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Organizing Committee Co Chair Noriaki OHUCHI (Tohoku Univ.) Takeaki OZAWA (The Univ. Tokyo)

IS N M. 2009-2. Organizing Committee Co Chair Noriaki OHUCHI (Tohoku Univ.) Takeaki OZAWA (The Univ. Tokyo) Tsuneo URISU (IMS) Steering Committee Chair Motohiro TAKEDA (Tohoku Univ.) Hiroo IWATA (Kyoto Univ.) Toshio OGINO (Yokohama Nat. Univ.) Members

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Organizing Committee Co Chair Noriaki OHUCHI (Tohoku Univ.) Takeaki OZAWA (The Univ. Tokyo)

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  1. ISNM 2009-2 Organizing Committee Co Chair Noriaki OHUCHI (Tohoku Univ.) Takeaki OZAWA (The Univ. Tokyo) Tsuneo URISU (IMS) Steering Committee Chair Motohiro TAKEDA (Tohoku Univ.) Hiroo IWATA (Kyoto Univ.) Toshio OGINO (Yokohama Nat. Univ.) Members Atsuko MATSUOKA (JNS) Donglin JIANG (IMS) Hideo HIGUCHI (The Univ. Tkyo) Hitoshi TABATA (The Univ. Tokyo) Keiichi TORIMITSU (NTT Basic Res. Lab.) Manabu TOKESHI (Nagoya Univ.) Masahiro HIRAOKA (Kyoto Univ.) Masako YUDASAKA (AIST) Masahito YAMAZAKI (Shizuoka Univ.) Osamu NIWA (AIST) Ryugo TERO (IMS) Shigeori TAKENAKA (Kyushu Inst. Technol.) Shinae KONDOH (Kyoto Univ.) Takeharu NAGAI (Hokkaido Univ.) Tyuji HOSHINO (Chiba Univ.) Tomomi NEMOTO (NIPS) Yoshiki SAWA(Osaka Univ.) Yuko OKAMOTO (Nagoya Univ.) Yoko MATSUMOTO (Sojo Univ.) Call for Papers 3rd International Symposium on Nanomedicine (ISNM2009-2) and -Molecular Imaging and Systems Biology- Venue:The Symposium will be held at Okazaki Conference Center in Okazaki city (close to IMS). Information about, how to get to the Conference Center, Transportations, Maps, and Accommodations (around IMS) is in : http://www.ims.ac.jp/location/index.html. November 4-6 , 2009 At Okazaki Conference Center Organized by *Society of Nanoscience and Technology *Department of Nano-Medical Science, Graduate School of Medicine, Tohoku University *Institute for Molecular Science *Japan Nanomedicine Society Cooperated by *Surface Science Society of Japan Symposium Secretariat If you have any questions, please contact ISNM 2009-2 secretariat Ryugo Tero, Dr. Email: tero@ims.ac.jp Institute for Molecular Science Myodaiji, Okazaki, 444-8585 Japan Tel: 0564-55-7440, Fax 0564-53-7327

  2. Scope of “3rdInternational Symposium onNanomedicine (ISNM2009-2)” and “Molecular Imaging and Systems Biology” The combination of top-down and bottom-up nanotechnologies started a real revolution in nanotechnology. Medical treatment is one of the good fieldswhere we will find applications of this new technology. As a result, we can expect these new technologies to be used to develop novel devices of treating cancer and many other intractable diseases. The aims of this symposium are (1) to provide a platform on which to discuss the future prospects for these science-technologies and construct an international human network in the fields of Nano and Biomedical Molecular Science, and (2) to incubate excellent young generation researchers in these fields utilizing this network. Concerning these aims, we especially consider the importance of Asian network, and invite several speakers in the relating fields from these countries. The 3rd symposium is arranged by Tohoku University (Prof. Ohuchi group) as a Chair University. And also the satellite symposium is arranged by the University of Tokyo (Prof. Ozawa group). Imaging is the central topics of the 3rd symposium. Plenary Talk Fuyuhiko TAMANOI (UCLA, USA) Motohiro TAKEDA (Tohoku Univ. , Japan) Special Lecture (Tentative) Chung-Hsuan Winston CHEN (Academia Sinica,Taiwan) Iwao OJIMA (State Univ. New York, USA) Keiichi TORIMITSU (NTT , Japan) Thomas Launey (RIKEN) Michael R. H. WHITE (Liverpool Univ., UK) Robert E. CAMPBELL (Univ. Alberta, Canada) Shunsaku KIMURA(Kyoto Univ. , Japan) Yoshiki SAWA (Osaka Univ. Japan) Yoshinobu BABA (Nagoya Univ. , Japan) Invited Speakers(Tentative) Akira MIZUNO (Toyohashi Univ. Technol. , Japan) Atsushi MOCHIZUKI (RIKEN, Japan) Dah-Yen YANG (Inst. Atom. Mol. Sci., Taiwan) Kazuaki FURUKAWA (NTT , Japan) Hiroo IWATA (Kyoto Univ. , Japan) Hiroshi FUKUDA (Tohoku Univ. , Japan) Hiroshi HARADA (Kyoto Univ., Japan) Hiroyuki TAKEDA (The Univ. Tokyo, Japan). Kazuaki FURUKAWA (NTT , Japan) Kazuhiko YANAI (Tohoku Univ. , Japan) Kohsuke GONDA (Tohoku Univ., Japan) Manabu TASHIRO (Tohoku Univ. , Japan) Masahito YAMAZAKI (Shizuoka Univ., Japan) Masako YUDASAKA (AIST, Japan) Mingyuan GAO (CASIC, China) Nobutaka OZAKI (Hokkaido Univ., Japan) Yuichi OZAKI (The Univ. Tokyo, Japan) Shunsaku KIMURA (Kyoto Univ., Japan) Takeaki OZAWA (The Univ. Tokyo, Japan) Takeharu NAGAI (Hokkaido Univ. , Japan) Takehisa DEWA (Nagoya Insti. Technol. , Japan) Tomoyuki YAMBE (Tohoku Univ. , Japan) Toshio OGINO (Yokohama Nat’l. Univ., Japan) Xiaohong FANG (Chinese Acad. Sci. China) Ying GAO (Yale School Med., USA) Yoko MATSUMOTO (Sojo Univ., Japan) Yoshiyuki KAWAZOE (Tohoku Univ. , Japan) Yoshihiro OHMIYA (AIST , Japan) Yuko ICHIYANAGI (Yokohama Nat’l. Univ., Japan) • Call for papers • Oral and poster papers are solicited for presentation at this symposium. • Please prepare a one-page A4 abstract according to the format and send it to the following address by e-mail no later than October 10, 2009. • Office of Japan Nanomedicine Society • Atsuko Matsuoka • a-j-nanomedicine@w5.dion.ne.jp •   *Formats of the abstract: see the home page • http://nanomedicine.ims.ac.jp/events.html Language English is the official language of the Symposium. Registration Send the information; Family name and Given name, Title, Affiliation, Address, Zip code, Tel, Fax, E-mail,to Ms Atsuko Matsuoka(a-j-nanomedicine@w5.dion.ne.jp) by e-mail, or register at the conference site. Please pay the Registration fee at the conf. site. Standard members: 30,000 yen. Standard nonmembers: 30,000 yen Student : 1000 yen Accommodation IMS lodge (The first 30 people) Hotel list will appear athttp://www.ims.ac.jp/location/index.html. Important dates October 10, 2009: Abstract dead line Banquet Banquet will be held on Thursday evening, November 5, 2009 at the Okazaki Conference Center. Please pay the Banquet fee at the conf. site: 5,000 yen (Student:3,000 yen)

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