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WARM UP:. Imagine you are an emperor and you have just conquered some new territory. You want to gain (and keep) the loyalty of the newly conquered people… what will you do to keep control over them? Why? Write a short paragraph explaining what you would do and why.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. WARM UP: Imagine you are an emperor and you have just conquered some new territory. You want to gain (and keep) the loyalty of the newly conquered people… what will you do to keep control over them? Why? Write a short paragraph explaining what you would do and why

  2. Classical Asian Civilizations Day 1 Introduction, Persia, and Indo-European Migrations

  3. Agenda -Warm Up: You’re the Emperor -Ancient Persia: Important Figures -Indo-European Migrations -Caste system -Journal Writing

  4. Where we’re going: bureaucracy gentlemen Empress Lu Rig Veda Four Noble Truths stupas karma satraps Upanishads I Ching Shi Huangdi patriarchal Asoka Cyrus the Great Mahayana Qin Dynasty sangha Hinduism varna Chandragupta Maurya Mahabharata Yin and Yang Darius I Laozi Vishnu hierarchy Confucius Tamil Vedas Daoism Emperor Wudi bodhisattvas Jainism caste system Dynastic Cycle The Analects Wang Mang Shudras reincarnation Aryan moksha filial piety Chandra Gupta feudalism autocracy Han Dynasty Zoroaster Brahmins Bhagavad-Gita Theravada unification centralization The Eightfold Path Liu Bang Zhou Dynasty provinces Chandra Gupta II Silk Road Siddhartha Gautama Dao De Jing Shiva Magadha matriarchal Mandate of Heaven Great Wall of China Legalism

  5. Plan, 3rd period:

  6. Plan, 5th and 7th Period

  7. What will you do?

  8. Meet Cyrus the Great!

  9. Why was he so great? • Tolerance!

  10. Historical Heads • Cyrus – Page 99 starting with “Cyrus the Great Founds an Empire” to “Persian Rule” on page 100 • Darius – Read from page 100 “Persian Rule” to the end of page 101 • Zoroaster – Page 103

  11. Cyrus the Great

  12. Darius I

  13. Zoroaster

  14. Darius I • Well-organized, efficient administration • 20 provinces • Satraps in each province • Roads • Coins

  15. Zoroastrianism • Zoroaster, lived around 600 BCE • Struggle between good and evil • One god

  16. Indo-European Migrations

  17. Indo-European Migrations

  18. Caste System • Rigid societal structure based on occupation • Portuguese soldiers called groups castes • Cleanliness and purity • Determined role in society • Marriage, daily routines • Each group known as a “varna” • Means skin color

  19. Caste System Brahmins Kshatriyas Vaisyas Shudras Untouchables (Outcastes)

  20. Caste System - Brahmins Brahmins • Priests • Entitled to study the Vedas • Perform rites and rituals • Middle men between god and men • Highest position of man on earth • Considered so pure that they could only eat food prepared by other Brahmins

  21. Brahmins Kshatriyas

  22. Caste System - Kshatriyas Kshatriyas • Warriors • Soldiers • Rulers • Political leaders • Commanded to protect the people • Resembles noble class of medieval Europe

  23. Brahmins Kshatriyas Vaisyas

  24. Caste System - Vaisyas • Traders and landowners • Merchants • Professionals • Like middle class America Vaisyas

  25. Brahmins Kshatriyas Vaisyas Shudras

  26. Caste System - Shudras • Peasants • Laborers • Servants • Duty to serve other three castes • Not allowed to learn Sanskrit or study the Vedas by themselves Shudras

  27. Brahmins Kshatriyas Vaisyas Shudras Untouchables (Outcastes)

  28. Caste System - Untouchables • Lived outside the caste structure • Impure work • Butchers, gravediggers, trash collectors • Touch could endanger purity of others • Not allowed to learn Sanskrit or study the Vedas by themselves Untouchables (Outcastes)

  29. Brahmins Kshatriyas Vaisyas Shudras Untouchables (Outcastes)


  31. Journal • 1: Brahmins • 2: Kshatriyas • 3: Vaisyas • 4: Shudras • 5: Untouchables As a member of this group, how do you feel about the caste system? Why? What would you change?

  32. Review and Preview -Warm Up: You’re the Emperor -Ancient Persia: Important Figures -Indo-European Migrations -Caste system -Journal Writing NEXT TIME: Hinduism and Buddhism

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