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Dive into the fascinating world of marine organisms, from the soft-bodied mollusks to the backbone of the ocean. Discover the hidden wonders found in the middle of the sea, from tiny annelids to majestic dinosaurs of the deep. Learn about the ecological importance of these creatures and how they shape our understanding of life beneath the waves. Unveil the secrets of the sea with Mesos Molluscus!
SOME LATIN AND GREEK ROOT WORDS AND THEIR ENGLISH MEANINGS mesos: middle molluscus: soft noton: back oo: egg okios (eco): house oligo: few osteon: bone pycno: density plasma: mold pod or pous: foot porus: pore proctos: anus rectus: straight sapiens: wise saur: lizard spinus: spine steno: narrow trophos: feeder uro (oura): tail zoon (zoa): animal a: not or without annelus: little ring antho: flower arthro: jointed askos: bladder aster: star autos: self avis: bird blennios: mucus brachion: arm brevis: short bryon: moss cephalus: head cheilos: margin, lip chondros: cartilage chorda: cord cytos (kytos): hollow vessel derm: skin diplos: double, two dino: horrible echino: spiny ectos: outside endon: within enteron: gut eu: true eury: wide fera: bearing flagella: whips gastro: stomach gnathos: jaw gymnos: naked haline: salt helminthes: worm heteros: different hypsi: high homos: same, common ichthys: fish knide (cnide): nettle koilos (coelos): hollow platy: flat mamma: breast
Cephalopoda Arthropoda
Coral Polyp Ectoderm/ Epidermis Cnidocyte Cnidocyte Endoderm/ Gastroderm
Rectus abdominus Superior rectus
Chondrichthyes Osteichthyes Chondrocyte
Oocyte Oogenesis Boutique
Tide Pool Blenny Hypsoblennius caulopus Uses a euryhaline strategy. Oviparous Demersal
Oligotropic Eutrophic
Biological Nomenclature A species is both defined by its genus name and specific name. Ex.Panthera tigris Panthera- genus name tigris- species name
Names Common names Confusing Ambiguous Scientific names Agreed upon system • Portuguese Man-of-War • Bluebottle • Physalia physalis
Names Language Latin or Latinized Giving names A highly technical process Name is author’s choice
Commemorate People • Gardenia jasminoides (Dr. Alexander Garden) • Camelliajaponica (Joseph Kamel) • Strelitzia reginae (Queen Charlotte of Mecklenburg-Strelitz) • Siegesbeckia orientalis (Dr. Siegesbeck)
Descriptive • Cardinalis cardinalis (red) • Railus aquaticus (watery) • Passer domesticus (house)
Geographic Location • Kuhlia sandwicensis (Hawaii) • Periplanata americana(American cockroach) • Zosterops japonica • (Japanese white-eye)
Pronunciation • Divide into syllables • Choose where to place emphasis Monachus schauinslandi Mon/a/chusschau/in/slan/di Hawaiian Monk Seal
Humor in naming Agra vation by Terry Erwin a tropical beetle that was apparently very difficult to collect. (Agra cadabra, Agra katewinslettae, Agra memnon, Agra sasquatch) Heerz lukenatcha. http://www.curioustaxonomy.net/puns/puns.html
Humor in naming A spider called Orson-wells malus A flower called Eristalis gatesi An ant called Pheidole harrisonfordi