Pressured McKinley into war • 2. Defeated Spanish navy in Phillipines • 3. Filipino rebel leader • 4. Annexed as provision station • 5. Rode on a door • 6. Leader of Rough Riders • 7. Battle deaths • 8. Disease • 9. annexation • 1. Answer to Filipino dilemma • 2. TR • 3. TR/Lodge • 4. Shafter • 5. 5000 • 6. 400 • 7. Hawaii • 8. Dewey • 9. Aguinaldo
III. Results of war • Free Cuba; U.S. world status went up, acquired Guam, Phillipines, Puerto Rico, and unified north and South • Platt Amendment – U.S. retained right to intervene, Guantanamo naval base, and oversee Cuban treaties and debt. • Former Confederate Wheeler: “To hell with the Yankees – I mean Spaniards!”
Filipino rebellion • Emilio Aguinaldo led rebellion ag. 126,000 U.S. troops; reconcentration camps and water cure. • 350 lb. William Taft civil governor of Phillipines, improved roads, health, sanitation, schools but resented.
China’s Open Door • Fearing an imperial takeover of China, Sec. of State John Hay issues Open Door Policy. • All nations would be allowed to trade in China; resented by Chinese (Boxer Rebellion) , commercial and territorial integrity respected
review • What were the results of the Spanish-American War? • What was the Platt Amendment? • What and who was the problem in the Phillipines? • What nasty things did we do there? • Who became civil governor? What did he improve? • Open Door – who what when where why?
IV. politics • 1900 McKinley beat Bryan, this time on prosperity and expansion; war hero TR became VP, less trouble than in NY • McKinley killed by Leon Czolgosz, TR President – ex cowboy and Harvard grad, “Speak softly and carry big stick.”
Teddy Roosevelt • Hay-Pauncefote Treaty – Britain gave us permission to dig canal thru isthmus • Phillip Bunau-Varilla aided Panamanian revolution against Colombia • Canal construction 1904-1910; Gorgas disease eradication
Roosevelt Corollary to Monroe Doctrine • Concerned with Germany and Britain, TR announced that US would intervene to collect Latin American debts – justified Big Stick intervention • TR won Nobel Price for Portsmouth Treaty between Russia and Japan • “Gentlemen’s agreement” on Japanese immigration; Great White Fleet sent around world
review • Who won the election of 1800? • Whom did he beat? • Who was the VP? • Hay-Pauncefote Treaty? • Bunau-Varilla? • How did we get the canal zone? • What was the Roosevelt corollary? • What prize did TR win, and why? • Gentlemen’s agreement? • Great White Fleet?
I. Progressivism • Progressives were reformers who wanted government to fight monopoly, corruption, and injustice. • Veblen – Theory of the Leisure Class; Riis – How the Other Half Lives • Middle class, Socialists, social gospel Christians, feminists
Muckrakers • TR labeled progressive writers “muckrakers” for their focus on the negative. • McClure’s, Cosmopolitan magazines. • Lincoln Stephens – “Shame of the Cities” about city corruption; Ida Tarbell – “History of Standard Oil”
politics • Direct primaries – not bosses; initiative, referendum, and recall • Campaign finance reform, Australian ballot, direct election of Senators, city managers • Leaders: Robert LaFollette (WI), Hiram Johnson (CA), Charles Evans Hughes (NY)
review • ID author: • Theory of the Leisure Class • How the Other Half Lives • Shame of the Cities • History of Standard Oil • Name 2 progressive magazines. • Name 7 progressive reforms • Name 3 progressive state leaders
II. women • Settlement houses exposed problems to women, who devised solutions • Focus on moral, maternal issues like child labor, sweatshops, tenement life
laws • Muller v. Oregon – factory work bad for women; Lochner v. New York (1905)– 10 hr day not nec; but upheld in 1917 • 1911 Triangle Shirtwaist Factory fire killed 146 mostly immigrant women; stronger workplace safety laws resulted
saloons • Associated with party boss, corrupt elections, fought by WCTU and Anti-Saloon League • Wets – urban areas, favored legal alcohol; drys – rural areas, half the country by 1914.
review • How did settlement houses affect women? • Muller v. Oregon? • Lochner v. NY? • What was the importance of the Triangle Shirtwaist fire? • What social ills was the saloon associated with? • Where were wets and drys located?
III. TR and square deal • Square Deal – treat everyone fairly; 3 C’s – Corporations, consumers, conservation. • Negotiated compromise between coal miners and mine owners; 1st to stand up to corporate leaders
More square deal • Elkins Act: fines for rebates • Hepburn Act – ICC could set maximum freight rates • Trust buster – Northern Securities Company, run by JP Morgan, broken up; but often tolerated “good” trusts
Consumers andconservation • Consumers: TR read Upton Sinclair’s The Jungle: Meat Inspection Act, Pure Food and Drug Act 1906. • Conservation: Set aside 125m acres from development; expanded national forests; friends with conservationist Pinchot and Muir; Boy Scouts founded
review • What was TR’s domestic program called? • What were the 3 C’s? • What strike did TR negotiate an end to? • Elkins Act? • Hepburn Act? • What trust did he bust? • What two laws resulted from The Jungle? • What conservationist measures did TR take? • What friends? • What organization/
IV. Taft • TR strengthened Presidency, huge personality, won 1904 didn’t run 1908, picked Taft • Taft beat Bryan; both claimed Progressivism; Socialist Eugene Debs got over 400,000 votes
President Taft • Conservative, mild-mannered • Dollar diplomacy – invest to advance U.S. interests; intervention in Cuba, Honduras, Dominican, Nicaragua
controversy • Taft 90-44 antitrust suits; Standard Oil broken up; U.S. steel antitrust suit. • A conservationist, Taft fired TR friend Pinchot, for criticizing Interior Sec. Ballinger • TR preached “New Nationalism” and started 3rd party.
review • What was TR’s legacy? • How did Taft get to be President? • What was Taft’s foreign policy? • Where did he send troops? • How did Taft fare as a trust buster? • What conservation policy angered TR? • How did TR undermine Taft?
I. Election of President Wilson • Woodrow Wilson – Southern-born Democrat, Govt professor, Princeton President • Supported by Bryan, his New Freedom Program advocated small business.
Progressive/Bull Moose Party • Taft was Republican; TR nominated by Progressive/Bull Moose Party; shot and made speech • Taft and TR split the Republican vote; Wilson elected with 41% of vote; Socialist Debs got 6%
President Wilson • Pro-South; idealistic, Presbyterian, intellectual. • Loved humanity generally more than individual; inflexibly stubborn
review • What kind of man was Wilson? • What 3 other parties? • Why did Wilson win, with how much of vote? • What were his strengths and weaknesses as President
II. Wilson’s domestic policy • Attacked “the triple wall of privilege:” tariffs, banks, and trusts • Low Underwood Tariff; 16th amendment - income tax, chief revenue source
Federal Reserve 1913 • 12 reserve districts, each with a central “bankers” bank. • Issued “Federal Reserve notes;” amount could be easily increased
trusts • Federal Trade Commission (FTC) attacked unfair trade practices. • Clayton Antitrust Act –attacked trusts not unions; labor exempt from antitrust legislation; AFL leader Gompers called it “the Magna Carta of Labor.”
Other progressive measures • Low interest rates for farmers, higher wages, workman’s comp. child labor, 8 hr day on trains • Nominated Jewish Louis Brandeis for Supreme Court, more segregationist on black appointments
Match ‘em • Triple wall of privilege • Underwood Tariff • 16th amendment • Federal Reserve • Powers of Fed • FTC • Clayton Antitrust Act • Other stuff Wilson did • Wilson’s nominations • Jews not blacks • New source of revenue • Lowered rates • Control money supply, regulate economy • Fight trusts, monopolies, and insider trading • 12 banks, print paper money • Int rates, wages, child labor, workman’s comp • Tariff, banks, trust
III. Wilson’s foreign policy – missionary diplomacy • Missionary diplomacy: Less aggressive posture – lowered Panama Canal toll on Britain. • Jones Act – Phillipines a territory, independent when ready (1946)
Still sends in troops • Marines to Haiti 1914-15 to protect U.S. citizens; supervised government/finance. • Marines to Dominican (debt); bought Virgin Islands (close to Panama)
Mexico • Wilson sent arms to Pres. Huerta’s rivals, Carranza and Pancho Villa • U.S. seized Vera Cruz; resented by Pres. Carranza; Villa killed 35 Americans on both sides of border, chased by Pershing
review • Not big stick not dollar but what kind of diplomacy? • What did the Jones Act do? • Into what two countries did Wilson send marines? Why? • Why was Wilson mad at Huerta? What’d he do about it? • Why was Wilson mad at Villa? What’d he do about it?
IV. W.Wilson and WWI • Causes: nationalism, militarism, imperialism, alliances – Triple Entente (FBR) v. Triple Alliance (GAHI) • Events:1. Serbs kill Ferdinand. • 2. A-H threatens. • 3. Russia, France mobilized around Germany • 4. Germany attacks France through Belgium: trench warfare
war • Britain attacks: Allies (FBR) v. Central Powers (GAH) • Wilson urges neutrality of thought and deed. • Divided America: British ties & German spies v. 11m immigrants
Election of 1916 and WWI • British trade only; German subs • Lusitania sunk; 128 Americans on board; Wilson mad and Bryan resigned; Sussex Pledge • Wilson reelected 1916 277-254 for staying out of war, defeating Judge Charles Evans Hughes; TR bellicose
review • Name 4 causes of WWI. • What were the two alliances/countries? • Start the war in 4 events. • 2 sides in the war • US position? • Why were we divided? • What brought us close to war? • How was Wilson reelected in 1916?
I. Going to war • Unrestrained sub warfare: Germany sank four U.S. ships in March, 1917. • Zimmerman telegram: Germany proposed a Mexican alliance with land back at end of the war.