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Characteristics of Leadership. 2012 ‘Game Changers’ Playbook. WVSMA Spring Symposium and Competition. Characteristics of Leadership.
Characteristics of Leadership 2012 ‘Game Changers’ Playbook WVSMA Spring Symposium and Competition
Characteristics of Leadership There are 8 characteristics of leadership, and if each and every one of you pick just a few for 2012- and be famous for a few- you will set yourself up to be GAME CHANGERS!
VISION A great leader has VISION- they see the big picture- usually before others do. They envision a path, have clear purpose and are able to share this vision and sense of purpose with others. • The difference between success and mediocrity is how a Leader can get the Vision to inspire people to be their best! • Leaders are coaches- ‘They Bring A Person From Where They Are, To Where They Want To Be.’ • The Best Coaches Help People Learn How To Think On Their Own Rather Than Telling Them What To Think. • Leaders Have High Expectations Of Themselves And Of Their People! • Leaders involve EVERYONE!
TRUSTWORTHY Another characteristic of leadership is to be TRUSTWORTHY. Good leaders communicate with others openly and directly. Leaders articulate a sense of confidence and credibility. Be open with your people- help them get better at what they do. Put great people in places to perform- then TRUST them to perform well.
OPTIMISTIC Great leaders are OPTIMISTIC--- they plan and run their business to win…NOT just to compete! A positive attitude and approach is contagious. It’s GAMETIME ALL DAY, EVERYDAY!
RISKS Great leaders take RISKS--- leaders are bold and they reach out into the unknown to launch a project or carry out a vision…they know there will be both gains & losses…They might lose- but that’s OK…Because if you haven’t failed, you haven’t tried.
COMMUNICATE Great leaders COMMUNICATE. What good is a goal if you are the only one who knows about it- or better yet, understands it? How can you expect someone to do something if you don’t share with them VISION and what to do?
COMMITTED A great leader is COMMITTED. He or she has the courage of a warrior. They stand up for what they believe in…even if they stand alone!
BE SPIRITEDEveryone around you should know who you are and what you are about! It’s GAMETIME!
PASSIONATE A great leader is SPIRITED and PASSIONATE. Leaders are positive thinkers and do-ers, inspiring and motivating to others. Leaders are natural mentors and have a keen ability to build self-esteem. They tackle life with zest- and kinetic energy is their trademark.
BE A GAME CHANGER! Being a GAME CHANGER is about having the attitude that you’re going to WIN. And WIN we will. “Lose” is not a part of our vocabulary. So there you have it- 8 characteristics of leadership. These principals helped me to be successful. VISION… TRUSTWORTHY… OPTIMISTIC… RISK-TAKER… COMMUNICATOR… COMMITTED… SPIRITED & PASSIONATE.
IT’S GAMETIME! Pick a few, and be famous for them in 2012! You can be that ideal leader- that GAME CHANGER - that person whom people admire and look up to. It’s in your hands…you control your own destiny! You cannot climb the ladder of success with your hands in your pockets. Get off the sidelines and get in the game of life, and make plays!
QUOTE OF THE MONTH • Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? Your playing small does not serve the world. There's nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine... And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we're liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others. • -PLAY BIG! BE A GAME CHANGER!
THANK YOU! • itsgametime@msn.com • facebook.com/derek.sparks2 • @My_GTZone – Twitter • Join my sports social media @ www.mygametimezone.com