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greek.: dialysis = dispersal

A molecular sieve. greek.: dialysis = dispersal. semipermeable membrane lat.: semi = „half“, „partial“ und permeable = “diaphanous“ Only the small molecules are able to pass the dividing wall. http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dialyse. The “miracuolous” powder.

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greek.: dialysis = dispersal

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  1. A molecular sieve greek.: dialysis = dispersal semipermeable membrane lat.: semi = „half“, „partial“ und permeable = “diaphanous“ Only the small molecules are able to pass the dividing wall http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dialyse CITIES Project N. 129193-CP-1-2006-1-DE–COMENIUS–C21

  2. The “miracuolous” powder The super-absorbent polymer, a coarse grained powder Super-absorbent particles before (left) and after absorbing water 1g Polymer absorbs up to 1000g of water http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Superabsorber /http://www.chemgapedia.de CITIES Project N. 129193-CP-1-2006-1-DE–COMENIUS–C21

  3. Separating colours: Chromatography Chromatography: greek: croma = colour and grafein = to write History: During his research into chlorophyll the Russian botanist Michail Tswett (1903) separated plant pigments such chlorophyll, carotenes etc. Using a column containing calcium-carbonate he was able to separate the differently coloured dyestuffs of green leaves CITIES Project N. 129193-CP-1-2006-1-DE–COMENIUS–C21

  4. What does the sample contain – and how much of it? http://www.ntk-landau.de/chromatographie/Auswertung_SC.htm Today automatic methods print such chromatograms CITIES Project N. 129193-CP-1-2006-1-DE–COMENIUS–C21

  5. From the carob tree intoto the pudding locust bean gum can absorb a hundred times it’s own weight Used as a thickening agent in sauces, puddings and candies polysaccharide consisting of mannose and galactose units http://www.chemgapedia.de/vsengine/vlu/vsc/de/ch/9/mac/funktionspolymere/verdicker/verdickungsmittel.vlu/Page/vsc/de/ch/9/mac/funktionspolymere/verdicker/natuerl.vscml.html CITIES Project N. 129193-CP-1-2006-1-DE–COMENIUS–C21

  6. fats (lipids) in our blood Lipids are lipophilic (lipos: greek = fett; philos = friend) our blood consists of 90% water, therefore lipids are attached to proteins for transportation if the blood consists of to many lipids, drops are formed this blood is called lipaemic blood fats are generally triesters of glycerol and fatty acids http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fat CITIES Project N. 129193-CP-1-2006-1-DE–COMENIUS–C21

  7. Detection of blood-fats • enzymatic reaction • enzyme: Lipoprotein lipase • the lipoprotein lipase splits the • triglyceride in glycerol • More reactions follow and a red dyestuff is formed => lipaemic blood • The intensity of the red colour enables a quantitative determination of the blood fat concentration http://www.gengland.de/files/vorklinik/Biochemie/Protokoll%20-%20Lipide.pdf CITIES Project N. 129193-CP-1-2006-1-DE–COMENIUS–C21

  8. Synthetic balls from the other point of view • Interpretation of synthetic balls • cross-linked and non cross-linked http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bild:Cellulose-3D-vdW.png http://www.chemgapedia.de/vsengine/media/vsc/de/ch/9/mac/polymere_werkstoff/duroplaste/duromere.gif CITIES Project N. 129193-CP-1-2006-1-DE–COMENIUS–C21

  9. Phenomenon out of the kitchen Why the sauce becomes even thicker when it is heated up? Thickening a sauce http://chaoskueche.wordpress.com/2007/11/ CITIES Project N. 129193-CP-1-2006-1-DE–COMENIUS–C21

  10. Starch is not soluble in cold water • It falls to the bottom of a vessel and begins to swell • In hot water the molecules of the starch become loose, build a lattice and so they are „fatter“ • When you put acid in it, the bonds will be break and the sauce will become thinner again CITIES Project N. 129193-CP-1-2006-1-DE–COMENIUS–C21

  11. Some more kitchen chemistry Why are carrots steamed in fat and why shouldn‘t they be cooked just in water? Carrots contain a great concentration of β-Carotene, therefore they are an excellent source for vitamin A CITIES Project N. 129193-CP-1-2006-1-DE–COMENIUS–C21

  12. β-Carotene • β-Carotene is nonpolar, and therefore its soluble in fat • The human body is only able to absorb β-Carotene, if the nutrition contains fat as well => Therefore carrots are steamed in fat CITIES Project N. 129193-CP-1-2006-1-DE–COMENIUS–C21

  13. Vitamin A • β-Carotene = provitamin A • The human body converts provitamin A to • vitamin A http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Karotte CITIES Project N. 129193-CP-1-2006-1-DE–COMENIUS–C21

  14. Quite different fats Saturated fatty acid Substances of animal origin Unsaturated fatty acid Substances of plant origin http://www.marions-kochbuch.de/index/1621.htm http://www.marions-kochbuch.de/index/0164.htm http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Transfetts%C3%A4uren CITIES Project N. 129193-CP-1-2006-1-DE–COMENIUS–C21

  15. Saturated fatty acidy can be packed together very tightly, therefore they have a higher melting point, therefore they are solid at room temperature The double bond causes the unsaturated fatty acids to bend, they can’t be packed together tightly, therefore they are liquid at room temperature => oils http://courses.cm.utexas.edu/jrobertus/ch339k/overheads-2/ch11_fatty-acid-struct.jpg CITIES Project N. 129193-CP-1-2006-1-DE–COMENIUS–C21

  16. Fats have important functions: • source of energy, the human body draws 30-35% of the needed energy from fats • transport “fat-soluble” vitamins => see carrots!!! • fats are the major form of energy storage in the animal organism. Fats deliver carbonate. • in fats of animal origin are saturated fatty acids are predominant, but these ones are the thickeners CITIES Project N. 129193-CP-1-2006-1-DE–COMENIUS–C21

  17. Fat hardening In the fat hardening process trans-fatty-acids (adjacent carbon-atoms are on opposite sides of the double bond) accrue as by-products (naturally only cis-fats occur) The consumption of trans-fats increases one’s risk of coronary heart diseases Margarine is produced by fat hardening http://www.inform24.de/transistor.html http://content.answers.com/main/content/wp/en-commons/thumb/f/fe/250px-Margarine.jpg CITIES Project N. 129193-CP-1-2006-1-DE–COMENIUS–C21

  18. Colouring eggs using an onion an onion contains quercetin, which is a natural dye The eggshell contains copper, aluminium, and iron http://www.cityforum-profrankfurt.de/cms/upload/bilder/Stoeffche/07-09-13-ei01.jpg http://www.photosoph.de/ CITIES Project N. 129193-CP-1-2006-1-DE–COMENIUS–C21

  19. Through treating the egg with onionskin the egg turns brown Quercetin reacts with the metals in the eggshell to yield a coloured complexes • Aluminium forms yellow compounds • Iron forms brown compounds • Copper forms red compounds http://www.old.uni-bayreuth.de/departments/ddchemie/umat/zwiebel/zwiebel.htm http://www.chf.de/eduthek/projektarbeit-faerben-mit-naturfarbstoffen.html#4-2 CITIES Project N. 129193-CP-1-2006-1-DE–COMENIUS–C21

  20. The connection maker • Emulsifiers are amphipathic molecules • They contain a lipophilic group (fat-loving) and a hydrophilic group (water-loving) • the hydrophilic group interacts with the water , while the lipophilic group interacts with the oil. This way the emulsifier blends two liquids Micelle http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tensid CITIES Project N. 129193-CP-1-2006-1-DE–COMENIUS–C21

  21. An emulsifier stabilises an emulsion • Emulsion: mixture of two immiscible substances. The surfactant emulsifier is able to blend the two liquids http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Emulsion CITIES Project N. 129193-CP-1-2006-1-DE–COMENIUS–C21

  22. Emulsifier are used in products of our daily life for example in cosmetics, groceries… with emulsifier without emulsifier http://www.cognis.com/company/Press+and+Media/Press+Releases/2007/Press+Room+NH+February+9_2007+(de).htm CITIES Project N. 129193-CP-1-2006-1-DE–COMENIUS–C21

  23. Milk: An Oil-in-water-emulsion • The main contents of milk are water and fat • Milk contains a natural emulsifier (Lecithin) • Lecithins surround the globule of fat and distribute those in the milk Structure of the Lecithins http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bild:Lecithine.svg http://www2.lanuv.nrw.de/index_print.php?cid=179 CITIES Project N. 129193-CP-1-2006-1-DE–COMENIUS–C21

  24. Bullrich-Salz • Bullrich Salz • heartburn and acid-related stomach complaints medication • Over 150 years Bullrich-Salz has been traditionally used as a gentle medication • Active Ingredient: Sodium Bicarbonate • In 1827 the former pharmacist August Wilhelm Bullrich established the so called “Bullrich-Salz” as an universal salt • Smart, popular and persuasive promotion helped “Bullrich-Salz” to become one of the most famous household remedies in Germany http://www.apo-baer.de/BullrichSalzTab_sml.jpg CITIES Project N. 129193-CP-1-2006-1-DE–COMENIUS–C21

  25. The DNA in every mouth • all animals and plants contain DNA within their cell nucleus • every human being consumes with his nutrition 1g of DNA • the body uses this DNA for the synthesis of human DNA http://www.dialog-gentechnik.at/binaries/108927.pdf CITIES Project N. 129193-CP-1-2006-1-DE–COMENIUS–C21

  26. Warm hands thanks to the bear The bear contains a metastable sodium acetate solution, that means more salt is dissolved than water is normally able to dissolve A mechanic disturbance of the system leads to a stable system, i.e. crystallised salt metastability: weakly stable state http://www.werbefirma.de/shop/de/dept_228.html CITIES Project N. 129193-CP-1-2006-1-DE–COMENIUS–C21

  27. The red ball shows the metastable system • Through an input of energy, the red ball is able to roll up the little hill ( green ball), • This input of energy equals the energy needed to transform the system into a stable system (blue ball), the stable system has the least energy http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Metastabilit%C3%A4t CITIES Project N. 129193-CP-1-2006-1-DE–COMENIUS–C21

  28. cracking the little metal plate (disturbing the system) causes crystallisation => stable system Through crystallisation energy is released in the form of heat This way the bear keeps our hands warm!! http://www.kopfball.de/frgevg.phtml?kbsec=frgevg&kbfrgevgsec=dtl4 CITIES Project N. 129193-CP-1-2006-1-DE–COMENIUS–C21

  29. Active component: Aluminium-chlorohydrate Al2(OH)5Cl CITIES Project N. 129193-CP-1-2006-1-DE–COMENIUS–C21

  30. Aluminium-chloride-hexahydrate Aluminium-Chlorohydrate is based on Aluminium- chlorid-hexahydrate. This is (AlCl3 · 6 H2O) Alumimium-chloride- hexahydrate can be imagined as a metal-complex lat. Complexus = enclose, embrace http://www.chemiedidaktik.uni-wuppertal.de/material/gestaltungs_technik/salze_saeuren_basen.pdf In this kind of complex Aluminium is weakly connected to six surrounding H2O-molecules. CITIES Project N. 129193-CP-1-2006-1-DE–COMENIUS–C21

  31. What is the effect of Aluminium in a deodorant?? Solutions of Aluminium-chloride-hexahydrate are found to be acidic A solution added with an indicator indicates the acidity http://www.chemiedidaktik.uni-wuppertal.de/material/gestaltungs_technik/salze_saeuren_basen.pdf CITIES Project N. 129193-CP-1-2006-1-DE–COMENIUS–C21

  32. Sweat consists of Proteins Under native conditions proteins are soluble Aluminium is able to change those native With Aluminium the solution becomes acidic and therefore the structure of the proteins is changing ; this is called denaturation Soluble proteins http://www.chemgapedia.de/vsengine/vlu/vsc/de/ch/8/bc/vlu/faltung/stabilitaet.vlu/Page/vsc/de/ch/8/bc/faltung/denaturierung.vscml.html CITIES Project N. 129193-CP-1-2006-1-DE–COMENIUS–C21

  33. Denaturation causes the proteins to fold themselves in a different way The proteins are not soluble anymore • Aluminium forms a gel plug in the duct of the sweat gland • The plugs prevent the gland from excreting • This characteristic of aluminium is called adstringent http://www.chemgapedia.de/vsengine/vlu/vsc/de/ch/8/bc/vlu/faltung/stabilitaet.vlu/Page/vsc/de/ch/8/bc/faltung/denaturierung.vscml.html CITIES Project N. 129193-CP-1-2006-1-DE–COMENIUS–C21

  34. Aluminium can even cure a sore throat Mallebrin • Used to treat an inflammation of the throat • Active ingredient: aluminium-chloride • Aluminium-chloride protects the mucous membranes against germs • Aluminium initiates the generation of a protective layer of proteins on the surface of the cells http://www.medikamente24.de/images/product_images/info_images/1671104.gif CITIES Project N. 129193-CP-1-2006-1-DE–COMENIUS–C21

  35. Do Energy Drinks really let you fly? CITIES Project N. 129193-CP-1-2006-1-DE–COMENIUS–C21

  36. Do Energy Drinks really let you fly? • Ingredients of a common energy drink • per 250mL can • sugar • water • 80 mg caffeine • This is equal to the amount of caffeine in a cup of coffee • 1000 mg Taurine • ...and Taurine is supposed to let you fly! CITIES Project N. 129193-CP-1-2006-1-DE–COMENIUS–C21

  37. Taurine lat.: Bos taurus; the bull • 2-Aminoethanesulfonic acid • Derivative of the sulfur-containing amino acid cysteine • white crystal substance • human body produces Taurine out of the amino acid cysteine • necessary for production of bile acid. • in 1827 Chemists isolated it fromthe gall bladder of a bull • today it is produced out of Ethene,Ammonia and Sodium sulfite CITIES Project N. 129193-CP-1-2006-1-DE–COMENIUS–C21

  38. Taurin and ist effects • Athletes use it to increase their performance. • Through taurine weightlifters alleviate muscle fatigue. • Taurine regulates the amount of water in the muscle cells. • This contributes an effective protein synthesis. • Marathon runners use Taurine to increase the stroke volume of their heart. • Scientists do not agree, whether taurine is really responsible for the effect of energy drinks or not. Some scientists also say that the mixture of caffeine and taurine in the drinks could be responsible for this secondary effect. CITIES Project N. 129193-CP-1-2006-1-DE–COMENIUS–C21

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