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Explore how high-quality standards impact construction projects, focusing on the "Aljamaa' Hospital" case study in Nablus city. Analyze project specifications, quality, and structural design to ensure excellence and stakeholder satisfaction.

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  1. PROJECT MANAGEMENT Quality Management

  2. This research discusses how to achieve high performance to match palestenian standards, and its impact on projects and project descriptions that are classified as high performance ones. Objectives

  3. Case study • The research concerns about the construction of hospital that call "Aljamaa' hospital", in Nablus city. • This hospital is built with high quality. • In this research the project ; specifications, quantity, and structural design were analyzed.

  4. Assumptions 1.High quality gives more satisfaction for the stakeholders specially the customers. 2.High quality achieves good results relating to the contractor.

  5. Methodology • To achieve this objectives, several issues should be proceeding. Such procedure involves the followings: 1. Study and analyze several items in terms of their specifications. 2. Prepare questionnaire entitled (How to achieve high performance for project).

  6. 3. Analysis the project structurally to ensure the availability of safe and economic for several structural elements. 4. quantity analysis.

  7. Content This research consists of: 1- Structural analysis. 2- Achieve high quality of specifications. 3- A questionnaire about project quality. 4- Quality surveying.

  8. Specifications • This research discusses the specification for several items at aljam’a hospital project. • Specification for aljam’a hospital project was unique.

  9. questionnaire • This questionnaire analyze the views of contractors, companies, and consultant engineering offices, in order to determine how to obtain high quality.

  10. فرضيات البحث • Hypothesis 1: the quality of consulting offices affects directly -in a positive way -on the quality of engineering projects • فرضية رقم 1: جودة المكاتب الاستشارية تؤثر مباشرة بشكل ايجابي على جودة المشاريع الهندسية. • Hypothesis 2: The fluctuation of the economic situation (external environment) adversely affects the quality of engineering projects. • فرضية رقم 2:تذبذب الوضع الاقتصادي (البيئة الخارجية) تؤثر سلبا على جودة المشاريع الهندسية.

  11. Hypothesis 3: the stability of the overall situation of the contractor and their experience positively affect the quality of engineering projects. • فرضية رقم 3: استقرار الوضع العام للمقاول وخبرته يؤثر ايجابا على جودة المشاريع الهندسية. • Hypothesis No. 4: The stability of the general situation of the owners of projects positively affects the quality of engineering projects. • فرضية رقم 4: استقرار الوضع العام لمالكي المشاريع يؤثر ايجابا على جودة المشاريع الهندسي

  12. اسئلة البحث • Q 1: the impact of the consulting offices on the quality of engineering projects? • س1: اثر المكاتب الاستشارية على الجودة في المشاريع الهندسيه ؟ • Q 2: the impact of contractors on the quality of engineering projects? • س2: أثر المقاولين على الجوده في المشاريع الهندسيه ؟ • Q 3: The impact of projects owners on the quality of engineering projects? • س3: اثر مالكي المشاريع على جودة المشاريع الهندسية؟ • Q 4: Does the economic level affect the high quality in engineering projects? • س4: هل يؤثر المستوى الاقتصادي على الجوده العاليه في المشاريع الهندسيه ؟

  13. التحليل • س1: اثر المكاتب الاستشارية على الجودة في المشاريع الهندسيه ؟ وذلك من خلال التحليل الاستبانة تبين وجود فروق ذات دلاله احصائية بين المتغير المستقل الذي هو المكاتب الاستشاريه والمتغير المعتمد وهو مقدار الجودة في المشاريع الهندسيه . وهذا يدل على ان اختلاف المكاتب الاستشاريه يؤثر على جوده المشروع .

  14. س2 : أثر المقاولين على الجوده في المشاريع الهندسيه ؟ تبين من خلال التحليل وجود علاقة طردية متوسطة بين دقة عمل المقاول والجوده في المشاريع الهندسيه ، فكل ما زادت دقه عمل والتزام المقاولين بالمخططات العامه تزيد جوده المشروع الهندسي وكذلك وجود علاقه ذات دلاله احصائيه بين تقيد المقاول بالمخططات ودقه عمله وبين الجوده في المشروع الهندسي.

  15. س3 : اثر مالكي المشاريع على جودة المشاريع الهندسية؟ توافق على ان الجوده العاليه مطلوبه لدى الجميع حيث يتفق المعظم على الجوده من المعاير الاساسيه لدى الاشخاص عند استلام المشروع الهندسي. • س4 : هل يؤثر المستوى الاقتصادي على الجوده العاليه في المشاريع الهندسيه ؟ لذلك المستوى الاقتصادي لا يؤثر على الجوده العاليه في المشاريع الهندسيه بالنسبه الى المبحوثين.

  16. Structures • Static analysis: this part studies the loads and stresses. • Structural modeling: it is the process at which the physical structure is represented by mathematical model that can be analyzed and designed. So as become closer to reality the design will be safer and more economic.

  17. Project Description • The project is an unsymmetrical reinforced concrete building that has setback shown in 3D model, each story has three spans in x-direction with span length of 7.5 meters except elevator opening span length that equals 6.5 meters, and three spans in y-direction with a span length of 7.5 meters

  18. Staticanalysis Equilibrium For one story The O.W of one story: ** Weight of slab: • Finding area weight of slab: • Unit weight=weight of blocks +weight of concrete =(0.24*0.4*12)+(0.55*0.06+0.15*0.24)*24.5=2.877KN/m/rib • Weight per m² =(2.877KN/m/rib)/0.55m= 5.231KN/ • Weight of slab =5.231*area of slab=5.231*583= 3049.673 KN

  19. ** Weight of beams: • At first finding the total length of beam1 • The total length in two direction =48.15m. • The weight of the beam1 =48.15*0.7*0.3*24.5=247.73KN. Total weight of beams=817.9KN.

  20. **Weight of columns: • All columns= 60*60cm. • The height of the basement story= 3.7m. • No. of columns= 13 column. • Weight =0.6*0.6*24.5*13*3.7= 424.242KN. **For shear walls: • Thickness of shear wall= 0.2m. • SW1=8.1*3.7*0.2*24.5=146.853KN. • SW2=2*2.9*3.7*0.2*24.5=105.154KN. • Total weight of shear wall = 882.931KN.

  21. Total weight of basement story= 5174.746KN. • Totalweight from SAP=5017.921KN. • Error (%)=3%. This figure shows SAP results:-

  22. Total weight of ground story= 5201.846KN. • Total weight of first story= 5061.151KN. • Total weight of second story= 5061.151KN. • Total weight of third story= 5061.151KN. • Total weight of roof = 4459.707KN.

  23. Stressstrainrelations Calculation will be made for representative elements of : • Exterior beam at the grid line (A5-6). • Interior beam at the grid line (5D-G). • Column. • Slab .

  24. Exterior beam at the grid line (A5-6).(B3); • B3 20*50 cm. • γslab= 25KN/m³. • Thickness of the slab= 0.23m. • A = (0.5*(6.9+1.5)*2.7) = 11.34m². • Wu=11.34*25*0.23=65.205KN. • M = = 65.205*6.9²/8= 388.05KN.m. • Vu = (1.15 Wu * )-(Wu*d) = (1.15*65.205*6.9/2)–(65.205*0.430) =230.66KN. • Ø Vc = 0.75 * * * b * d= 0.75 * * *430*200= 56.88KN. • Vu >> Ø Vc so use stirrups. • Vs= Vu -Ø Vc = 173.77KN. • Using stirrups of 8 mm diameter Av = 100.52 mm2 Av/S = Vs/dFy -------- • S = (420*430*100.52)/ (173.77*1000) = 104.47 mm • ρ = * (1- ) = * (1- ) = 0.048 ρmax < ρ So, use ρmax = 0.018 • As = 0.018 * 200 * 430 = 1548 mm2 use 10 ᶲ 14

  25. column (D6); • All columns are 60*60 cm2. • γslab = 25 KN/m³. • γbeams &columns = 24.5 KN/m³. • Wu for slab= ((1.2*11.031) + (1.6*6.5))*(7.5*(3+3.75)) = 1196.633KN. • Wu for beams (surrounded C6) = 1.2*24.5((3*0.7*0.3) + (3*0.5*0.3) + (3.75*0.5*0.3) + (3.75*0.5*0.2)) =59.3145KN. • Own weight of column=0.6*0.6*24.5*height of 6 stories*1.2= 0.6*0.6*24.5*20.35*1.2=215.3844KN. • Total reaction of D6= 1471.3319KN

  26. Reaction from sap of D6 = 1406.97 KN. • Error = 4.5%.

  27. Slab

  28. Quantity surveying • The process of quantities surveying is very important in determining the level of quality required. • Studying of contract's items through specifying the risky quantities. • Therefore, quantity surveying will Minimize project risks which produce the higher quality.

  29. The outcomes of accurate quantities were as follows: 1. Supply an accurate amount of resources. 2. Minimize the contractor costs. 3.Achieve high quality. 4.Avoid disputes with contractor. 5. Restrict the time needed to implement the project. 6. Limit the use of resources.

  30. Sample Calculations • Stone works

  31. Plasterworks

  32. Tiles and marble

  33. Painting Works

  34. Windows and Doors quantities

  35. Conclusion 1.Safe design was obtained by this research. 2. High specifications could be obtained by several points: * Qualified of consultant engineering offices. * Qualified contractors.

  36. Recommendations 1. Financial analysis to be done for the project to specify the needed budget. 2. Provide qualified contractors within the project to ensure the high quality. 3. Qualified labors and good management to ensure high performance of specifications. 4. To all engineering offices we must recommend that : a. must use a computer programs in analysis and design. b. use all structural design principles. c. design buildings to resist earthquakes.

  37. Thank you

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