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This study investigates the levels and variability of carbonaceous aerosols in different environments in Spain. It quantifies local and external contributions, analyzes source apportionment, and provides data for modelers.
OC and EC in rural, urban, traffic and industrial sites of Spain Querol X.1, Alastuey A.1, Viana M.1, Moreno T.1, Reche C.1, Minguillón M.C.1, Ripoll A.1, Pandolfi M.1, Amato F.1, Pérez N.1, Pey J.1, Cusack M.1, Karanasiou A.1, Vázquez R.1, de la Rosa J.2, Sánchez de la Campa A.2, Rodriguez S.3, Pío C.4, Alados-Arboledas L.5, Titos G.5, Atíñano B.6, Salvador P.6, García Dos Santos S.7, Fernández Patier R.7 • Institute of Environmental Assessment and Water Research, IDAEA, CSIC, Barcelona, Spain, • University of Huelva, Spain • Izaña Observatory, AEMET, Santa Cruz de Tenerife, Spain • Aveiro University, Portugal • University of Granada, Spain • CIEMAT, Madrid, Spain • Instituto de Salud Carlos III, Madrid, Spain. xavier.querol@idaea.csic.es Gozo, TFMM, April 17, 2012
Outlook • Objectives • Methodology • Results • a) Levels of nmC, OC and EC • b) Inter-annual trends • c) Seasonal patterns • d) Daily evolution • Conclusions and further research
Objectives • To describe levels and variability of the carbonaceous aerosol fraction in different environments in Spain • To quantify local and external contributions • Source contribution analysis • Showing data free available for modelers
Methodology Remote Rural Sub - urban Industrial - rural Industrial Urban Traffic Analysis of Non - mineral C Analysis of OC and EC 71 sites for nmC, 32 sites OC, EC Elemental LECO analyzers (total C) after subtraction of carbonate C, deduced from measured Ca and Mg Most> 1 year, some >6 years (up to 10) EC and OC: Thermo-optical Aveiro University (1999-2000) and IDAEA-CSIC Sunset EUSAAR2 Online: EBC- MAAP with EC insitu corrections (6 sites), OC & EC online measurements (1)
Results: nmC Remote & Rural Rural Industrial Industrial Urban B. Traffic Urban-indust Traffic Remote nmC
Results: nmC NW, frequent forest fires Old brick manuf processes Factor of 10
Results: OC & ECC x 50 for EC x 5 forOC
Results: OC & ECC Canary Islands
& EC-OC Results: Local vs external EBC
Results: Source apportionment 14C AND AEROSOL MASS SPECTROMETER (AMS) RESULTS COMBINATION Barcelona Montseny At Barcelona: OCf is ~53% secondary OOC is ~60% non-fossil At Montseny: OCf is ~85% secondary (consistent with the higher OCf/ECf ratio at MSY than at BCN) OOC is ~70% non-fossil HOC: hydrocarbon-like organic carbon COC: cooking organic carbon BBOC: biomass burning organic carbon OOC: oxygenated organic carbon, surrogate for secondary OC Minguillón et al., 2011, Atmos Chem Phys 11, 2067-12084
Results: Source apportionment Barcelona UB, 2009 Reche et al., 2012, Science of the Total Environment
Results: Source apportionment BIOMASS BURNING OC CONTRIBUTION ESTIMATED BY DIFFERENT TECHNIQUES - 14C in EC and OC - Aerosol Mass Spectrometer (PMF-AMS) - levoglucosan concentrations - off-line chemical composition (PMF-OF) Minguillón et al., 2011, Atmos Chem Phys 11, 2067-12084
Results: Source apportionment • “Secondary organics”: Regional air mass circulation, Road 19%; Background 56% • “Primary organics”: Anthropogenic activities (traffic…), Road 45%; Background 29% • “Cooking organics (?)”: Reaction products of oleic acid, Road 39%; Background 15% Contribution % MCR scores A B C 30 tracers 12h samples from 21 Sept to 18 Okt. 2010 (Alier et al. submitted ES&T)
OC is influenced by a large variety of sources • BC mass absorption cross section changes as a function of mixing state and origin • Cooking contribution to OC may be higher, but we still investigate it • 60% urban OC arises from modern C (origin?) • Still high uncertainty for source apportionment of OC Current and further research Conclusions • EC in Spain is a good tracer of local traffic emissions (remote/ traffic reaching 50) • OC is influenced by a large variety of sources and the factor traffic/remote is only 5 • EC ratio is a good indicator for remote sites (<0.1) • BC mass absorption cross section changes as a function of mixing state and origin • Biomass burning contributes to a small proportion of urban OC in Spain • Cooking contribution to OC may be higher, but we still investigate it • 60% urban OC arises from modern C (origin?) • Still high uncertainty for source apportionment of OC
Acknowledgements: Ministry of the Environment of Spain, Ministry of Sciences and Innovation of Spain Regional AQ monitoring networks: Generalitat Valenciana, Generalitat de Catalunya Andalucía, Baleares, Canarias, Castilla-León, Castilla la Mancha, Euskadi, Extremadura, Galicia, Madrid, Murcia. OpenAir (Carslaw & Ropkins, 2011. Environmental Modeling & Software) • Thank you for your attention ! • xavier.querol@idaea.csic.es
Results: BC ORIGIN OF BC AND MASS ABSORPTION CROSS SECTION (MAC) MAC (EC; SUNSET) (MAAP) Pandolfi et al., ACP, 2011 • Absorption measurements from MAAP • EC off-line measurements from 24h-filters (SUNSET) MSY (04/2008 – 02/2010)
Results: BC ORIGIN OF BC AND MASS ABSORPTION CROSS SECTION (MAC) 7 – 15 m2g-1(Pandolfi et al., ACP, 2011; Fernàndez-Camacho et al., ACP, 2010; Bond and Bergstrom, Aer.Sci.Technol.,2006; Arnott et al., JGR, 2003; …). MSY (04/2008 – 02/2010) Pandolfi et al., ACP, 2011 11.6±2.0 10.7±1.8 10.2±1.8 7.5±1.8