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Personalised Broadband: The key for Advanced Service Delivery

Personalised Broadband: The key for Advanced Service Delivery. Josef Noll 1,2 1 Telenor R&D, N-1331 Fornebu 2 University Graduate Studies (UniK), N-2027 Kjeller josef@unik.no. Content. Background – Related initiatives Situation of home networking/home infrastructure

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Personalised Broadband: The key for Advanced Service Delivery

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  1. Personalised Broadband:The key for Advanced Service Delivery Josef Noll1,2 1Telenor R&D, N-1331 Fornebu2University Graduate Studies (UniK), N-2027 Kjeller josef@unik.no Personalised broadband

  2. Content • Background – Related initiatives • Situation of home networking/home infrastructure • Challenges for Network Operators and User needs • Potential market strategies • Residential Gateway for the mass market • Achieving personalised broadband Personalised broadband

  3. Related initiatives Eurescom P1401 OSIAN project:User needs, technologies and markets for home systems • www.eurescom.de P1401 IST FP 6 ePerSpace project:Towards the era of personal services at home and everywhere • www.ist-eperspace.org IST FP6 OBAN project:Open Broadband Access Network • www.ist-oban.org Personalised broadband

  4. Home networking – social drivers • On-demand: Video, Audio, Games • Always online – social connectivity • Social Inclusion: Network opens for enriched communication • Personal Enrichment: Virtual interest groups • My home portal - centre for communication & home control • User are aware of potential services (or should be made aware) • “How to?” limits service adoption • Mass market relevance • Connectivity of home devices • Seamless service access Postulate 1: Seamless service access is the key to successful services Personalised broadband

  5. Specific challenges Previously: • The Network operator was the driver for technology advances • Telecom, IT and Entertainment were separated Now: • Main focus on increased efficiency • Remove services which don’t create ARPU • Have a quick return-on-investment • Integration of Entertainment, IT and Telecom • Strong market push from Entertainment sector • Example: IT digital rights management used for movie download • Anonymous broadband connection “has no future” • No SIM card, authentication, personalisation • Investment in infrastructure to support new services and needs/impact of FMC Personalised broadband

  6. User needs in these areas Mass market relevance “It shall make money” Help customer up to the very end ‘it will work’ How support is provided? Telecom: “Works first time and forever” Connectivity support Service support Tripple Play opens for more services: Social InclusionHealth - Care EntertainmentOn-Demand “Take part” in lifePositive monitoringHeart rate, EKG VoD, News, MusicFast Internet Personal Enrichment Home AutomationSecurity eLearningVirtual communitieseGaming Safety & SecurityAppliance managementEnergy savings Personalised broadband

  7. P1401 early adaptor questionnaire • P1401 home network survey gathered 134 responses • Target group: 7 European countries, typically: Telcos’ employees and their families (DINK, professional family) • Infrastructure & services: • 78 % have two or more PCs, 58 % have two or more TVs • 63 % have data network (80 % of them wireless) • 79 % use net-banking • Identified challenges, • 78 % would like to move contents among PC, TV, stereo • 39 % like to experiment • 10 % identified connectivity problems • 45 % not sure what to select and how to set-up a home network See Eurescom Summit 2005: “Towards user-centric service platform” Personalised broadband

  8. Thin gateway with split functionality Cheap gateway: target < 100 € Public: access the Internet Secure: authentication, QoS, remote maintenance Easy to use, (plug &) play Applications maintained in Telecom Help the customer to the very end (it shall work) Remote Maintenance, QoS settings Infrastructure for home services Internet Application Application Service Provider domain Telecom Application Maintenance Authentication Network Operator domain Residential Gateway Public: WEB, email Secure: Secured services Postulate 2: Split Gateway functionality for Service Provisioning Personalised broadband

  9. Service Identification inEntertainment E Service Scenarios: • Video on Demand (VoD), music/games on demand • “Killer application on TV is TV”  Ensure that video can be enjoyed on the TV • A) Set-top box to stream VoD to TV • B) PC and mediacenter for streaming from PC to TV • Access to home content • “My pictures/music/video stays at home” • “I want to access my content wherever I am” • Need to have one storage place from all home devices • Network storage unit attached to gateway/home network Personalised broadband

  10. Secure mode supports QoS control User may have limited (e.g. 512 kbit/s) bandwidth on public channel Secure channel can provide 2-3 Mbit/s Optional: Providing authentication & payment Through Telecom infrastructure Infrastructure “Video on Demand” Film, video Provider Provider Telecom Application Maintenance Authentication Network Operator domain Residential Gateway Public: WEB, email Secure: Secured services Personalised broadband

  11. Supports access from outside Access from outside into the home:email, web, iTunes, pictures Dedicated users External storage for all my PCs Link in as network disks Dedicated disk space for each user Small (size of smartphone) Linux PC 2 W standby power Connections to USB disks Reasonable price (100 €) (Remote maintenance) Example: Service ProvisionLinksys NLSU2 (Network Storage Device) Postulate 3: Services set-up have to include infrastructure Personalised broadband

  12. Service Identification inSocial Inclusion/eCare S Service Scenarios: • Sending pictures/video from mobile to home TV • Grandchildren includes grandparents in their life by sending mobile phone messages to dedicated channel “on home TV” • Video streaming from events (soccer, church) to home • Support at home after hospital visit • Patient comes home after hospital visit • Wireless surveillance equipment collects data and sends to parents & hospital • Elderly e-Care • Old people stays home with remote professional assistance, instead going to a Day Centre. • Video-telephony service to the Service Centre or to other client, associated to diary routine medical measurements, remembers to take the medical drugs, an wireless emergency alarm (optional). Personalised broadband

  13. Service Identification inPersonal Enrichment P Service Scenarios: • Dancing lessons at home • Most people want to learn something new • Prefer first steps in an anonymous environment (don’t want to get blamed) • Searching for friends with similar interest • Hardware store, enhancing the business • Selling “do it yourself” articles is one thing, providing support more complicate • Example: Hardware store to supply goods and online support Personalised broadband

  14. Service Identification inHome Automation/Security H Service Scenarios: • Security surveillance of the home • Closed systems existing already today. Function with little customer interaction. • Customer wants to see “what is going on”. First interaction to mobile phone • Includes “baby watch” functionality • Home automation • might become interesting in the social context: “What is my mother doing” and energy saving. Currently market for early adapters. • Remote Access to home content • “My pictures at home” – already handled in (E) scenario Personalised broadband

  15. Haveto know Security Requirement Needto know Nice to know Authentication/Security infrastructure • Security depends on application • Nice to know: WLAN network access • Need to know: email, Intranett • Have to know: VPN, (eCommerce) • Higher level require more than just username & passwordhttp://www.openauthentication.org/ suggests 3 methods • SIM authentication (GSM, EAP-SIM,…) • Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) • One-Time-Password (OTP) • The Mobile phone has all three: SIM, PKI, and OTP • Near-field, area and Far-field communication (NFC, WLAN, GSM/SMS) • Challenge: Usability and exchange of credentials to “my working devices” Postulate 4: SIM card & Mobile Phone is security infrastructure Personalised broadband

  16. Seamless authentication Service access Home access, .mp3, .jpg Physical access VPN SIM with NFC/RFID Postulate 5: Seamless authentication through Mobile Phone Personalised broadband

  17. WLAN UMTS fixed Motorola EAP-SIM demo: Mobil-2-PC-WLANOBAN WS, 6.6.2005 Personalised and broadband services Supported by seamless authentication based on the Mobile Phone Keep customers:Enable the Open Access Network Postulation 6:Home network and Mobile networks provide advanced communications Open access network GSM/GPRS + Subscribers’fixed lines Millions of fixed lines function asfeeder lines for open pico-base stations Personalised broadband

  18. Conclusions / Postulates S Residential Gateway Public: WEB, email • Users services with highest potential • Sending picture & support at home • VoD & remote access to “my content” • Personal enrichment, examples: DIY shop with support, dancing • Safety & Security • Seamless service access is the key to successful services • Home infrastructure: Split Gateway functionality for Service Provisioning • "You can't sell a residential gateway": Services set-up have to include infrastructure • Authentication and Security: SIM card & Mobile Phone is security infrastructure • Seamless authentication through Mobile Phone with PKI and near-field communication (NFC) • Home network and Mobile networks provide advanced (B3G) communications E Secure: Secured services P H Personalised broadband

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