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Chemical Properties of Water. The basics and a little more than you wanted to know!. Temperature. The most important limiting factor Changes can alter many other parameters (thermal pollution is a big problem) Surface water that is heated by the sun goes through seasonal changes.
Chemical Properties of Water The basics and a little more than you wanted to know!
Temperature • The most important limiting factor • Changes can alter many other parameters (thermal pollution is a big problem) • Surface water that is heated by the sun goes through seasonal changes. • The Thermocline is a narrow band of water that separates warm surface water from cool bottom water • Cold water holds more oxygen than warm water.
A little More • Evaporation and condensation provide energy to run the hydrological cycle • This energy reduces the possibility of freezing in marine organisms’ tissue • Water also has a high heat capacity that allows it to absorb or release large quantities of heat with little temperature change • This helps in moderating climates
Salinity • The amount of dissolved solids in water • Includes ions of chloride, sodium, sulfate, magnesium, calcium and potassium • Measured using a hydrometer to calculate specific gravity, or by conductivity. Units would be measured in ppt. • Surface salinity is greatly influenced by temperature. • High temps cause increased evaporation rates and increased salinity.
The Halocline • Like the thermocline, only it is the zone dividing the surface (fluctuating) salinity with the constant salinity found in deep water. • Stenohaline organisms can not tolerate changes in salinity • Euryhaline organisms adapt to most fluctuations
Density • Affected by both temperature and salinity • 800x’s as dense as air. • Density causes buoyancy
pH – logarithmic function of the % of hydrogen ions in a solution • In sea water, pH is between 7.5 –8.5 • Closely associated w/ dissolved CO2 • CO2 is a reactant in photosynthesis and a product of respiration. • Dissolves easily in sea water and is stored in marine shells and sediments. • H2O + CO2 = H2CO3, Lowers pH • H2CO3 = HCO3+ H, raises pH
pH cont. • Both reactions change the pH of the water. • pH is expressed on a scale from 1-14. Each value is a ten fold increase over the previous.
pH Cont. • Enzyme activities and the shapes of vital proteins require a stable pH. • A decrease in pH could dissolve the calcium carbonate in mollusk shells.
Dissolved Gases • Dissolved N is the most common gas in the ocean. Dissolves from the atm. where it is 78%. • N gas can’t be used by organisms until it is attached to O in a process called nitrogen fixation. • N fixation occurs because blue-green algae convert N gas to a useable form that animals need for building proteins and amino acids.
Dissolved Oxygen • primarily comes from photosynthesis of marine plants and algae. They produce over 50% of the total atmospheric Oxygen. (not to be confused with oxygen in the water molecule ) • O is not very soluble so most of it diffuses into the air. • Below the thermocline, there is very little O.
Carbon Dioxide • Carbon dioxide is highly soluble in sea water which contains about 50 x’s more CO2 than the atmosphere. • Enters the water from air as well as through respiration. • Can be depleted at surface by plants. • Necessary for shell formation. • Oceans remove and store CO2 which remain relatively constant at 45-54 ml/liter of sea water.
Transmission of Light • Light in the sea comes from two sources: sun and organisms • A large portion of the electromagnetic radiation from sun (or moon) is reflected back into atmosphere -- so only the upper kilometers of the water column are illuminated
Seeing the Light • Light below the surface differs from that above in both quality and quantity because a major change occurs at the air-sea surface interface • Combined consequences of reflection from the surface and refraction into it reduce the angular distribution of light to a narrow cone of solid angle 97° • So a fish looking upward only sees the surface above water in that cone -- or window (called Snell's window) -- outside of the window is back-scattered light from deeper water
Light Penetration • Water absorption preferentially removes both long (red) and short (ultraviolet) wavelengths, rapidly resulting in near-monochromatic blue light, which is then reduced by 90% for every 70 m of depth • In coastal waters material from plant decay can absorb additional short wavelengths, resulting in a greenish hue to the water • Turbidity allows green wavelengths to penetrate
Penetrating Light • Since water selectively absorbs the reds and violets, blue penetrates to the lower limits of the photic zone (autotrophs use red and blue wavelengths) before being absorbed • The intensity of light decreases with greater depth • Thus autotrophs are restricted to the illuminated upper surfaces of the ocean, called the photic zone and are unable to live in the dark lower portion of the ocean called the aphotic zone • Colors are seen differently in shallow vs. open ocean water: in shallow water there is a structural background of the shore or a reef which allows animals to hide in it; in open ocean, no refuge exists and the background is uniform
Light Cont. • Marine Plants (autotrophs) make their own food by photosynthesis. Heterotrophs can’t make food so they eat plants. • The cycle depends on light entering the water which may be absorbed or reflected. • About 65% of light energy is absorbed in the first 5 feet and can’t be used by autotrophs.
More Light • Red light is absorbed first in most marine environments. Many marine bottom dwelling animals are red. Why? • Blue is transmitted best • Light is inversely proportinal to depth. As you descend, it gets darker. • The lighted layer is called the photic zone: about 10% of the ocean. • The dark layer is the aphotic zone.
Turbidity • Turbidity is a measure of the suspended sediments. • More sediments results in less light penetration and poor visibility. Photosynthesis is reduced. • The compensation zone is the depth where the rate of photosynthesis = rate of respiration. • O production = rate of respiration
Turbidity cont. • Turbidity can be measured with a secchi disk as visibility.Divide the depth of the secchi line by the water’s depth. • Turbidity is lower in areas of high productivity.
Pressure • Pressure at sea level is the weight of air (14.7 psi) • As you descend, pressure results from the weight of the water above you (hydrostatic pressure) as well as air pressure.
Pressure going down • For every 33 feet = 1 atm of pressure • At 100 feet = 4 atm of pressure or ~58.8 psi • The pressure at the Mariana Trench is ~ 7 tons/in2 • Increased pressure lowers water’s freezing point without affecting the volume.
More on Pressure • SCUBA tanks contain air under pressure so that the internal pressure inside the lungs equals the pressure on the external surfaces exerted by water • When ascending, the air volume in your lungs expands. The lungs could be ruptured if you do not continuously exhale. • There is a limit to how much pressure a person can with stand. It varies due to experience but safe, recreational diving stops at 130 feet.
Molecular arrangement of water • The shape of the water molecule gives it special properties that effect marine organisms. • Viscosity is the resistance to flow: it provides buoyancy for plankton while increasing the energy used by nekton to swim. • Surface tension is the attraction of surface water molecules. • Water is the universal solvent.
Relationships of Parameters • Properties of water are interconnected. Their relationship to each other demonstrates how easily the delicate balance can be disturbed. • Direct relationship = Two parameters both increase or decrease at the same time • Inverse relationship = one parameter increase, while the other decreases.
In General • As you descend, the ocean becomes colder, denser, saltier, has more pressure, less light and has fewer gases.