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Timber Cruiser. Where we are headed. Timber Cruiser Skill Set. Map reading and compass use Species identification (FOR 219) Tree measurement (diameters and heights) Defect recognition and determination Quality determination (grading) Use of timber cruising tools Traverses
Timber Cruiser Where we are headed
Timber Cruiser Skill Set • Map reading and compass use • Species identification (FOR 219) • Tree measurement (diameters and heights) • Defect recognition and determination • Quality determination (grading) • Use of timber cruising tools • Traverses • Elementary use of aerial photography
Field Equipment • Compass and GPS • Loggers tape • Dendrometer and Hypsometer • Increment Borer • Flagging and Stakes • Maps, Aerial Photos, Cruising plan • Axe and paint • Data recording device (electronic or manual) • Prism • Calculator
Safety Equipment • Boots • Chaps • First aid kit • Hard Hat • Safety glasses • Vest • Radio • Water supply
Measuring Trees Part 1 - Diameter
Dendrometer • An instrument used to measure trees
DBH • Diameter Breast Height • Average diameter at 4.5 feet (1.4 meters) • Easiest to measure, less taper, not height of cut • Outside bark • Uphill side of tree
Measuring trees Circumference: Radius: Area: Basal Area(ft2)= .005454 DBH2 basal area of a forest stand can be found by adding the basal areas of all of the trees in an area and dividing by the area of land in which the trees were measured. Basal area is generally expressed as ft2/acre
Biltmore Stick Held 25” from eye
Diameter Classes • One-inch diameter class examples • 5-inch class = 4.6 to 5.5 inches • 9-inch class = 8.6 to 9.5 inches • Two-inch diameter class examples • 12-inch class = 11.0 to 12.9 inches • 14-inch class = 13.0 to 14.9 inches
Summarizing • Can average DBH for stand and/or by species • After calculating Basal Areas for all trees. You can average the BA for the stand and/or by species • The square root of the mean BA/.005454 is the quadratic mean diameter or the diameter of the tree of mean basal area.
Upper Stem Diameters • Needed for tree form, taper, and volume. • Can determine merchantable height. • Need to be able to do this easily, quickly and safely.
Measuring Tree Diameters Review
Trees growing together To use the one-half diameter method, make two marks opposite each other on the stem at 4.5 feet. Measure the distance between the marks with the diameter tape and double the measurement to determine DBH. Repeat the process for the other tree.
Abnormality at DBH If these measurements are at equal distance from 4.5 feet, average A and C to arrive at DBH measurement. If point A and point C are at unequal distances from 4.5 feet, interpolate the distances to arrive at DBH measurement
Butt Swell Measure diameter above DBH where shape is normal, point A in diagram at right. Measure height to the point where DBH was taken. Determine average taper from comparable trees of the same species in immediate area. Interpolate DBH measurement "C" based on diameter measurement "A", the estimated average taper, and length "B".
Split Tree • For split trees, measure DBH with calipers or use the one-half diameter technique. Make two marks opposite each other on the stem at 4.5 feet. Measure the distance between the two marks with a diameter tape and double the measurement to determine the diameter
Missing Bark Since DBH includes bark you must estimate what the measurement would be including the missing bark. If all bark is missing, try to get a measure from similar nearby trees.
Missing Bark – use Bark GaugeAdd thickness of bark to missing region
Catfaces -- Diameter tape (D-Tape). Adjust the tape at a normally rounded position to allow for the catface portion missing. If the tape is not adjusted but is pulled tight, the tape will be straight across the missing portion and the diameter read will be less than it should be. -- Calipers. Measure DBH at right angle to catface. -- One-half Diameter Technique. Use this technique on trees growing together.
Additional Measurements Crown Width
Crown Diameter • Highly correlated to tree vigor and other measurable parameters. • Helps predict response from silviculture treatments like thinning or fertilization • Useful in ecological studies
How to MeasureCrown Diameter Average of Maximum and Minimum diameters Average of Maximum diameter and the one perpendicular to that axis Average of some random width and the perpendicular axis width For highly irregular crowns more than 2 measurements may be averaged
Timber Marking How, What, Where, Why
Eye Level Mark • Easily seen from a distance • Type of mark may be distinctive for type of tree (i.e. diagonal line for boundary, horizontal line for pulp tree, etc. • Boundary trees marks visible from three sides. • Boundary trees visible from each other.
Stump Mark • Survives after operation • Downhill side • Remove loose bark, etc first • Paint into bark furrows and between root swellings • Include tree and soil • Law enforcement ramifications
Canceling Prior Work • Black paint used first to hide old paint • All forest service paint contains tracers - Thus USFS paint requires tight supervision, inventory, security.
Flagging • May be used when need to identify this tree is temporary or short lived.
Tree Numbering – Permanent Plots • Cruise ID number painted on tree • Cruiser initials also • Paint applied towards plot center if part of sample point.