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BSE Testing in the Czech Republic - Protective Measures and Monitoring

This article discusses the protective measures and monitoring protocols related to BSE (bovine spongiform encephalopathy) in the Czech Republic. It covers the history of BSE detection, bans on imports and feeding practices, removal of specific risk materials, and testing methods used.

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BSE Testing in the Czech Republic - Protective Measures and Monitoring

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  1. State Veterinary Administrationof the Czech Republic BSE Testing in the Czech Republic MVDr. Josef Holejsovsky Chief Veterinary Officer Praque, 24.10.2002

  2. Protective Measures related to BSE in the Czech Republic I Since 1962 Animal waste processed according to the Methodical Instruction of the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Aquaculture issued to the Decree No. 154/1961 of the Act on Veterinary Care: • sterilisation for the time period of 30 minutes, • at the temperature of 130-140 °C, • at the pressure of 3 bars, • further boiled until their disintegration.

  3. Protective Measures related to BSE in the Czech Republic II 04.06.1991 The first official ban on feeding of MBM from ruminants and minks to ruminantswas issued. 30.09.1996 The official banfrom June 1991 has been repeatedly confirmed andextendedon using of all mammalian animal tissues and all products thereof for feeding of all ruminant species.

  4. Protective Measures related to BSE in the Czech Republic III 01.01.2000 SRM is removed from food chain based on Decree No. 286/1999 Coll. 18.06.2001 The ban in force on production of mechanically recovered meat from all bones of cattle, sheep and goats of all age categories; SRM from slaughterhouses and dead animal cadavers is removed from feed chain, processed in one designated rendering plant for a following incineration.

  5. Protective Measures related to BSE in the Czech Republic IV CR issued the ban on imports of bovine animals and products thereof: Great Britain and Switzerland1994 France and Portugal 21.11.2000 Belgium, Denmark, Irish Republic, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Germany, Spain 01.12.2000 Italy 18.01.2001 ********************************** CR issued the ban on imports of MBM from all EU Member States27.11.2000

  6. Monitoring of BSE in the Czech Republic I 1991 The TSE Reference Laboratory has been established. Up to 1996 The number of tests was limited - only animals with clinicalsymptoms of nervous disease were examinated by means of classical histological technique.

  7. Monitoring of BSE in the Czech Republic II 01.02.2001 Tests using the Western blot method (Prionics check) have been introduced, the risk groups of animals were tested in: • State Veterinary Institute Prague, • State Veterinary Institute Jihlava. Confirmation method: The immunocytochemistry started to be used in the State Veterinary Institute Jihlava and than in Prague. 12.06.2001 Cattle aged over 30 months have been and are being compulsorily tested.

  8. Monitoring of BSE in the Czech Republic III January 2001 The Crisis Committee was established by the Minister of Agriculture of the Czech Republic in relation to BSE - representatives of: • Ministry of Agriculture, • State Veterinary Administration CR, • Ministry of Health, • Ministry of Foreign Affaires, • Ministry of Trade. Ministry of Health established the National Reference Laboratory for human TSE’s (CJD/V-CJD)

  9. DBF file monthly transfered XLS file weekly transfered Data aggregation Final output State veterinary administration CR Headquarters State veterinary institute District veterinary administration Animal transport Slaughterhouse State veterinary supervision Sample request Cadaver transport Rendering plant sampling Stable Result of laboratory testing BSE Testing Data Flow in the Czech Republic

  10. I Am BSE Free !!!

  11. Under 24 months From 24 to 30 months Over 30 months Total CZ origin Import Total CZ origin Import Total CZ origin Import Total CZ origin Import Total killed and destroyed 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 animals suspected animals 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 fallen stock animals 3 1 4 15 3 18 458 105 563 476 109 585 emergency 8 0 8 43 4 47 2034 261 2295 2085 265 2350 slaughtered animals slaughtered animals 3575 0 3575 1819 0 1819 2998 280 3278 8392 280 8672 TOTAL 3586 1 3587 1877 7 1884 5490 646 6136 10953 654 11607 BSE Tests carried out usingWB Method 01.02.2001 to 11.06.2001 Finding No. Sex Age Origin Breeder Date of results CZ 000014541607 Female 68 month CZE ZD Dusejov 5.6.2001

  12. 19 DC LB JN UL CL TP TU SM MO LT JC CV NA MB ME LN JE KV HK SO RK NB KL RA AB PU BR CH KO SU PY PS BE OP PZ KI OS KH CR RO TC SY PM BN NJ HB FM PB PJ PR DO ZR PV BK VS PE PI TA JI KM KT VY ST ZL BM TR BO JH UH PT CB HO ZN BV CK from 1 to 100 from 301 to 500 from 1001 to 3000 from 101 to 300 from 501 to 1000 over 3000 Origin of Tested Cattle01.02.2001 to 11.06.2001

  13. Polna Jihlava Trest Telc Localization of the First BSE Finding Farm Dusejov Slaughterhouse Kostelec u Jihlavy CZ 100

  14. History of the First BSE Finding Cow Nr. CZ 000014541607 from the Farm Dusejov, district Jihlava 04.06.2001 slaughtered in export slaughterhouse „Kostelecke uzeniny“, Kostelec u Jihlavy, CZ 100 05.06.2001 State veterinary institute in Jihlava • positive Western Blot test 06.06.2001 State veterinary institute Prague • positive second Western Blot test 08.06.2001 positive imunohistochemical test in the Czech laboratory 14.06.2001 confirmation in the European reference laboratory Tuebingen

  15. Genealogy of the First BSE Finding Cow Nr. CZ 000014541607 from the farm Dusejov, district Jihlava born 28.09.1995, no moving, Czech origin, slaughtered 68 months old Mother: Cow Nr. CZ 000080965647, born 29.06.1993, still living in Dusejov Siblings: 1. Cow CZ 000014827607, born 16.09.1996, no moving, slaughtered 16.04.2001 in Kostelec, tested for BSE in SVI Jihlava with negative result 2. Cow CZ000030163607, born 13.01.1998, still living in Dusejov 3. Bull CZ 000116554667, born 16.01.2000, still living in Dusejov 4. Heifer CZ 000115283607, born 05.01.2001, still living in Dusejov Offspring: 1. Cow CZ 000030150607, born 30.11.1997, still living in Dusejov 2. Heifer CZ 000115014607, born 01.01.2000, death in the first month 3. Heifer CZ 000115271607, born 07.12.2000, still living in Dusejov

  16. Cattle Killed and Destroyedin the Farm Dusejov total 134 animals !! BSE test withoutpositive findings !!

  17. Veterinary Measuresin the Herd of Origin • Movement restrictions • Eradication by the methods „cohort cull and offspring cull“ • Testing of all culled animals: - if positives - incinerated - if negatives - burried • Other animals - movement restrictions with the exception of movement toslaughterhouse with veterinary certificate - all dead and slaughtered animals compulsory test by Western blot

  18. Veterinary Measuresin the Slaughterhouses • All bovine animals over 30 months of age subject to slaughter have been compulsory testing for BSE since12th June 2001 • Ban of production of mechanically recovered meat from bones of bovine animals since 18th June 2001 • Separate collection, removal and transport of SRM to designated rendering plant since 18th June 2001

  19. Mimon DC LB Podborany Zichlinek JN UL CL TP TU SM MO LT Mankovice JC CV NA MB ME LN JE KV HK SO RK NB KL RA AB PU BR CH KO SU PY PS BE OP PZ KI OS KH CR RO TC SY PM BN NJ HB FM PB PJ PR DO ZR PV BK VS PE PI TA JI KM KT VY ST ZL BM TR BO JH UH PT CB Birkov HO ZN BV CK Chotycany Vez Otrokovice (SRM rendering) Medlov Collecting Areas of the Rendering Plants

  20. Veterinary MeasuresConcerning SRM • Removal from food chain applied since 1st January 2000 • Removal from feed chain - separate processing of SRM from slaughterhouses and rendering plants in one designated rendering plant under veterinary supervision since 18th June 2001

  21. Extraordinary veterinary measures issued on 18. 6. 2001 (following the 1st BSE case) • SRM is collected at slaughterhouses separately from the other condemned materials • Separated collection of SRM from dead animals at renderingplants • Ban onmechanical recovering of meat from the bones of cattle, sheep and goats • Transport of all SRM to the only one designated rendering plant • In addition to this measures issued by the Minister of Agriculture of the CR it wasdecided, in the frame of CVO responsibility,to test forBSE all cattle agedmore than 30 months (or more than 24 months in emergency slaughtering)

  22. Amendments of decrees related to the Veterinary Act in addition to the Extraordinary Veterinary Measures issued on 18. 6. 2001 • SRM staining after veterinary examination • burning or burrying of rendered SRM • keeping of records concerning SRM processing for next 7 year • using of native animal origin wastes only for animal feeding in ZOO gardens, circusses and farms of carnivorous fur bearing animals only under approval of DVA. Native and frozen waste materials coming from the place of origin directly to the user (without any intermediaries) • after stunning of cattle, sheep and goats ban on mechanical destruction (laceration) of brain tissue in the cerebral cavity

  23. Measures to be taken following the accession of the Czech Republic to the EU • processing of dead animals by the same wayas SRM (2001/25/EC) • ban on feeding of meat-and-bone mealsfor all domestic animals (2000/766/EC)

  24. Did you hear it? She is BSE positive!

  25. Under 24 months From 24 to 30 months Over 30 months Total CZ origin Import Total CZ origin Import Total CZ origin Import Total CZ origin Import Total killed and destroyed 3 0 3 0 0 0 135 0 135 138 0 138 animals suspected animals 1 0 1 2 0 2 10 1 11 13 1 14 fallen stock animals 4 2 6 20 3 23 926 151 1 077 950 156 1 106 emergency 35 0 35 899 4 903 10 712 359 11 071 11 646 363 12 009 slaughtered animals slaughtered animals 5 067 12 5 079 2 862 0 2 862 22 365 439 22 804 30 294 451 30 745 TOTAL 5 110 14 5 124 3 783 7 3 790 34 148 950 35 098 43 041 971 44 012 BSE Tests carried out usingWB Method - 01.02.-27.08.2001 Finding No. Sex Age Origin Breeder Date of results CZ 000014541607 Female 68 month CZE ZD Dusejov 5.6.2001 CZ 000018136614 Female 72 month CZE SZ Beran 21.8.2001

  26. 30 DC LB JN UL CL TP TU SM MO LT JC CV NA MB ME LN JE KV HK SO RK NB KL RA AB PU BR CH KO SU PY PS BE OP PZ KI OS KH CR RO TC SY PM BN NJ HB FM PB PJ PR DO ZR PV BK VS PE PI TA JI KM KT VY ST ZL BM TR BO JH UH PT CB HO ZN BV CK from 1 to 100 from 301 to 500 from 1001 to 3000 from 101 to 300 from 501 to 1000 over 3000 Origin of Tested Cattle01.02.-27.08.2001

  27. Nove Mesto Bystrice nad Zdar nad na Morave Pernstynem Sazavou Velke Mezirici Velka Bites Localization of the Second BSE Finding Breeder Beran, Farm Svetnov Slaughterhouse Radostin nad Oslavou

  28. Localization of the both BSE Findings • ZD Dusejov • SZ Beran

  29. Under 24 months From 24 to 30 months Over 30 months Total CZ origin Import Total CZ origin Import Total CZ origin Import Total CZ origin Import Total killed and destroyed 3 0 3 0 0 0 135 0 135 138 0 138 animals suspected animals 1 0 1 9 0 9 99 6 105 109 6 115 fallen stock animals 5 2 7 63 3 66 1 872 204 2 076 1 940 209 2 149 emergency 48 0 48 3 375 6 3 381 25 400 514 25 914 28 823 520 29 343 slaughtered animals slaughtered animals 6 577 12 6 589 4 215 9 4 224 70 817 771 71 588 81 609 792 82 401 TOTAL 6 634 14 6 648 7 662 18 7 680 98 292 1 495 99 818 112 619 1 527 114 146 BSE tests carried out by using of rapid tests 01.02.2001 to 31.12.2001

  30. DC LB JN UL CL TP TU SM MO LT JC CV NA MB ME LN JE KV HK SO RK NB KL RA AB PU BR CH KO SU PY PS BE OP PZ KI OS KH CR RO TC SY PM BN NJ HB FM PB PJ PR DO ZR PV BK VS PE PI TA JI KM KT VY ST ZL BM TR BO JH from 1 do 100 from 301 to 500 from 1001 to 3000 UH PT CB HO ZN BV from 101 to 300 from 501 to 1000 over 3000 CK Number of BSE tests in districts 01.02.2001 to 31.12.2001

  31. under 24 months from 24 to 30 months over 30 months total CZ origin import total CZ origin import total CZ origin import total CZ origin import total "A" 3 0 3 0 0 0 135 0 135 138 0 138 "B" 6 0 6 17 0 17 109 8 117 132 8 140 "C" 11 2 13 156 3 159 3 490 248 3 738 3 657 253 3 910 "D" 48 0 48 8 751 7 8 758 54 163 699 54 862 62 962 706 63 668 "E" 0 0 0 15 0 15 35 0 35 50 0 50 "F" 6 828 12 6 840 4 493 10 4 503 164 086 2 401 166 487 175 407 2 423 177 830 total 6 896 14 6 910 13 432 20 13 452 222 018 3 356 225 374 242 346 3 390 245 736 BSE tests carried out by using of rapid tests 01.02.2001 to 30.09.2002 „A“killed and destroyed animals „B“suspected animals „C“fallen stock animals „D“emergency slaughtered animals „E“sick at slaughtered animals „F“slaughtered animals

  32. LB DC JN UL CL TP SM TU MO LT CV MB JC NA ME LN KV JE HK RK SO KL NB RA AB PU BR KO UO CH SU PY BE 8 302 OP PS PZ KH CR KI RO OS TC SY BN PM OL NJ PB HB 6 507 5 832 FM 5 240 5 190 7 041 PJ ZR PR DO BK 9 388 PV PE 5 762 VS PI TA 8 241 JI KT 5 241 KM 8 011 ST ZL 6 387 VY BM TR BO JH 9 074 6 953 UH CB PT HO 6 298 ZN BV CK from 1 to 500 from 1 001 to 2 000 from 3 001 to 5 000 from 501 to 1 000 from 2 001 to 3 000 over 5 000 Number of BSE tests in districts01.02.2001 to 30.09.2002

  33. BSE tests carried out by using of rapid tests 01.02.2001 to 14.10.2002 „A“killed and destroyed animals „B“suspected animals „C“fallen stock animals „D“emergency slaughtered animals „E“sick at slaughtered animals „F“slaughtered animals

  34. do 24 měsíců 24 až 30 měsíců nad 30 měsíců celkem ČR dovoz celkem ČR dovoz celkem ČR dovoz celkem ČR dovoz celkem "A" 18 0 18 4 0 4 1 992 0 1 992 2 014 0 2 014 "B" 6 0 6 20 0 20 114 8 122 140 8 148 "C" 146 2 148 9 168 6 9 174 65 960 323 66 283 75 274 331 75 605 "D" 49 0 49 21 949 8 21 957 131 377 883 132 260 153 375 891 154 266 "E" 1 0 1 75 0 75 226 1 227 302 1 303 "F" 6 888 12 6 900 4 770 10 4 780 467 870 3 904 471 774 479 528 3 926 483 454 celkem 7 108 14 7 122 35 986 24 36 010 667 539 5 119 672 658 710 633 5 157 715 790 Vyšetření BSErychlými testy 01.02.2001 až 31.01.2005 „A“utracená zvířata „B“podezřelá zvířata „C“uhynulá zvířata „D“nutně poražená zvířata „E“přeřazená zvířata „F“zvířata z normálních porážek

  35. under 24 months from 24 to 30 months over 30 months total CZ origin import total CZ origin import total CZ origin import total CZ origin import total "A" 18 0 18 4 0 4 1 992 0 1 992 2 014 0 2 014 "B" 6 0 6 20 0 20 114 8 122 140 8 148 "C" 146 2 148 9 168 6 9 174 65 960 323 66 283 75 274 331 75 605 "D" 49 0 49 21 949 8 21 957 131 377 883 132 260 153 375 891 154 266 "E" 1 0 1 75 0 75 226 1 227 302 1 303 "F" 6 888 12 6 900 4 770 10 4 780 467 870 3 904 471 774 479 528 3 926 483 454 total 7 108 14 7 122 35 986 24 36 010 667 539 5 119 672 658 710 633 5 157 715 790 BSE tests carried out by using of rapid tests 01.02.2001 to 31.01.2005 „A“killed and destroyed animals „B“suspected animals „C“fallen stock animals „D“emergency slaughtered animals „E“sick at slaughtered animals „F“slaughtered animals

  36. from 1 to 1 000 from 5 001 to 10 000 from 15 001 to 20 000 from 1 001 to 5 000 from 10 001 to 15 000 over 20 000 Number of BSE tests in districts01.02.2001 to 31.01.2005

  37. 1 až 1 000 5 001 až 10 000 15 001 až 20 000 1 001 až 5 000 10 001 až 15 000 více než 20 000 Původ vyšetřenéhoskotu na BSE01.02.2001 až 31.01.2005

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