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Gravitational lensing of gravitational waves . In collaboration with M. Hattori & T. Futamase (Tohoku Univ.). . Yousuke Itoh ( RESCEU, U. of Tokyo) seminar@ICRR , 2012 June 26. Affiliation : Tohoku U.(Prof. Futamase ) AEI, Potsdam UWM Tohoku U. RESCEU
Gravitational lensing of gravitational waves In collaboration with M. Hattori & T. Futamase (Tohoku Univ.). YousukeItoh(RESCEU, U. of Tokyo) seminar@ICRR, 2012 June 26 Affiliation:Tohoku U.(Prof. Futamase)AEI, PotsdamUWM Tohoku U. RESCEU Research :Post-Newton LIGO Data Analysis Cosmology KAGRA TexPoint fonts used in EMF. Read the TexPoint manual before you delete this box.: AA
Contents -1. Announcements. 0. Short Introduction • Young’s (cosmological) double slits experiment • Can we see interference pattern? 3. Gravitational lensing of gravitational waves 4. Real world
-1. Announcements • 1st KAGRA Data Analysis School • @ RESCEU, 9/3(Mon.)-5(Wed.), 2012 • Introductory lectures by the Data analysis subgroup • In Japanese (Sorry!) • Travel support, • Data analysis demonstration, • Data analysis practice (octave?), • Social gathering (Most important!) • 2ndKAGRA Data Analysis School • @ NAOJ (Hopefully … )
Part 0: Short Introduction
Just in case … • Gravitational lens? • http://spiff.rit.edu/classes/phys230/lectures/planets/Lens_Nav.swf Chandra (pinkish) & Weak lensing (bluish, pseudo-) images of the bullet cluster http://chandra.harvard.edu/photo/2006/1e0657/ HST image of Abell 1689
Introduction • GW suffers from GL effect by galaxies and clusters • GWs are coherent in many cases and we may be able to see interference pattern. • Takahashi & Nakamura ApJ 595 1039 (2003) • GL of GWs • 1e6 ~1e9 Mʘ Lens (for the obsolete LISA detector) • Diffraction effect • Lens mass& source position relative to optical axis. • Any other astrophysical information from GL of GW phenomena?
Part 1: Young’s (cosmological) double slit experiment
Motion in a spatial interference pattern Transverse velocity http://www.bottomlayer.com/bottom/reality/chap2.html
Part 2: Can we see interference pattern?
Probably no in Electro Magnetic Astronomy … • Summation of incoherent emitters (bunch of electrons …) • interfere distractively • Can see interference only when …
Probably no in Electro Magnetic Astronomy … = We can see interference pattern only when the linear dimension of the source (galaxy) is less than ~ 2 cm. Impossible!!
Probably yes in Gravitational Wave Astronomy …? • Coherent emitter (single source if we are lucky (?) …) • Interfere constructively. • Can see interference if …
Cosmological Young’s experiment in GWA possible in reality? & • Pulsars in globular clusters • But diffraction obscures the interference pattern when • NS/NS binaries • But freq. derivative & SNR complicates the issue.
No (ノω・、) in space, but …Yes (♪ d(⌒o⌒)b♪) in a computer • Time delay • Reach the observer separately in time • Extract the interference pattern in a computer • SNR • Integrate to get SNR • Interference disappears • Filtered output • Chirp • Intrinsic frequency (time-)derivative
Part 3: Gravitational lensing of gravitational waves
Dopper shift in mass and time due to relative motion Lensed GW from inspiraling binary No relative motion geometrical optics approximation(Takahashi & Nakamura 2003) Гis dopper shift difference between the two images
If you like equations (copy from my paper). Half integer: saddle = ½ etc GL amplification Detector index Amplitude of the detector beam pattern function Doppler phase due to the DECIGO orbital motion. Phase of the detector beam pattern function.
Beam pattern function (II) Shift due to the Doppler effect by the Detector motion
Do you still like equations? time variable GL amplitude Image index GL amplitude
We would like to determine for the following parameters (in case of no relative motion.) Chirp mass Phase of coalescence Time of coalescence Luminosity distance to the source Source direction Binary orbital plane inclination Lens image relative parity Time delay Relative magnification
Geometrical Optics Approx. (GOA) Lens Template
Geometrical Optics Approx. (GOA) Lens Template We can separately detect the two images.
To extract interference in GOA (no noise). Even without detector noise In stead,
Transverse velocity • When relative transverse velocity is not zero, • Doppler shift to frequency, unobservable a priori. • Doppler shift to the Masses and time variables Unobservable a priori. • Time variation in the source direction Unobservablefor astronomical sources. • But relative Doppler factor is observable
For those who like equations (if any)… Dopper factor
Part 4: Real world
Noises • Parameters estimation noises • Detector noises
Effect of nuisance parameters estimation errors (td = 1.14 years)
Effect of nuisance parameters estimation errors to Г(td = 1.14 years)
Effect of nuisance parameters estimation errors to td (td = 1.14 years)
Effect of nuisance parameters estimation errors (td = 5.1 years)
10 different nuisance parameters set, 1000 noise realizations each (td = 1.4 years)
10 different nuisance parameters, 1000 noise realizations each (td = 5.1 years)
If you think mass/tc should give Г It is mathematically true but at lesser accuracy.
Summary (as of 10:10, June 26, 2012) • It is possible that gravitational wave can be gravitationally lensed in principle. • I could not come up with any natural source that shows observable spatial interference pattern. • On a computer, we can extract information contained in the interference term. • For this purpose, I propose a new statistic ζ. • With ζ, we can measure the transverse velocity of the sources which is hard to detect in a conventional EM GL in the DECIGO/BBO era.