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Discover the wonders of the universe with Hubble Space Telescope, equipped with advanced scientific instruments like WFPC2, ACS, and NICMOS. This groundbreaking telescope features a 2.4m primary mirror, fine guidance sensors, solar panels, and communication antennae. Learn about its servicing missions and stunning images captured, such as the Tadpole Galaxy and Cone Nebula. Explore cosmic phenomena like supermassive black holes, M87 Jets, and the Milky Way in visible light with Hubble's exceptional capabilities.
Hubble Space Telescope 哈勃太空望遠鏡 Credit: NASA
閘門 Aperture Door 2.4m 主鏡 Primary Mirror 精密追蹤感應器 Fine Guidance Sensors (FGS) 0.3m 副鏡 Secondary Mirror 太陽能板 Solar Panels 通訊天線 Communication Antennae 科學儀器 Scientific Instruments (WFPC2, ACS, NICMOS, STIS, COSTAR) 支援系統 Support Systems 如電腦、電池、迴轉儀、反作用輪、電子儀器 e.g. Computers, batteries, gyroscopes, reaction wheels, electronics Credit: ESA
Servicing Mission 1 維修任務一 Dec 2, 1993 - Dec 13, 1993 WFPC ➔ WFPC 2 (Wide Field Planetary Camera) 廣角行星攝影機 COSTAR (Corrective Optics Space Telescope Axial Replacement)矯正光學太空望遠鏡中軸替換 Credit: STS-61 Crew, NASA
Hubble was finally in business! M100 星系核 Galactic Nucleus Ground-based WFPC WFPC WFPC2 哈勃終於正式工作! WFPC2 Credit: STScI, NASA
Servicing Mission 2 維修任務二 Feb 11, 1997 – Feb 21, 1997 Servicing Mission 3A 維修任務三甲 Dec 19, 1999 – Dec 27, 1999 Credit: STS-82 Crew, NASA Credit: STS-103 Crew, NASA
Images by NICMOS (Near Infrared Camera andMulti-Object Spectrometer) 近紅外線相機及多重天體光譜儀 Credit: NASA, ESA, JPL, CfA, UA, SETI Institute, STScI, AMC, IPAC, K.L. Luhman, G. Schneider, E. Young, G. Rieke, A. Cotera, H. Chen, M. Rieke, R. Thompson, D. Hines, R. Sahai, NICMOS Instrument Definition Team, S. Stolovy, E. Erickson; D. Axon, D. Padgett, W. Brandner, K. Stapelfeldt
Servicing Mission 3B 維修任務三乙 Mar 1, 2002 – Mar 12, 2002 Credit: STS-109 Crew, NASA
Tadpole Galaxy 蝌蚪星系 Cone Nebula 錐狀星雲 ACSImages (Advanced Camera for Surveys)高級巡天相機 Omega Nebula 奧米加星雲 Mice Galaxies 老鼠星系 Credit: NASA, H. Ford (JHU), G. Illingworth (UCSC/LO), M.Clampin (STScI), G. Hartig (STScI), the ACS Science Team, and ESA
James Webb Space Telescope 韋伯太空望遠鏡 Credit: ESA
Gravity Well 重力井 Credit: Fine Line Illustrations
Jets 噴流 吸積盤 Accretion Disk Credit: ESA, NASA, and Felix Mirabel
Supermassive Black Hole 超級黑洞 M87 Jet 噴流 Credit: NASA and The Hubble Heritage Team (STScI/AURA)
Milky Way in Visible light Credit: Axel Mellinger
Galactic Center Radio Arc Credit: Farhad Yusef-Zadeh et al., VLA, NRAO
3,000,000 Solar Mass Sagittarius A* 人馬座 A* Credit: NASA/CXC/MIT/F.K.Baganoff et al.
Credit: NASA/CXC/MIT/UCLA/UMass/D.Wang, F.K.Baganoff, M.Muno
Space Monster 太空怪物 Credit: ESA/NASA, the AVO project and Paolo Padovani
Starburst Galaxy 星暴星系 NGC 3079 Credit: NASA/CXC/STScI/U.North Carolina/G.Cecil
M31 M82 NGC 4696 NGC 1068