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Understanding the U.S. Federal Court System

Explore the structure and jurisdiction of federal courts, including the Supreme Court. Learn about the principle of "Equal Justice Under the Law" and the types of cases they handle. Gain insight into the role of federal courts alongside state courts.

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Understanding the U.S. Federal Court System

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Unit 6, Lesson 1The Federal Court System Agenda: 1. Go over Judicial Branch in a Flash” hw packet 2. Lesson 1 notes Outcome: Students will be able to explain the phrase “Equal Justice under the Law” and will know which types of cases that the Federal Courts have jurisdiction over.

  2. Unit 6, Lesson 1The Federal Court System Agenda: 1. ORCA 2. Lesson 1 notes 3. “Judicial Branch in a Flash” hw packet Outcome: Students will be able to explain the phrase “Equal Justice under the Law” and will know which types of cases that the Federal Courts have jurisdiction over.

  3. Opener “Do you ever have one of those days when everything seems unconstitutional?”

  4. Federal Courts make up the third branch of the U.S. government Courts use the law to settle disputes and to decide on the guilt or innocence of people accused of crimes The United States Supreme Court is at the top of the federal court system Our legal system is based on the ideal of “Equal Justice Under the Law” “Equal Justice Under the Law” is on the outside of the Supreme Court Equal Justice Under the Law

  5. The federal court system is located in Article III of the Constitution Constitution only established the Supreme Court Congress is given the power to create lower federal courts Today the federal court system has three levels: (1)district courts at the bottom, (2)appeals courts in the middle, and the (3)Supreme Court at the top The federal court system exists along side 50 state court systems Constitution

  6. Jurisdiction: the court’s authority to hear and decide cases 1: Cases involving the Constitution: if the law in question deals with the U.S. Constitution 2: Violations of Federal Law: if a person commits a federal crime such as tax evasion they go to trial in federal court 3: Controversies Between States: disagreements between state governments are resolved in federal court Legal disputes between States are settled in federal court Cases Heard in Federal Courts

  7. 4: Disputes Between Parties from Different States: Suits between people from different states are heard in federal court 5: Suits Involving the Federal Government: when the fed. Govt. sues someone or someone sues the fed. govt.; examples? 6: Cases Involving Foreign Govts. and Treaties: any dispute between a foreign govt. and either the U.S. govt. or an American private party Cases Heard in Federal Courts

  8. 7: Cases Based on Admiralty and Maritime Laws: laws concerning accidents or crimes on the high seas; treasure recovery? 8: Cases Involving U.S. diplomat: if an American diplomat working in the U.S. embassy is accused of breaking an American law Captain Jack would be tried in Federal Court Cases Heard in Federal Courts

  9. For most of these areas federal courts have exclusive jurisdiction; only these courts can hear and decide those cases State courts have jurisdiction over all other matters Concurrent jurisdiction: Either court may try crimes that violate both state and federal law Lady of Justice; Symbols? Relation to State Courts

  10. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J9xw7LG-2zA

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