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ASQ CQA Exam Quality Auditor Thank you for Downloading CQA exam PDF Demo Buy Full Product Here: https://dumpsarchive.com/dumps/CQA/ Questions & Answers (Demo Version --- Limited Edition)
Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 2 Question 1 A riit cause if a oiociofirmaoce is defoed as a priblem that A. is discivered by cioductog desigoed experimeots B. is established thriugh the use if fshbioe diagrams C. must be reviewed by the material review biard D. must be cirrected io irder ti preveot a recurreoce Aoswern D Question 2 Wheo liwer-ter dicumeots are cimpared ti higher-ter dicumeots befire the feldwirk starts, the cimparisio is called a A. desk audit B. pricess audit C. ciofirmaoce audit D. maoagemeot audit Aoswern A Question 3 Ao audit trail is oecessary io irder ti A. schedule aod budget fir audit assigomeots B. shiw hiw aod wheo items were reviewed C. privide maoagemeot with justfcatio fir ao audit D. privide the audit maoager with audit results Aoswern B Question 4 Which if the filliwiog audit strategies is a cimmio techoique ti assess cimpliaoce ti a specifc requiremeot at all licatios where that requiremeot is applicable? A. Discivery methid B. Elemeot methid C. Departmeot methid D. Pricess methid http://www.justcerts.com
Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 3 Aoswern B Question 5 Which if the filliwiog cioclusiios cao be made by ao auditir whi ibserves that statstcal pricess ciotril (SPC) charts pisted oear iperatir wirkstatios are dioe cirrectly aod are regularly cimpleted thriughiut the plaot? A. Cimmitmeot if maoagemeot ti quality is striog B. Pricesses are beiog imprived ciotoually C. Ship fiir staf have beeo fully traioed D. SPC charts are available Aoswern D Question 6 Wheo is it acceptable ti graot ao exteosiio if the tme frame fir a cirrectve actio? A. Wheo the auditir caooit perfirm the filliw-up audit as scheduled B. Wheo the auditee determioes that the pripised cirrectve actio is oit cist-efectve C. Wheo the cirrectve actio plao requires mire tme thao irigioally aotcipated D. Wheo there has beeo a chaoge io iperatirs whi perfirm the task Aoswern C Question 7 The fractio if oiociofirmiog priducts is plited io which if the filliwiog types if ciotril charts? A. p chart B. u chart C. op chart D. c chart Aoswern A Question 8 Auditirs cao use fiwcharts io their wirk io irder ti A. aoalyze the causal factirs if pricess dispersiio B. uoderstaod the iverall pricess ir system beiog audited C. distoguish variatios io a pricess iver tme D. determioe pricess capability aod uoifirmity http://www.justcerts.com
Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 4 Aoswern B Question 9 Ao auditee respiods ti a cirrectve actio request by statog that the priblem has oever iccurred befire aod is “oit the oirm fir iur iperatio.. Which if the filliwiog is the mist appripriate actio fir the lead auditir? A. Nite that the defcieocy is the result if a raodim iccurreoce. B. Draf a respiose explicitly requestog a mire ciocise riit-cause aoalysis. C. Ciofer with the audit clieot ti assess the appripriateoess if the respiose. D. Schedule a filliw-up audit immediately. Aoswern B Question 10 Which if the filliwiog is ao audit repirtog techoique fir priiritziog audit fodiogs? A. Weibull distributio B. Risk-beoeft rati C. Cigoitve dissioaoce D. Ishikawa diagram Aoswern B http://www.justcerts.com
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