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Urban Village Land Use & Growth data

Discover detailed data on your urban village's growth trends, zoning info, and property owners. Utilize King County Parcel Viewer for in-depth analysis.

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Urban Village Land Use & Growth data

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Urban Village Land Use & Growth data

  2. What is in your Urban Village?

  3. There is a lot of data on this website, do explore! Click on Neighborhoods

  4. Scroll down to your Urban Village

  5. “Current” side of the chart, meaning as - is

  6. “Future” side of the chart, meaning as - zoned

  7. How fast are you growing?

  8. First page is citywide info

  9. Detail page – each year of growth will be added

  10. Last page is summary info

  11. What’s in the pipeline?

  12. Questions?

  13. How to find land parcel info Use this to identify and contact off site property owners

  14. King County Parcel Viewer - King County http://www.kingcounty.gov/services/gis/Maps/parcel-viewer.aspx Once a parcel is selected, you will get direct links to the King County Assessor's eReal Property report and the Districts and Development  Click on the button to Start Parcel Viewer When you get to the map, zoom into parcels

  15. Zoom in until you can click on a parcel

  16. Select a parcel, use the link in the pop up to move to the tax records Click here for next step Note the taxpayer address

  17. Click on the Property Tax Bill button

  18. Account number is auto populated click on the “search” button

  19. Now compare the address of the property to the mailing address of the tax bill. Assumption is if there is a different address, it’s a rental unit.

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