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Questions & Answers about Extending Foster Care to Age 21

Questions & Answers about Extending Foster Care to Age 21. THP-Plus Institute November 8, 2010 Oakland, CA. Presentation Outline. Extension to Age 21 Eligibility requirements Placements Juvenile court jurisdiction Child welfare supervision Special topics THP-Plus Specific Information.

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Questions & Answers about Extending Foster Care to Age 21

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  1. Questions & Answers about Extending Foster Care to Age 21 THP-Plus Institute November 8, 2010 Oakland, CA .

  2. Presentation Outline • Extension to Age 21 • Eligibility requirements • Placements • Juvenile court jurisdiction • Child welfare supervision • Special topics • THP-Plus Specific Information

  3. Who Is Eligible for Support to Age 21? • Youth who “age out” of foster care or juvenile probation systems • Youth who exit to Kin-GAP at age 16+ • Youth who receive Adoption Assistance at age 16+ • Non-Dependent, Non-Related Legal Guardian Youth

  4. Federal Eligibility Requirements • Completing secondary education or a program leading to an equivalent credential, OR • Enrolled in an institution which provides post-secondary or vocational education, OR • Participating in a program or activity designed to promote, or remove barriers to, employment OR • Employed for at least 80 hours per month OR • Unable to do one of the above due to a medical condition.

  5. How many youth will likely elect to participate? ** California estimate calculated by December 2009 analysis by the Urban Institute; Visit www.cafosteringconnections.org to download paper.

  6. Placement Options Under AB 12

  7. Juvenile Court Jurisdiction for Non-Minor Dependents • How it is different than court supervision for minors? • Youth have full legal rights as adults • Attorney acts “on behalf” of the young adult, rather “in the best interests” of the minor. • Parents are not noticed, nor parties to the hearing • Reunification, guardianship or TPR are not case plan goals • Incremental responsibility and least-restrictive placement are goals

  8. Juvenile Court Supervision for Non-Minor Dependents • How is it the same as court supervision for minors? • Youth is a dependent of the juvenile court • Court hearing or administrative review occurs every 6 mos.

  9. Child Welfare Supervision for Non-Minor Dependents • How it is different? • Foster care rate may be paid directly, in whole or part, to youths capable of signing mutual agreements. • Two new placement options (SIL & THP-Plus FC) • Youth signs case plan • Case plan focused on transitional skills and permanent connections; development of incremental responsibility.

  10. Child Welfare Supervision for Non-Minor Dependents • How it is the same? • Non-minor dependent eligible for specialized care increment rates, with exception of SIL • Social workers contact occurs monthly on average • TILP updated every six months

  11. Special Topics • Youth who are: • Discharged, but want to return • Receive regional center services • Likely eligible for or are receiving SSI • Parenting • Exiting juvenile probation • On run-away status at age 18 • Undocumented • Others?

  12. How AB 12 Affects THP-Plus • THP-Plus budgeting • Rate structure • County planning process • Outstanding questions

  13. THP-Plus Budgeting • 70% to THP-Plus Foster Care • 30% to THP-Plus AB 12 allows for reallocation in the event that there is not sufficient demand in either the THP-Plus-Foster Care Program or the THP-Plus programs to fill the beds allocated for these populations

  14. Scenario #1: Fully Leveraged; Maximum THP-Plus Foster Care Participation

  15. Scenario #2: Not Fully Leveraged; Lower Level of THP-Plus Foster Care utilization

  16. County Planning Process: Must Explain… • How the county will provide for the THP-Plus-Foster Care population • 2. Assurances that up to 30 percent of the placements will be set aside for the THP-Plus population • 3. Contingency for how THP-Plus placements will be reallocated in the event that there is not sufficient demand in either the THP-Plus-Foster Care Program or the THP-Plus programs to fill the beds allocated for these populations

  17. Rate Structure • Requires CDSS to develop a rate-setting structure for THP-Plus Foster Care by January 1, 2011 • Flat rate vs. variable rate • Important to provide input

  18. Outstanding Questions • AB 12 currently states 70%, not up to 70% • When is the FY 11-12 county plan due? • Is the current funding a floor or ceiling? • How can we increase funding for older youth, ineligible youth and youth who don’t want to participate in THP-Plus? • How can juvenile court jurisdiction and child welfare supervision contribute?

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