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Juvenile crime. Don´t do it! I´m too young to go to court ! Children as young as seven can be tried in a juvenile court . And if you commit a crime when you’re younger than that , your parents will be liable . They may have to stand trial or pay a fine.
Don´t do it!I´mtooyoung to go to court! Children as young as seven can be tried in a juvenilecourt. And ifyoucommit a crimewhenyou’reyoungerthanthat, yourparentswill be liable. Theymayhave to stand trial orpay a fine. Yeah, butthat´sjuvenilecourt, notthe real courts!
Watchout! Ifyoucommit a seriouscrime, thejudge canwaiveyou to adultcourt. It´shappened to youths as young as twelveyearsold! Thepolicenever do anything. Theyjustdetainyou, callyourparents and thenyougo home! Policeofficers can elect to take a minorintocustodyifthesituation warrants it. Do youwant to stay in a juvenilecorrectionalfacility?
Well, thejudgewillprobablyjustgive me a lecture off the record. Orthejudgemightforceyou to pay a fine, giveyoucommunityservice, putyouonprobation, and makeyoupay back thevictimorinsistyougo to counseling. But I won´tget a criminal record ifI´munder 18.
Not true. Juvenile records may be expungedonyoureighteenthbirthday, butonlyifyou´veprovedthatyourbehavior has improved.
Waiveddetainedexpunged Off the record liablejuvenilelecture 1 Thejudgespoke to theteenagegirl________ 2 Theboy´sparentswere________ forthedamage. 3 Tom received a __________ aboutobeyingthelaw. 4 A fifteenyearoldboyisdue in a_________ courttomorrow.
Waiveddetainedexpunged Off the record liablejuvenilelecture 5 Thejudge ___________ thecrime to anadultcourtbecauseitwasserious. 6His criminal record was____________ when he was 18 yearsold 7 Thepolice________- thejuvenile at thestation.
1 criminal record 2 minor 3 correctionalfacility 4 communityservice 5 probation 6 victim 7 counseling A someonewhoistooyoung to be treated as anadult. B a place whereyoungpeople are detained C theprocess of helpingsomeonewiththeirproblems D a documentshowinganycrimesyouhavecommitted
1 criminal record 2 minor 3 correctionalfacility 4 communityservice 5 probation 6 victim 7 counseling E a personwhosuffered as a result of someone´scrime F a punishment in whichthepersonworks to help local people G a situation in whichthepersonmustbehavewell to avoidfurtherpunishment.