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For this case study, we study about how Metabizverse have increased turnover 400% of this B2B site within 12 months through the power of pay per click and search engine marketing. It is the most essential requirement for any Singapore business in order to be visible.The client is a business relationship company which provides best platform for pharma vendors and suppliers to connect, trade and communicate with each others.<br> It provides several features and functionalities to facilitate trade including vendor and supplier directories. Singapore Business Websites service is a integrated software solution showcasing your business in a way to help capture consumers’ interest to keep them on your site longer. <br><br>For more information about this link:<br><br>http://metabizverse.com/case-study-increased-turnover-400-b2b-site-within-12-months/<br><br><br><br><br>
Case study: How we increased turnover by 400% of this B2B site within 12 months
As most small and medium size businesses run on shoestring budget, pay per click campaigns on search engines as well as social media networks receives mixed responses with a sizable number of businesses having timid belief about whether or not a PPC campaign for B2B site be successful.
In this case study, we’re discussing how we at Metabizverse have turnover 400% of this B2B site within 12 months through the power of pay per click and search engine increased marketing. Business overview: The client is a business relationship company providing platform for pharma vendors and suppliers to connect, trade and communicate with each others.
The functionalities to facilitate trade including vendor and supplier directories, RFQ system for vendors, ability for suppliers to send proposals and place bids, online payment, private messaging and procedure platform has several features and tracking entire
Target audience: As the platform caters a specific niche of pharma vendors and suppliers, target audience is largely the professional in pharma industry, especially vendors and suppliers who are the major stakeholders of trade.
Client expectations: The platform offered by client to their customers (pharma vendors and suppliers) required ample amount of promotion, registrations professionals, transactions in the form of trade and returning clients. Following were the major expectations of client: Market and aware pharma vendors and suppliers about the platform, inspiring them about signing up Getting registrations on platform by qualified vendors and suppliers Getting people to post RFQ, submit proposals and make transactions from qualified pharma
Key challenges: As we begun working on the PPC marketing campaign, there have been a few challenges in front of us: Platform’s website was not optimized for search engine friendliness and was not complying with on-page SEO best practices Website had almost no google ranking what so ever There have been no adword optimized landing pages available for the site What we did: In order to achieve expected results for the client, several different strategies were employed.
Research and keyword determination: The success of any PPC campaign depends on how targeted and strategic the keywords are. Before beginning the campaign, we made an extensive keyword research in line with platform’s target audience and various trends that were being followed by competitors that are successful. Keywords that had high search traffic, low competition and low click through rate have been chosen.
Search engine optimization: Various elements of the platform were optimized in line with search engine best practices. This was important as attracting organic traffic is not possible without optimization. Writing and copy: Knowing the fact that words is what makes sales possible, remarkable ad copy that inspires users to take preferred action was carefully crafted. The copy had killer headlines, power words, outstandingly laid down ballot points and strategic content to inspire user for taking action.
Knowing the fact that words is what makes sales possible, remarkable ad copy that inspires users to take preferred action was carefully crafted. The copy had killer headlines, power words, outstandingly laid down ballot points and strategic content to inspire user for taking action.
Landing pages: Landing page is the most important an indispensable part of PPC campaign. Considering this, we designed great landing pages keeping buyer psychology in mind. The pages had clear headlines, bullet points, lead magnets and clear call-to-action to ensure high conversion rates. The pages have also been highly optimized in line with guidelines of google, facebook, twitter, linked in and other networks to assure compliance. Business overview: The client is a business relationship company providing platform for pharma vendors and suppliers to connect, trade and communicate with each others.
Smart campaign setup: Considering the expectations, nature of business, target audience, keywords and other parameters, smart campaigns were carefully setup on google adword, facebook and other networks. The campaign ad sets were split tested and further optimized on the basis of tractions that have received.
Campaign management, monitoring and feedback incorporation Once the campaigns were setup, our team continuously kept itself abreast about minor details of the respective campaigns, tractions that were being received, any issues and the feedback from users. While heatmaps were integrated with landing pages, monitoring was also done using official tools of google, facebook, twitter and other networks to find clear and complete feedback.
Notable results achieved: Having done above execution of the PPC campaigns for this B2B site, several notable results were achieved. More than 89,000 unique visitors interacted with the website Large number of registrations have been received from pharma vendors as well as suppliers 500 times increase in number of transactions Substantial number of shares on social media and networks 400% increase in overall turnover of the platform
For more information about this link: http://metabizverse.com/case- study-increased-turnover-400- b2b-site-within-12-months/