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DAtabase TRAwl Survey (DATRAS)

DAtabase TRAwl Survey (DATRAS). introduction. data: how are data collected? what are data used for? what problems should users care about? output from database: data files the web page data access. data collection. HL,1,DEN,DAN2,GOV,001,2004,N,8791030402,059,2

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DAtabase TRAwl Survey (DATRAS)

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Presentation Transcript

  1. DAtabase TRAwl Survey (DATRAS) ICES OBI Conference Lena I. Larsen 29.11.04 – 01.12.04

  2. introduction • data: • how are data collected? • what are data used for? • what problems should users care about? • output from database: • data files • the web page • data access ICES OBI Conference Lena I. Larsen 29.11.04 – 01.12.04

  3. data collection HL,1,DEN,DAN2,GOV,001,2004,N,8791030402,059,2 HL,1,DEN,DAN2,GOV,001,2004,N,8791031301,023,6 HL,1,DEN,DAN2,GOV,001,2004,N,8791031301,034,2 HL,1,DEN,DAN2,GOV,001,2004,N,8791031301,038,4 HL,1,DEN,DAN2,GOV,001,2004,N,8791031301,039,2 HL,1,DEN,DAN2,GOV,001,2004,N,8791031801,011,2 HL,1,DEN,DAN2,GOV,001,2004,N,8791031801,014,2 HL,1,DEN,DAN2,GOV,001,2004,N,8791031801,015,2 HL,1,DEN,DAN2,GOV,001,2004,N,8791031801,017,6 HL,1,DEN,DAN2,GOV,001,2004,N,8791031801,019,2 HL,1,DEN,DAN2,GOV,001,2004,N,8791031801,021,2 catch by length sub sample ALK ICES OBI Conference Lena I. Larsen 29.11.04 – 01.12.04

  4. why data collection • provide ICES assessment WG with indices • describe species distribution • biodiversity studies ICES OBI Conference Lena I. Larsen 29.11.04 – 01.12.04

  5. data IBTS North Sea (1965) BTS (1994) IBTS Northern (1985) BITS (1991) IBTS Western (2001) ICES OBI Conference Lena I. Larsen 29.11.04 – 01.12.04

  6. IBTS-North Sea IBTS 30 min all fish species GOV whole NS IBTS hauls 1. q, 2004 ICES OBI Conference Lena I. Larsen 29.11.04 – 01.12.04

  7. data flow in DATRAS ICES OBI Conference Lena I. Larsen 29.11.04 – 01.12.04

  8. standard output tables Whiting 1. q NS-IBTS,2004,1,1,44F0,164712,Gadus morhua,0.02,20.62,5.24,5.63,4.27,2.20 NS-IBTS,2004,1,1,44F1,164712,Gadus morhua,1.39,27.10,3.31,2.14,0.63,0.40 NS-IBTS,2004,1,1,45F0,164712,Gadus morhua,0.66,7.65,3.36,4.13,0.51,0 NS-IBTS,2004,1,1,45F1,164712,Gadus morhua,0.35,22.32,10.99,15.19,3.10,2.01 ICES OBI Conference Lena I. Larsen 29.11.04 – 01.12.04

  9. access to data www.ices.dk ICES OBI Conference Lena I. Larsen 29.11.04 – 01.12.04

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