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Bahasa Inggris 1

Bahasa Inggris 1. Disusun oleh : Pikir Wisnu Wijayanto , M.Hum Fihrin Zuhrufillah , M.Pd Yuningsih , S.S. Prodi D3 Manajemen Informatika Fakultas Ilmu Terapan Universitas Telkom. English 1 – Subject. Subject Code : KU 1012 Credit : 2 credits Semester : 1 st

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Bahasa Inggris 1

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  1. BahasaInggris 1 Disusunoleh: PikirWisnuWijayanto, M.Hum FihrinZuhrufillah, M.Pd Yuningsih, S.S Prodi D3 ManajemenInformatika FakultasIlmuTerapan Universitas Telkom

  2. English 1 – Subject Subject Code : KU 1012 Credit :2 credits Semester : 1st Short Description : English 1 subject gives skills and understanding to the students about strategy and sentence structure in order to help their reading skill in English text, especially for the functional text types in descriptive, procedure, and recount. Standard Competency: The students are able to implement the strategy of understanding the reading skills in English text

  3. Basic Competency : The students are able to know the theory of strategy of understanding the reading skills in English text • Topic : Reading Strategies • Sub topic : Introduction to the course: Reading Comprehension and how to handle it • Meeting : 1st

  4. READING is…

  5. Reading IS Thinking “The purpose of reading is understanding what is read.”

  6. What is Reading Comprehension? Reading comprehension is defined as “intentional thinking during which meaning is constructed through interactions between text and reader” (Harris &Hodges, 1995)

  7. Why Need Reading Strategies? “Once thought of as the natural result of decoding plus oral language, comprehension is now viewed as a much more complex process involving knowledge, experience, thinking and teaching.” (Fielding and Pearson, 1994)

  8. Let’s practice…

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