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Advancing Healthcare Systems in Kazakhstan: Achievements and Future Plans

Explore the progress and impact of Information Systems in the Ministry of Healthcare and Social Development of Kazakhstan, from UHIMS implementation to interoperability platforms. Detailed analysis of key stages and subsystems, with a focus on enhancing healthcare services.

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Advancing Healthcare Systems in Kazakhstan: Achievements and Future Plans

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Topic of thesis: Information Systems of the Ministry of Healthcare and Social Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan: results, achievements Reporter: Director of the Department for Health Informatization Of the RSE «Republican Center for E-Health» Tulebayev R.S.

  2. Results of 1st stage of MHSD systems implementing UHIMS Mss Policlinic MSS Ambulance care MSS Hospital Recourse management system Drug provision management system Health service СМСЭС LAB Old applications AIS Diabetes AIS for renal AIS TB AIS hospital AIS cancer patients AIS of infant and maternal death AIS Policlinic AIS for HR AIS hepatitis AIS of medical statistics AIS TEP

  3. Results of 2ndstage of MHSD systems implementing UHIMS Portals МСС поликлиника RAP MEMS ERHP МСС стационар HB RPFAW HSQMS ЛАБ ERCP ADPCT OPC RMS DPMS DIS СМСЭС ERDP AIS Policlinic Subsystems of ERDP МСС Скорая Old applications AIS of infant and maternal death . AIS TEP AIS Medical statistics AIS for Hepatitis АAIS for HR

  4. Results of 3rd stage of MHSD systems implementing Platform for Interoperability National Data Repository References and classifiers Indexes Repository of EHR Analytic Repository External systems Portals HB RPFAW RAP MEMS ERHP HSQMS GIS LIS ACPCT ERCP OPC RMS DPMS DPIS Other IS ERDP AIS policlinic

  5. Achievements

  6. Appointment to doctor examination E-Government portal 2015 68 107 8 199 Accreditation of health subjects Attaching to PHC facility Call doctor home Public services 191 030 56

  7. Hospitalization Bureau Registration and issuance of referral to patient to planned hospitalizationQuantity of referrals for 9 months of 2015 – 641 547 including:for urban people – 350 413for rural people – 291 134

  8. Current scheme of interoperability of portals of MHSD at outpatient level

  9. Current Scheme of portals interoperability for hospital service стационары

  10. Thank you for attention!

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