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Join our slogan competition to raise awareness about water preservation in schools. Learn how everyone can contribute and take action to save water.
What is a slogan? A slogan is a phrase, a shortsentence, a headlineor a dictum, which, intentionallyorunintentionally, amountsto an appealtothepersonwho is exposedto it to buy somearticle, toreviveorstrengthen an alreadywell-establishedstereotype, toaccept a new idea, ortoundertakesomeaction. Shortly it implies a valuejudgment.
Why we chose to organise a slogancompetition? Our aim is to increase the awareness of theimportance water preservation and clean water. We chose to organise a slogan competition, because we think a slogan is the easiest way to draw people’s attention to our subject. Also it is effective because it doesn’t require much time and concentration to read or understand it.
HowToActUponTheSlogansAt ourschoolLearningtosavewater can start at anyage – andchildrenandteachers can make a bigdifferencebybeingcarefulwithwaterwhile at school. Ouraimshould be toeducatethecommunityabouthowimportantwater is andhowwe can save it. Sohere’ssomeideasthat can be usedbyeveryone at ourschools.
Ideas for everyoneEveryone going to school can save water – we don’t have to be the principal or even a teacher to find ways not to waste water. Here’s some ideas that every student and teacher can use:• Save water from the drinking taps. Place ice cream containers under the water fountains/bubblers and pour excess water on the garden.• Turn taps off after washing hands.• Catch rain water. Place containers outside when it rains and collect the water to put on the garden.• Wash paint brushes in a bucket or ice cream container – don’t use running water• Bring a water bottle to school. At the end of the day, any left-over water can be poured on the garden.• Create colourful and fun posters on water education.• Tell someone when we see a leak – a leaking tap, bubbler or toilet wastes a lot of water – getting a leak fixed quickly will save a lot of water and money. Even a bubbler that is dribbling water wastes a lot of precious water during a day.
Ideas for teachersHere are a few ideas for educating the next generation about the importance of water in our lives. • The Arts: Paint pictures, view or present performances or sing songs that convey the water conservation message• Turkish: read articles or debate water related issues in our local area, or write stories about the role that water plays in our life• Mathematics: Apply mathematical inquiry and techniques to measure rainfall in our local area, carry out a water audit at our school, or understand the amount of water used in our local region; get students to monitor water use at home - read the meter daily, determine how much water is used per person in the household and set percentages for improvement - most improved could win a prize at the end of a month / term / year
• Science: Study the water cycle, test water quality in our local area (comparing different land uses upstream of various locations), understand the importance of water for life and how plants and animals adapt to different water conditions (aquatic to arid), understand the role of water in geological formations or atmospheric conditions• Studies of Society and Environment: Investigate the land use within the local region, the impacts these have on water conditions and usage, and how these have changed over time• Technology: Investigate the development of water supply and water treatment in our local area, and how these technologies consider the environment and society in order to support economic growth.• Health & Physical Education: Discuss how water quality and quantity can impact the health of the individual and community relations; investigate the functions of the local water authority
IdeasforprincipalsPrincipalshave a lot of responsibility in managingschoolresources, making sure alltaps, toiletsandsinksworkcorrectlyandtheschool is safeforchildrentouse. Here’ssomeimportanttipsforprincipalstorememberwhenmanagingtheschoolanditswateruse:• Considerinstallingaerators on tapstoreduceflowthroughtaps.• Considerinstallingrainwatertanks. Userainwatertoflushtoiletsorforwateringthegarden. • Checkforleaks. Getsomeonetofixtheleakingtaps, bubblersortoilets as soon as possible. • Considerinstallingdualflushtoilets.• Considerinstallingtapswhichautomaticallyshutoff
GiveEnoughImportancetoWater, BecauseOnlyIt Can Give Life 2nd
WhileYouHaveWater, ApreciateIt Not To Be CondemnedToGlobal Warming
WaterShortage Is Your Problem, Don’tMakeItYourGrandchild’s Problem
YouCan’tLiveWithoutWater, That’sWhyYouHaveTo Pay AttentionToWater