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Graduate (Master and Doctorate) Programs Organize under Graduate Schools in ITU Graduate School of Science, Engineering and Technology Graduate School of Social Sciences Graduate School of Enegry Graduate School of Informatics EUROASIA Graduate School of Earth Sciences
Graduate (Master and Doctorate) Programs Organize under Graduate Schools in ITU Graduate School of Science, Engineering and Technology Graduate School of Social Sciences Graduate School of Enegry Graduate School of Informatics EUROASIA Graduate School of Earth Sciences Graduate School of Earthquake Engineering and Disaster Management ITU GRADUATE SCHOOLS
Graduate (MasterandDoctorate) Programs • GraduateSchool of Science, EngineeringandTechnology • Architecture • Master of Architecture (Non-Thesis) (M.Arch) • http://www.mim.itu.edu.tr/mtz/(Prof. Dr. Sinan Mert ŞENER) • 2. ArchitecturalDesignMaster (MSc) andPhD Program • http://www.mimaritasarim.itu.edu.tr/ (Prof. Dr. Orhan HACIHASANOĞLU) • 3. EnvironmentalControlandBuildingTechnologyMaster Program (MSc) (Prof. Dr. Zerrin YILMAZ) • 4. BuildingSciencePhD Program http://www.mim.itu.edu.tr/ybl/ (Prof. Dr. Leyla TANAÇAN) • 5. History of Architecture Master (MSc) andPhD Program (Prof. Dr. İlknur KOLAY) • 6. RestorationMaster (MSc) andPhD Program • http://www.restorasyon.itu.edu.tr/ (Prof. Dr. Kutgün EYÜPGİLLER) • 7. Project andConstructionManagement (MSc) Program http://pyy.itu.edu.tr/ • (Assoc. Prof. Dr. Elçin TAŞ) • Urban andRegionalPlanning • 1. Urban andRegionalPlanningPhD Program (Prof. Dr. Handan TÜRKOĞLU) • 2. Urban PlanningMaster (MSc) Program (Prof. Dr. Hale ÇIRACI) • 3. RegionalPlanningMaster (MSc) Program (Prof. Dr. Gülden ERKUT) ITU Faculty (School) of Architecture
ITU Faculty (School) of Architecturehttp://www.naab.org/international/substantial_equivalency.aspx
GraduateSchool of Science, EngineeringandTechnology IndustrialProductDesign IndustrialProductDesignMaster (MSc) andPhD Program http://www.tasarim.itu.edu.tr/icerik/lisansustu_programi.html (Prof. Dr. Alpay ER) LandscapeArchitecture LandscapeArchitectureMaster (MSc) andPhD Program http://www.peyzaj.itu.edu.tr/Icerik.aspx?sid=4616 (Prof. Dr. Ahmet Cengiz YILDIZCI) Informatics ArchitecturalDesignComputingMaster (MSc) andPhD Program http://www.mimarliktabilisim.itu.edu.tr/ (Prof. Dr. Gülen ÇAĞDAŞ) Real EstateDevelopment Real EstateDevelopmentMaster (MSc) Program (Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ferhan GEZİCİ) Interdisciplinary Interdisciplinary Urban DesignMaster (MSc) Program http://www.kentseltasarim.itu.edu.tr/ (Prof. Dr. Orhan HACIHASANOĞLU) ITU Faculty (School) of Architecture
GraduateSchool of SocialSciences International Master of InteriorArchitectural Design (MA) http://www.imiad.de/ http://www.sbe.itu.edu.tr/index.php/programlar/yueksek-lisans/c-mimari-tasarm-uluslararas (Prof. Dr. Hasan ŞENER) History of Art Master (MA) andPhD Program http://www.sbe.itu.edu.tr/index.php/programlar/yueksek-lisans/sanat-tarihi (Assoc. Prof. Dr. Zeynep KUBAN) HousingandEarthquake Master (MA) Program http://www.sbe.itu.edu.tr/index.php/programlar/yueksek-lisans/konut-ve-deprem (Prof. Dr. Nuran ZEREN GÜLERSOY) ITU Faculty (School) of Architecture