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Comparing Three or More Groups: Multiple Comparisons vs Planned Comparisons Robert Boudreau, PhD Co-Director of Methodology Core PITT-Multidisciplinary Clinical Research Center for Rheumatic and Musculoskeletal Diseases. First a simple thought experiment.
Comparing Three or More Groups: Multiple Comparisons vs Planned Comparisons Robert Boudreau, PhD Co-Director of Methodology Core PITT-Multidisciplinary Clinical Research Center for Rheumatic and Musculoskeletal Diseases
First a simple thought experiment Flip a fair coin 100 times: Let H=# heads H = 0,1,2, …, 100 are the possible outcomes H has a binomial distribution with known probs Prob[ 40 < H < 60 ] very close to 0.95 Prob [ H ≤ 40 ] + P[ H ≥ 60] = 0.05 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
First a simple thought experiment Flip a fair coin 100 times: Let H=# heads H = 0,1,2, …, 100 are the possible outcomes H has a binomial distribution with known probs Prob[ 40 < H < 60 ] very close to 0.95 Prob [ H ≤ 40 ] + P[ H ≥ 60] = 0.05 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Experiment: 20 people flip their own coin 100 times Q: Approx how many will get 40 or fewer heads or 60+ heads?
First a simple thought experiment Flip a fair coin 100 times: Let H=# heads H = 0,1,2, …, 100 are the possible outcomes H has a binomial distribution with known probs Prob[ 40 < H < 60 ] very close to 0.95 Prob [ H ≤ 40 ] + P[ H ≥ 60] = 0.05 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Experiment: 20 people flip their own coin 100 times Q: Approx how many will get less than 40 heads or 60+ heads? Answer: One
First a simple thought experiment Flip a fair coin 100 times: Let H=# heads H = 0,1,2, …, 100 are the possible outcomes H has a binomial distribution with known probs Prob[ 40 < H < 60 ] very close to 0.95 Prob [ H ≤ 40 ] + P[ H ≥ 60] = 0.05 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Experiment: 20 people flip their own coin 100 times Q: Approx how many will get less than 40 heads or 60+ heads? Answer: One (1/20 = 5%)
First a simple thought experiment Experiment: 20 people flip their own coin 100 times One (1/20=0.05) will flip an unusually small or unusually large # heads (on average) Q: Can we conclude that this person “X” flips an “unfair” coin, or was this explainable by “chance”?
Controlling Experiment-wise Error Experiment: 20 people flip their own coin 100 times • Person X’s confidence interval didn’t cover 0.5 Q: What alpha level should be used so that 95% of the time all 20 confidence intervalseach cover 0.5? (i.e. so that the correct conclusion is drawn about every single coin)
Controlling Experiment-wise Error Experiment: 20 people flip their own coin 100 times • Person X’s confidence interval didn’t cover 0.5 Q: What alpha level should be used so that 95% of the time all 20 confidence intervalseach cover 0.5? (i.e. so that the correct conclusion is drawn about every single coin) Equivalent to drawing a “wrong” conclusion about at least one of the coins only 5% of the time (Experiment-wise Type I error)
Controlling Experiment-wise Error Q: What alpha level should be used so that there’s a 95% probability that all 20 confidence intervals each cover 0.5? (aka Experiment-wise correct conclusion) Experiment-wise α=0.05, solve for comparison-wise α*: α = Prob[ At least one C.I. misses 0 ] = 1 – Prob[ All C.I.’s cover 0 ] = 1 – (1 – α* )20 Sidak: Comparison-wise α* = 1 – (1 – α)1/n n=20 “comparisons”: α* = 1 – (1-.05)1/20 = 0.00256
Controlling Experiment-wise Error Q: What alpha level should be used so that there’s a 95% probability that all 20 confidence intervals each cover 0.5? Sidak: Comparison-wise α* = 1 – (1 – α)1/n n=20 “comparisons”: α* = 1 – (1-.05)1/20 = 0.00256 Bonferroni:α* = α/n ( 0.05/20=0.0025)
Controlling Experiment-wise Error Mathematically: α/n < 1 – (1 – α)1/n Bonferroni < Sidak(i.e. higher α-level) But usually very close Sidak slightly more powerful Bonferroni works in all situations to guarantee control of experimentwise error (but may be conservative) Sidak (derived assuming independence) can under-control in presence of high correlations
Unadjusted pairwise t-tests (α = 0.05 each comparison)critical value of t=2.13145
Comparison of critical values Scheffe: * Designed for arbitrary post-hoc testing * Controls experimentwise error for all possible simultaneous comparisons and contrasts
Comparison of Adverse Effect of 4 Drugs on Systolic BP (v2) s s Note: For Drug 4, I’ve subtracted 6 from the previous values
Comparison of Adverse Effect of 4 Drugs on Systolic BP (v2) ANOVA F-test
Unadjusted pairwise t-tests (v2) (α = 0.05 each comparison)critical value of t=2.13145
Pairwise t-tests (Bonferroni) (v2)critical value of t=3.03628
Tukey’sStudentized Range Test Related in concept to Scheffe’s Method Designed for all pairwise comparisons exclusively (recall: Scheffe applies to all possible simultaneous pairwise comparisons and contrasts) Exact experimentwise error coverage if sample sizes equal Critical values smaller than Bonferroni or Sidak More powerful in finding differences
Dunnett’s Method(Comparison vs a Control) Related in concept to Scheffe and Tukey Methods Designed for pairwise comparisons vs a single control exclusively Exact experimentwise error coverage of those comparisons if sample sizes equal Critical values smaller than Bonferroni, Sidak or Tukey More powerful in finding differences vs control
Comparison vs Control (Dunnett) (v2) critical value of t=2.61702
Controlling for Multiple Comparisons in Exploratory Analyses Caterina Rosano, Howard J. Aizenstein, Stephanie Studenski, Anne B. Newman. A Regions-of-Interest Volumetric Analysis of Mobility Limitations in Community-Dwelling Older Adults. Journal of Gerontology: Medical Sciences 2007
Controlling for Multiple Comparisons in Exploratory Analyses A Regions-of-Interest Volumetric Analysis of Mobility Limitations in Community-Dwelling Older Adults. Journal of Gerontology: Medical Sciences 2007
Controlling for Multiple Comparisons in Exploratory Analyses
Controlling for Multiple Comparisons in Exploratory Analyses c
Thank you ! Any Questions? Robert Boudreau, PhD Co-Director of Methodology Core PITT-Multidisciplinary Clinical Research Center for Rheumatic and Musculoskeletal Diseases