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Maximizing Value with adCore: Create Dynamic Campaigns Beyond the LongTail in Amsterdam

Join the session in Amsterdam presented by Talia Schmidt, Product Manager at adCore, to learn how to create generic campaigns using adCore's dynamic features. Explore dynamic campaigns, feeds, and the LongTail approach to optimize your advertising campaigns. Discover the power of utilizing existing product feeds for generic keyword combinations and destination URLs. Improve conversion rates and lower CPA with strategic URL building exercises. Explore adCore's Hybrid Mode for more ad customization. Elevate your campaign performance with dynamic functions and practical examples in this insightful session.

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Maximizing Value with adCore: Create Dynamic Campaigns Beyond the LongTail in Amsterdam

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Amsterdam adCore University Presents: Create generic campaigns with adCore

  2. Presented by: Talia Schmidt Product Manager AMSTERDAM Points: 45,000 Rank: 4 Level: Platinum

  3. Dynamic Campaigns AMSTERDAM Beyond the LongTail

  4. This Sessions Theme AMSTERDAM Maximizing Value From adCore’s Dynamic Campaigns

  5. Agenda Overview – dynamic campaign, feed and LongTail Utilizing our existing product feed to create generic campaigns! Getting more from our existing long tail campaigns Add even more power via adCore optimization… AMSTERDAM

  6. AMSTERDAM Dynamic campaigns overview

  7. LongTail – What Does It Mean? AMSTERDAM

  8. Define LongTail 3 Easy Ways to identify a LongTail campaign Keywords Product level Destination URLs Specific ads AMSTERDAM

  9. What is a Dynamic Search Campaign? AMSTERDAM

  10. Dynamic Search Campaigns in adCore AMSTERDAM

  11. What is a Feed? Generated from your client’s website. Hosted on a URL. Two feed formats: • XML • Tabs Delimited. ***Note: adCore also has an option to upload a CSV file (which is NOT dynamic) AMSTERDAM

  12. The answer is in the feed! Go Generic AMSTERDAM

  13. AMSTERDAM Utilizing our existing product feed to create generic dynamic campaigns!

  14. “Basic” Feed – Few Feed Fields AMSTERDAM

  15. “Robust” Feed – More Feed Fields AMSTERDAM

  16. Generic #1 AMSTERDAM Keywords

  17. Go Generic [brand] [category] Bowers and Wilkins Speakers [brand] [subcategory] Bowers and Wilkins In-Wall Speakers AMSTERDAM Use your feed fields to make generic keyword combinations.

  18. Generic #2 AMSTERDAM Destination URLs

  19. Great Feed – More Levels of URLs AMSTERDAM

  20. Using a “Basic” Feed AMSTERDAM http://www.bestbuy.com/site/bowers-and-wilkins-6-2-way-in-wall-speakers- pair/2165054.p?id=1218312456826&skuId=2165054&st=wall%20speakers&cp=1&lp=2

  21. Using A “Robust” Feed AMSTERDAM http://www.bestbuy.com/site/speakers/in-wall-speakers

  22. Cook up the URLs you want Dynamic functions are pre-made formulas that are built to carry out a task. AMSTERDAM

  23. Where Are Dynamic Functions? AMSTERDAM

  24. Example- String Clear This function will clear all data before or after a sign. AMSTERDAM

  25. Cook up the URLs you want AMSTERDAM http://www.bestbuy.com/site/bowers-and-wilkins-6-2-way-in-wall-speakers- pair/2165054.p?id=1218312456826&skuId=2165054&st=wall%20speakers&cp=1&lp=2 <strClear([url],site/,0,1)> http://www.bestbuy.com/site/

  26. Cook up the URLs you want AMSTERDAM http://www.bestbuy.com/site/ <strReplace([url], ,2,-)> http://www.bestbuy.com/site/[category]/[sub-category] http://www.bestbuy.com/site/speakers/in-wall-speakers

  27. Search Bar AMSTERDAM http://www.examplesite.com/catalogsearch/results/?q=[subbrand]-[mpn]

  28. Search Bar AMSTERDAM

  29. Search Bar AMSTERDAM

  30. Results - Conversion Rate AMSTERDAM The results are overwhelming. The 70% increase in conversion rate is attributed to the new destination URLs. Comparing the month of June, when the destination URLs were the product page, and the month of July, when the destination URLs were a query page, we can see an extraordinary increase in the conversion rate.

  31. Results - CPA The reduction in the cost per conversion (CPA) and in overall cost of the campaign by over 44% without sacrificing the number of conversions (delta – 0%) means that media dollars are spent more efficiently and that the campaign’s return on investment is much greater. AMSTERDAM

  32. Exercise. AMSTERDAM

  33. URL Building Exercise AMSTERDAM

  34. URL Building Exercise AMSTERDAM Sample Product Landing pages from the Timberland website: http://shop.timberland.com/product/index.jsp?productId=15207396 http://shop.timberland.com/product/index.jsp?productId=12885835

  35. URL Building Exercise AMSTERDAM How would you change the Product URL's below to create category URLs? http://shop.timberland.com/product/index.jsp?productId=15207396 http://shop.timberland.com/search/index.jsp?keywords=Hiking+shoes

  36. URL Building Exercise - Solution AMSTERDAM How would you change the Product URL's below to create category URLs? http://shop.timberland.com/product/index.jsp?productId=15207396 http://shop.timberland.com/product/index.jsp?productId=12885835 http://shop.timberland.com/search/index.jsp?keywords=Hiking+shoes

  37. Result AMSTERDAM http://shop.timberland.com/product/index.jsp?c=1004131&productId=29069086 http://shop.timberland.com/search/index.jsp?keywords=Hiking+shoes

  38. Generic #3 AMSTERDAM Ads

  39. Language In the ad Focus On What Matters AMSTERDAM

  40. More ad examples AMSTERDAM • Price In The Ad

  41. Go Even Further AMSTERDAM Go Hybrid!

  42. What is adCore Hybrid Mode? adCore synchronizes the ad groups You can manually alter the ad copy, and keywords in your advertising Platform AMSTERDAM

  43. Why Use Hybrid Mode? Examples: When Keyword variations you want are not available from the Feed. When you want to place full attention to the ad variations. AMSTERDAM

  44. Activate Hybrid Mode How to activate Hybrid mode in adCore: AMSTERDAM

  45. Hybrid mode LOGIC Keyword Destination URL Parameters AMSTERDAM

  46. AMSTERDAM Getting more from our existing long tail campaigns

  47. There Is LongTail & There Is LongTail AMSTERDAM

  48. Manage your Tail Adjust your keywords Less is more Go board AMSTERDAM

  49. Lets make keywords AMSTERDAM

  50. Keywords [Product_Name] Insignia 19" Class (18-1/2" Diag.) - LED 720p 60Hz HDTV AMSTERDAM

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