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Berufsbildende Schulen Bersenbrück: Vocational Center Overview

Explore the vocational school in Bersenbrück, Germany, offering a variety of professions. Learn about the education system, student population, and the region's characteristics.

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Berufsbildende Schulen Bersenbrück: Vocational Center Overview

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  1. Welcome to the Vocational school in Bersenbrück Berufsbildenden Schulen Bersenbrück

  2. Look at Germany • Middle of Europe • 81 Mio. inhabitants • Total area 357.168 km²

  3. North of the County of Osnabrück Catchment area of the school:SG Bersenbrück, (28.000)SG Fürstenau, (16.500)SG Artland, (22.500)SG Neuenkirchen (10.500)SG Bramsche, (31.500) ________inhabitants 109.000 Typical for our region: - rural area with little companys - a few industrial companys (metall, foodstuffs, packing) - tourism is marching forward

  4. Areal view of the vocational center

  5. The school … ... in figures: about 2.200 students about 135 people 125 teachers 2 social worker 3 caretaker 1 network adminsitrator 4 clerks

  6. Industrial manager Shop assistent Retail manager Wholesale manager Bank assistent Office executives

  7. carpenter Painter and decorator

  8. baker butcher Hair-dresser

  9. Bricklayer and concrete worker carpenter

  10. farmer Home economics

  11. Doctors assistent Gereatric nursing educators Childcare workers

  12. Technichans for heating, climate and sanitary facilities Electronic technicans Precision engineer Technicans for agricultural machines construktion Industrial engineering mechatronics Automotive engineering

  13. Great variaty of professions

  14. Different professions, different development

  15. Students until 2020

  16. Education System in Germany

  17. High school Master, Technician etc. High school Vocational Training AA Gymnasium Elementary school

  18. Duale Ausbildung Dual education system 4 days a week in the company 1 day a week in vocational school The apprentice lasts 3 or 3,5 years Earn money from the company ca. 400 € per month Practical training in the company Theory and general education in school They get an apprenticeship diploma and a graduation certificate

  19. Qualifikationsmöglichkeiten in der Berufsschule - Hauptschule - 2-jährige Berufsfach-schule Erw. Sek. I RS DS<3 Fachober-schule 12 (FOS-12) Fach-gymnasium(FG) Berufs-fachschule (BFS) RS Erw. Sek. I HSA Berufs-einstiegs-klasse (BEK) Berufsschule(Ausbildung) (BS) EnglischDeutsch DS<3 o h n e Hauptschulabschluss m i t Hauptschulabschluss (HSA) Hauptschule BBS Bersenbrück T. Kohne Stand: 2009-10

  20. Choice of projects Europa-Schule beraten – begleiten – qualifizieren Region des Lernens Osnabrücker Nordkreis Eine ländliche Lernlandschaft im Netzwerk aktiv gestalten

  21. Photovoltaik International workshop with students from: Czechia, Hungary and the Netherlands

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