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INFN-E. Osipenko 1 , G. Ricco 1 , M . Ripani 1 , P. Saracco 1 , G.Lomonaco 2 In Collaboration with: S . Cerchi 1 , G. Gariano 1 , D. Trucchi 3 , G. Firpo 4 and C.M. Viberti 4 1 INFN Genova, 2 Università di Genova 3 CNR-ISM, 4 Ansaldo Nucleare.

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  1. INFN-E Osipenko1, G. Ricco1, M. Ripani1, P. Saracco1, G.Lomonaco2 In Collaborationwith: S. Cerchi1, G. Gariano1, D. Trucchi3, G. Firpo4and C.M. Viberti4 1INFN Genova, 2Università di Genova 3CNR-ISM, 4AnsaldoNucleare. Consiglio di Sezione – 1 luglio 2019 P. Saracco INFN 1July2019

  2. Accelerator Driven Systems Discussion with CERN (M. Losasso et al.) on possible new proposalswithincurrentEuratom Work Programme (previousattempts with FET-Open unsuccessful) Included in3-year research program of Centro Fermi (external funds, resp. M.Ripani) Beam pipe, 70 MeV-1 mA protons • Summary article: F. Panzaet al., “An ADS irradiation facility for fast and slow neutrons” published in Eur. Phys. J. Plus (2019) 134: 195 Graphite Lead Beryllium target • Further studies on hybrid fusion-fission systems in collaboration with ENEA-CREATE and RFX Consortium Fission core P. Saracco INFN 1July2019

  3. DivertorTokamak Test (DTT) Project by ENEA to build new fusion machine in Frascati to test divertor component (absorber of hot plasma escaping from confinement) INFN possiblecontribution to neutron (Genova) and X-ray (LNF) diagnostics P. Saracco INFN 1July2019

  4. n-spectrometer Output1 Detector1 A1 CVDintrinsic GND n 6LiFconverter * Converter CVDinstrinsic Output2 A2 Detector2 M.Osipenko INFN 2 July2018 Test a istituto metrologico PTB (Germania) completati e pubblicati: eccellente ricostruzione energia e flusso assoluto neutroni, ma osservata coda in risposta energia  origine non chiara Proposta ricerca per investigare origine coda in ATTRACT non è stata selezionata 4 P. Saracco INFN 1 July2019

  5. Attività 2019-2020 • Rivelatori a diamante  possibili applicazioni per misure specifiche su reattori di ricerca, trasferimento tecnologico • Possibili sviluppi di diagnostiche specifiche dei neutroni per il progetto DTT • Neutronica e termofluidodinamica di sistemi critici e sottocritici, in collaborazione con Ansaldo Nucleare, ENEA, Politecnico di Torino, Politecnico di Milano e suo spin-off Milano Multiphysics 5 P. Saracco 1July2019

  6. Publications • The time eigenvalue spectrum for nuclear reactors in multi-group diffusion theory, By: Dulla, S.; Ravetto, P.; Saracco, P. EUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL PLUS Volume: 133 Issue: 9 Article Number: 390 Published: SEP 28 2018 • Mathematical foundation of the neutron diffusion problem for a reflected nuclear reactor, By: Chentre, N.; Saracco, P.; Dulla, S.; et al. EUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL PLUS Volume: 133 Issue: 10 Article Number: 432 Published: OCT 23 2018 • An ADS irradiation facility for fast and slow neutrons By: Panza, Fabio; Borreani, Walter; Firpo, Gabriele; et al. EUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL PLUS Volume: 134 Issue: 5 Article Number: 195 Published: MAY 2019 • Calibration of a Li-6 diamond-sandwich spectrometer with quasi-monoenergetic neutrons, by Osipenko, M.; Ceriale, V; Gariano, G.; et al. NUCLEAR INSTRUMENTS & METHODS IN PHYSICS RESEARCH SECTION A-ACCELERATORS SPECTROMETERS DETECTORS AND ASSOCIATED EQUIPMENT Volume: 931 Pages: 135-141 Published: JUL 1 2019 • Neutron multiplication and fissile material distribution in a nuclear reactor, by P. Saracco, N. Chentre, N. Abrate, S. Dulla, P. Ravetto, submitted to Annals of Nuclear Energy (publicationaccompanyinginvited talk to PHYTRA4) 6 P. Saracco 1July2019

  7. Proceedings 8 P. Saracco 1July2019

  8. INFN-E Genova2019 Assegni di Ricerca conclusi: F. Panza (vincitore concorso TI ENEA) N. Chentre (OCAPIE) 9 P. Saracco 1July2019

  9. Richieste Servizi2019 (*) sub-judice a definizione e finanziamento progetti specifici 10 P. Saracco 1July2019

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