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Mastering Persuasive Writing: Techniques for Effective Essays

Learn the essential elements of persuasive writing to convince and influence your audience effectively. Discover the format, structure, and strategies for crafting compelling persuasive essays. Improve your skills in providing supportive evidence and formulating strong thesis statements to enhance your persuasive writing prowess.

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Mastering Persuasive Writing: Techniques for Effective Essays

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  2. What is a PERSUASIVE Essay? • An essay that convinces an audience to take a specific ‘position’ on a topic (support/oppose). • The essay should entail supportive evidence that supports the writer’s position. • The THESIS is the focus of the paper. • PERSUADE in writing!!!

  3. What is the POINT of Writing a PERSUASIVE ESSAY? - Persuasion is an everyday part of life: today and in the future. - Knowing how to properly persuade through writing will help students today and in the long run. Ex.) Persuading mom to get a new phone. Persuading dad to buy you a car. Persuading people to buy a product. Persuading an administrator to start a new school club/ sport. Persuading people to eat at a certain restaurant. Persuading students why they should read a book. Persuading a client to sign up for a program. Persuading people to attend an event/ fundraiser. etc….. Learning how to provide supportive evidence will help one’s case when it comes to persuading an audience.

  4. The art of persuasion in everyday life.

  5. How LONG should a Persuasive Essay be? • A FIVE Paragraph Essay

  6. What is the FORMAT of a Persuasive Essay? • FIVE Paragraphs: • Introduction • Body Paragraph 1 • Body Paragraph 2 • Body Paragraph 3 • Conclusion

  7. *INTRODUCTION* • Introduction(Paragraph 1) • 1.)“Hook/Grabber”- Include one of the following “hooks” that will ‘grab’ your reader’s interest (1st sentence of introduction)— • Anecdote (brief story) • Statistics (numbers and percentages) • “Quote” (direct words said by someone- a famous or historical person) • Scenario (What would happen if….) • Question (rhetorical) • 2.) Clearly state the problem/ issue and who is behind it • (ex.-Board of Education, State of NJ, etc…) • 3.)THESIS- state your position on the topic (support/oppose) in a clear sentence with the main reasons why you support or oppose the issue (avoid saying “I believe/think”)

  8. What is a THESIS statement? • The most important sentence of the essay!!!!!!!! • A clear statement that implies the writer’s position on the topic. • Support or Oppose- and why?? (generally) • A THESIS should only be ONE sentence. • It should always be the LAST sentence of the INTRODUCTION. • The thesis should be reflected throughout the rest of the essay (body & closing).

  9. *BODY #1, 2, 3* • BODY Paragraphs # 1, 2, 3- follow same format for all three body paragraphs (min.) • #1.) Main reason- a coherent sentence that explains the major reason why you either support or oppose the topic/issue (1st sentence of body paragraph) • #2.) THREE Supporting details/examplesthat support the main reason • Details may include: • Your own thoughts/ideas or common knowledge on the topic • Facts and statistics (can be ‘made up’ for HSPA) • Connections, quotes, rhetorical questions, etc.. (used to enhance writing- also known as compositional risk) • #3.)Closing sentence reflecting THESIS

  10. BODY #1, 2, 3 cont…. • Note: If students get “stuck” during the writing of what to write for the main reasons, consider the following: • Body #1.)Affect on students/adolescents/teens • Body #2.)Affect on parents/ guardians orteachers/faculty • Body #3.)Affect on community/society as a whole OR Ways to solve the problem/issue (offer solutions)

  11. *CONCLUSION* • Conclusion(Paragraph #5- Closing) #1.)Reflect main reasons from body paragraphs #2.) Re-state topic (in different words than introduction) #3.) Re-state THESIS (in different words than introduction) • Make a strong ending statement- You want to leave an impact on your audience that leaves them convinced of your position on topic

  12. Note: Always keep audience/reader in mind because they are the ones you are aiming to persuade/convince! NO “I” or “you” in writing. REVISE! REVISE! REVISE!!!!!!!!!!!! Extra Tips!

  13. SCORING* • Students will be scored on a scale of 0-6. • Two people will be grading essay, so highest grade for persuasive essay is 12.

  14. Follow the correct format to write a well developed PERSUASIVE ESSAY! • “Fortune Favors the Bold”…. And those who follow directions!

  15. Good Luck withPERSUASIVE WRITING!

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