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Exploring Entanglement Distribution Through Quantum Communication

Discover the principles of entanglement distribution, including measures, experiments, and theories, essential in quantum communication. Learn about dense coding, teleportation, and entanglement as a valuable resource.

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Exploring Entanglement Distribution Through Quantum Communication

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  1. Entanglement Distribution Via Quantum Communication AninditaBanerjee Department of Physics Centre of Astroparticle Physics and Space Science Bose Institute

  2. Basic Definitions Introduction Motivation Results Outline

  3. Entanglement Source:perimeterinstitute.ca/videos/alice-and-bob

  4. Entanglement measures Trace norm is the sum of the absolute values of the eigen value of the density matrix Log Negativity: Partial transpose of the bipartite mixed state

  5. Dense Coding [Bennett, C.; Wiesner, S.  Phys. Rev. Lett. 69 (20): 2881 (1992)]. • Teleportation [C. H. Bennett et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 70, 1895 (1993)]. Entanglement is a resource But ENTANGLEMENT is an EXPENSIVE Resource? Why is Entanglement a resource? We can implement global quantum operations by LOCC. Yes but our government will provide it FREE.

  6. Alice’s Lab Bob’s Lab QUANTUM CHANNEL A B Initial Entanglement between Alice’s Lab and Bob’s Lab =0 Alice sends entangled particle B to Bob A B Final entanglement is same as the communicated entanglement B A

  7. Theory: T.S. Cubitt, F. Verstraete, W. Dür, J.I. Cirac. "Separable States can be used to distribute entanglement". Physical Review Letters, 91, 037902 (2003). No entanglement is necessary to distribute entanglement C B A Experiment: Christina E. Vollmer et al., Experimental Entanglement Distribution by Separable States, Phys. Rev. Lett. 111, 230505 (2013).

  8. Alice’s Lab Bob’s Lab QUANTUM CHANNEL QUANTUM CHANNEL C C C A B (A vs BC)0 (AC vs B)=0 (C vs AB)=0

  9. Entanglement Distribution Direct Distribution Indirect Distribution C A A A B A B B B C A B

  10. Indirect Distribution protocol Initial Entanglement ( INITIAL ) = AC/B Communicated entanglement ( COM ) = AB/C Final Entanglement ( FINAL ) = A/BC Entanglement change = FINALINITIAL = A/BC AC/B COM non excessive excessive COM

  11. CASE 1 IS SUBJECTED TO PARAMETER q Alice Bob 1 2 3 4 5

  12. Initial Entanglement ( INITIAL ) = 12/345 Communicated entanglement ( COM ) = 3/1245 Final Entanglement ( FINAL ) = 123/45 Entanglement change COM Init FINAL INITIAL COM 123/45 12/345 3/1245 Log negativity q

  13. CASE 2 Alice Bob 3 1 2 4 5

  14. Initial Entanglement ( INITIAL ) = 3/1245 Communicated entanglement ( COM ) = 1/2345 Final Entanglement ( FINAL ) = 13/245 Entanglement change COM Init FINAL INITIAL COM 13/245 3/1345 1/2345 Log negativity q

  15. CASE 3 Alice Bob 2 3 1 4 5

  16. Initial Entanglement ( INITIAL ) = 2/1345 Communicated entanglement ( COM ) = 3/1245 Final Entanglement ( FINAL ) = 23/245 Entanglement change COM Init FINAL INITIAL COM 23/245 2/1345 3/1245 Log negativity q

  17. ? Increase ? Increase

  18. COLLABORATORS Somshubhro Bandyopadhyay Saronath Haldar Prasnjit Deb Tomasz Paterek Kavan Modi Margherita Zuppardo

  19. Thank you

  20. Absolutely Maximally Entangled state AME(n,d) is a pure state of n qudits in d dimension such that every bipartition of the system is strictly maximally entangled state . AME(5,2) 1 ebit 2 ebit

  21. Deporalizing channel The depolarizing channel is a model of a decohering qubit with probability p the qubit remains intact, while with probability 1- p an “error” occurs. If an error occurs, then evolves to an ensemble of the three states all occurring with equal likelihood. (Bit flip + Phase Flip + Both)

  22. One parameter family q

  23. Cavity QED where ancilla is the cavity mode

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