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VITAMIN LARUT AIR. www.themegallery.com. Vitamin : zat-zat organik kompleks yang berfungsi sebagai pengatur metabolime tubuh . Klasifikasi : Vit larut air dan vit larut lemak Dibutuhkan dalam jumlah yang sedikit
VITAMIN LARUT AIR www.themegallery.com
Vitamin : zat-zat organik kompleks yang berfungsi sebagai pengatur metabolime tubuh. Klasifikasi : Vit larut air dan vit larut lemak Dibutuhkan dalam jumlah yang sedikit Vitamin tdk dapat dibentuk oleh tubuh dan harus diperoleh dari makanan atau suplemen
A retinol phototransduction B1 thiamine carbohydratemetabolism B2 riboflavin redox, respiration niacin redox B3 pyridoxine pyridoxamine pyridoxal aa metabolism glycogenolysis B6 B12 cobalamin 1C&H metabolism C ascorbic acid hydroxylation cholecalciferol D bone remodeling tocopherols E antioxidant phytylmenaquinone multiprenylmenaquinone coagulation bone remodeling K B7 Biotin gluconeogenesis, tca, fa, aa Choline ac, pl B9 Folic acid 1C metabolism B5Pantothenic acid tca, fa and cholesterol Vitamins
Vitamin dalam Makanan Vitamin larut air banyak yang hilang saat proses pemasakan. Kehilangan vitamin dalam pemasakan dapat dicegah dengan cara : • Suhu tdk terlalu tinggi • Waktu masak tdk terlalu lama • Menggunakan air pemasak sesedikit mungkin • Potongan bahan makanan tdk terlalu halus • Panci ditutup • Sisa air rebusan utk masakan lain
Vitamin Larut Air • Larut dalam air • Terdiri dari Vitamin C, vitamin B • Biasanya tdk disimpan dalam tubuh dan dikeluarkan melalui urin dalam jumlah kecil • Banyak hilang dalam proses pemasakan • Membantu dlm metabolisme energi
Water-soluble vitamins dissolve in water. Because water-soluble vitamins are not stored by the body to any extent, foods reach in these vitamins must be eaten more often than foods with fat-soluble vitamins. • Fruits and vegetables are good source of water soluble vitamins.
VITAMIN C • Common Food Sources : • Citrus fruits, berries, tomatoes, broccoli, melon, potatoes, green peppers, green and yellow vegetables • Major Body Functions : • Aids in the formation of collagen • Aids in the absorption of iron into the body • Prevents oxidation • Wound healing • Maintaining blood vessels, bones, teeth • Production of brain hormones • Immune factors
Deficiency Symptoms : • Bleeding gums, wound don’t heal, dry and rough skin, scurvy, increased infections, Bruises • Excessive Intake and Toxicity Symptoms : • Nontoxic under normal conditions, rebound scurvy when high doses discontinued, diarrhea, bloating, cramps, increase incidence of kidney stones.
Stability in Food : • Most unstable underheat, drying, storage
Scurvy Scorbutic Rosary Follicular Hemorrhages
RDA for Vitamin C • 90 mg/day for male adults • 75 mg/day for female adults • +35 mg/day for smokers • Average intake ~72 mg/day • Body is saturated at intake of 200 mg/day • Upper Level is 2 g/day
Vitamin B • Vitamin B complex - needed for chemical reactions in the body and help improve appetite, growth and reproduction • Bcomplex: a group of vitamins involved in energy reactions • Vitamin B complex sources- green pastures, cereal grains, milk, fish solubles, and animal proteins
THIAMINE • Thiamine (vitamin B1) is a water soluble vitamin. • It is essential for the utilization of carbohydrates. • Thiamine pyrophosphate (TPP), the coenzyme of cocarboxylase plays a part in activating transketolase, anenzyme involved in the direct oxidative pathway for glucose.
THIAMINE (Vit. B1) • Common Food Sources : • Liver, whole grains, enriched grain products, meat, legumes, peanuts, sunflower seeds, Green beans, milk, orange juice, dried beans and seeds • Major Body Functions : • Aids in energy metabolism • Important in function of nervous system • Promotes normal appetite
Deficiency Symptoms : • Beri-beridamaged to the nervous and cardiovascular system, muscle weakness, wasting • Wernicke-Korsakoff Syndrome mental confusion, amnesia, muscular incoordination. • Edema, impaired growth • Excessive Intake and Toxicity Symptoms : None known easily cleared by kidney
Stability In Food : • Losses depend on length & cooking method • Dissolve in cooking water • Not too rubbed and repeatedly on cleaning rice
RDA For Thiamin • 1.1 mg/day for women • 1.2 mg/day for men • Low income people and older people may barely meet needs (highly processed and unenriched foods) • Surplus is rapidly lost in urine; non toxic
RIBOFLAVIN (Vit. B2) • Common Food Sources : • Liver, milk, yoghurt, cheese, meat, poultry, dark green vegetables, whole and enriched grain products, eggs.
Major Body Functions : • Aids in carbohydrate, fat, and protein metabolism • Essential for growth • healthy skin and normal functioning of the eyes • Deficiency Symptoms : • Cracks at corner of mouth, dermatitis around nose and lips, eyes sensitive to light, emotional changes (depression)
Excessive Intake and Toxicity Symptoms : • None known • Stability In Food : • Sensitive to light • Water soluble
RDA for Riboflavin • 1.1 mg/day for women • 1.3 mg/day for men • Average intake is above RDA • Toxicity not documented
NIACIN (Vit. B3) • Common Food Sources : • Liver, fish, poultry, meat, peanuts, whole and enriched grain products, milk, eggs. • Major Body Functions : • Aids in energy metabolism • Maintains normal functioning of the nervous and digestive tract • Promotes normal appetite and healthy skin
Deficiency Symptoms : • Pellagra dermatitis, diarrhea, dementia (3 Ds) • Skin disorders, weakness and dizziness, mental confusion, irritability, loss of appetite • Excessive Intake and Toxicity Symptoms : • Abnormal liver function, cramps, nausea, ulcers
RDA for Niacin • 14 (mg) NE/day for women • 16 (mg) NE/day for men • Daily Value on labels is 20 mg • Upper Level is 35 mg • Toxicity : headache, liver and GI damage
PYRIDOXINE (Vit. B6) • Pyridoxine (vitamin B6) exists in three forms pyridoxine, piridoxal and pyridoxamine. • Common Food Sources : • Meats, whole grains and cereals, green leafy vegetables, poultry, fish, potatoes, banana.
Major Body Functions : • Aids in protein, fat and carbohydrate metabolism and absorption • Aids in red blood cell formation • Helps body use fats
Deficiency Symptoms : • Anemia, skin disorders, dermatitis, cracks at corners of mouth, irritability, kidney stone, nausea, smooth tongue. • Excessive Intake and Toxicity Symptoms : • Numbness and damaged to the nervous system (hands or feet) • Stability In Food : - Considerable losses during cooking
RDA for Vitamin B6 • 1.3 mg/day for adults • 1.7 mg/day for men over 50 • 1.5 mg/day for women over 50 • Daily Value set at 2 mg • Average intake is more than the RDA • Athletes may need more • Alcohol destroys vitamin B6
BIOTIN (Vit. B7) • Common Food Sources : • Liver, kidney, egg, milk, fresh vegetables, nuts, whole grains. • Major Body Functions : • Aids in carbohydrate, protein and fat metabolism
Deficiency Symptoms : • Anorexia, nausea, glossitis, dermatitis, depression, fatigue, muscle pain, anemia • Excessive Intake and Toxicity Symptoms : • None known
COBALAMINE (Vit. B12) • Unlike other water soluble vitamin, vit.B12 is stored in the liver. Vit.B12 is sensitive to ultraviolet light. • Common Food Sources : • Found only in animal foods : meats, liver, kidney, fish, eggs, milk and milk products, oysters, shellfish.
Major Body Functions : • Aids in energy metabolism • Aids in red blood cell formation • Helps maintain the central nervous system • Necessary for folate activity • Deficiency Symptoms : • Pernicious anemia (large cell type) : • Looks like folate deficiency • Nerve degeneration, weakness
Sore tongue and weakness, neurological disorders • Excessive Intake and Toxicity Symptoms : • None known
RDA for Vitamin B12 • 2.4 ug/ day for adults and elderly adults • Average intake exceeds RDA • B-12 stored in the liver • Non-toxic (no Upper Level)
FOLIC ACID • Folate requirements are increased during pregnancy. Folate is sensitive to heat, oxygen and ultraviolet light. • Common Food Sources : • Liver, kidney, dark green leafy vegetables, meats, fish, whole grains, citrus fruits, poultry, seafood.
Major Body Functions : • Aids in protein metabolism • Promotes red blood cell formation (Act with Vit. B12) • Prevents birth defects of spine, brain • Important in synthesis DNA • Deficiency Symptoms : • Pernicious anemia, depression, smooth tongue, diarrhea
Excessive Intake and Toxicity Symptoms : • May mask symptoms of Vit. B12 deficiency • Stability In Foods : • Easily destroyed by storing, cooking, and other processing
PANTOTHENIC ACID • Common Food Sources : • Liver, kidney, meats, egg yolk, whole grain. • Major Body Functions : • Aids in carbohydrate, fat and protein metabolism • Aids in formation of hormones
Deficiency Symptoms : • Fatigue, nausea, abdominal cramps, difficulty sleeping, irritability, retards growth. • Excessive Intake and Toxicity Symptoms : • Doses of 10 to 20 grams may result in diarrhea • Stability In Foods : • About half of pantothenic acid is lost in the milling of grains and heavily refined foods
RDA for Pantothenic Acid • Adequate Intake = 5 mg/day
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