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054 - FIGHT THE GOOD FIGHT OF FAITH. Refrain: Fight the good fight of faith, people of God Unstained and without reproach Before the eyes of men Run the good race you sons of the Most High And inherit the crown of life From our Lord Jesus Christ!
054 - FIGHT THE GOOD FIGHT OF FAITH Refrain: Fight the good fight of faith, people of God Unstained and without reproach Before the eyes of men Run the good race you sons of the Most High And inherit the crown of life From our Lord Jesus Christ! 1. We who are not rich in the world's goods have been richly provided for And so have wealth in many good things an abundance rich in joy! The kingdom that we build on earth is not built by earthly means But by the love and laws of Christ who is the King of Kings! (Refrain)
054 - FIGHT THE GOOD FIGHT OF FAITH 2. For though we live in corrupted flesh that craves its lawless ways We yield to Christ and the power of His word and the Spirit of Him who saves Through tribulations, trial and death we advance in one accord To know Him, praise Him, love Him, serve Him is our great reward! (Refrain) 3. When the sea turns red and the mountains into dust and the stars fall from the sky When wicked men from their throned are cast and martyrs for vengeance cry When on the clouds He shall appear and advance on bright array What glory then shall eclipse the earth as Christ on judgement day! (Refrain)