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Fairtrade Challenge: Test Your Knowledge and Impact

Participate in the Fairtrade Challenge to test your knowledge and make a positive impact! Learn about Fairtrade facts and figures, including the history, products, and achievements of the Fairtrade movement. Discover how you can contribute to Fairtrade initiatives and become a Fairtrade school.

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Fairtrade Challenge: Test Your Knowledge and Impact

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  1. FAIRTRADEchallenge Click on the buttonsto choose your answers.

  2. When is Fairtrade fortnight? Two weeks in November and December Two weeks in February andMarch Two weeksin July and August It changes every year

  3. Sorry, click to try again Show me theright answer

  4. Correct!Fairtrade Fortnight is 24th February – 9th March 2014

  5. How many Fairtrade bananas were eaten as part of the Fairtrade Fortnight 2009 Go Bananas for Fairtrade world record? 240,015 563 470,001 10,350

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  7. Correct!470,001 bananas were eaten as partof the Go Bananas for Fairtrade world record in 2009.

  8. How many products have the Fairtrade mark? Under 1,000 Over 2,000 Nearly 3,000 Over 4,000

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  10. Correct!There are over 4,000 productscertified with the Fairtrade mark in theUK and the number is still growing!

  11. Who set up the Fairtrade Foundation? The Trade JusticeMovement CAFOD, Christian Aid,Oxfam, Traidcraft andthe World DevelopmentMovement The Department ofTrade and Industry (DTI) The Queen

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  13. Correct!The Fairtrade Foundation wasset up by CAFOD, Christian Aid, Oxfam, Traidcraft and the World DevelopmentMovement in 1992.

  14. Who makes the Fairtrade chocolate bar called ‘Divine’? The Day ChocolateCompany Mars Green and Blacks Cadbury

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  16. Correct! Day chocolate company make Divine chocolate bars. Cadburys and Nestle now have Fairtrade chocolate bars. Which ones have you eaten?

  17. How many Fairtradeschools are there in the UK in 2013? About 300 Less than 100 Over 800 Over 2000

  18. Show me theright answer Sorry, click totry again!

  19. Correct! There are now over 800 Fairtrade schools in the UK. A school can become Fairtrade by using Fairtrade products, learning about how global fair trade works and taking action in the school and the wider community.

  20. What was the first product to be awardedthe Fairtrade mark in March 1994? Clipper Tea Green and Blacks MayaGold organic chocolate Bananas Café direct coffee

  21. Sorry, click totry again Show me theright answer

  22. Correct! Green and Black’s Maya Goldorganic chocolate received the Fairtrade mark in March 1994. Soon after Clipper Tea and Café Direct coffee also gained the mark. All Green and Black’s chocolate, hot drinks and baking products are now Fairtrade. The cocoa farmers in the Dominican Republic where the cocoa comes from, can now help to improve their communities.

  23. In what year did Fairtrade footballs and roses become available? 1999 2006 2004 2002

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  25. Correct! In 2004 Fairtrade roses from Kenya and Fairtrade footballs from Pakistan became available.

  26. What does a school need to do to become a Fairtrade school? Set up a FairtradeSteering Group Learn about Fairtradeissues Use and promote Fairtrade productswhen you can Have a Fairtrade policy

  27. Correct!In fact, all of the answers were correct. There are five goals to becoming a Fairtrade school. Click to read the goals and get startedon your mission to become a Fairtrade school

  28. GOAL 1.Get talking!Set up a Fairtrade Steering Group in your school GOAL 2.Make it official!Have a whole school Fairtrade Policy GOAL 3.Shout about it!Make sure your school uses and promotes Fairtrade products when possible. (That means Fairtrade tea and coffee in the staff room for starters!) GOAL 4.Find out more! Make sure everyone in your school learns about Fairtrade issues GOAL 5.Spread the word!Now your school is committed to promoting and taking action for Fairtrade in school, it’s time to spread the word to the wider community

  29. Find out more about Fairtrade by visiting cafod.org.uk fairtrade.org.uk picturemyworld.cafod.org.uk/fairtrade/ Updated January 2014Illustrations by Mary Gorton and Ellis Nadler

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