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さようなら , Berwyn, Heights!. Goodbye, Berwyn Heights! It’s really sad leaving here. I’ve been here since Kindergarten, and I have a lot of memories, like Camp Schmidt, NorthBay , Six Flags, Greenbelt Park, TAG, and lots of epic friends…
さようなら,Berwyn, Heights! Goodbye, Berwyn Heights! It’s really sad leaving here. I’ve been here since Kindergarten, and I have a lot of memories, like Camp Schmidt, NorthBay, Six Flags, Greenbelt Park, TAG, and lots of epic friends… I’m starting to ramble a little bit, aren’t I? …Yeah, I am. Well, I would like to say a big thank you to all of the teachers I’ve had for teaching me so much, and just being awesome! I’m going to miss you all! :’( I’ve made many friends here. I’ll see some of them next year, but most are going to different schools. So, I wish you all farewell, and good luck in your new schools! So that’s basically it. I’ve had an awesome time here, but now it’s time to move on. Good bye, everyone! Heh, I won’t be totally gone, though. I have a, ah, “little spy” that will be here for three more years. He goes by the name of Owen McCloskey. C:< Oh, and I’d like to say a special thank you to Ms. Hoskey, who was an awesome librarian. I’m really going to miss you (and that awesome BHES library)!! Peace out, everyone! b(-^_^-)d Stay awesome, okay? ^^ -マリアンヌマクロスキー(Marianne McCloskey)
The 6th Grade Blog Hello! I am going to tell you about the 6th grade blog. At the beginning of the year, the TAG (Talented and Gifted) program created a blog. It’s currently on hiatus, but when we first made it, we updated every week or so. ( Don’t you love smiley faces? XD) Anyway, we posted news about just school stuff in general, like when the Book Fair might have been, or if Bike Week was coming up; you know, stuff like that. We each had our own “subject” to write about, too, like someone might have been in charge of posting poems, or posting art, or writing about general sports news; just random stuff to make our blog more awesome. LOL. If you want to check it out, the URL address is http://bhestag1011.wordpress.com/, so be sure to check it out~! ^_^ (Oh, and if you’re part of updating the blog, be sure to keep posting~! ) So… that’s it, really. TAG had a lot of fun making this blog, and we enjoyed running it. The 6th grade TAG program, by the way, was run by Ms. Williams. Thanks for letting us run a blog, Ms. Williams! -マリアンヌマクロスキー (Marianne McCloskey)