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Explore the essential reflexes in newborns, their disappearance timeline, and how they influence cognitive and physical growth. Learn about sleeping patterns, SIDS risk factors, co-sleeping debates, and more.
Reflexes in the Newborn The tools that babies come equipped with
Early human reflexes • There are 27 major innate reflexes • Controlled by lower brain centers • Play an important part in stimulating early development of CNS and muscles • Primitive reflexes—e.g., sucking, rooting for nipple, Moro reflex, grasping—related to need for survival and protection • Postural reflexes—reactions to changes in position/balance—e.t., parachute reflex
When reflexes disappear • Most early reflexes disappear in 6 months to a year after birth. • Protective reflexes (sneezing, blinking, yawning, shivering, pupillary reflex) remain. • Disappearance of unneeded reflexes on schedule is a sign that motor pathways in cortex have been partially myelinated, enabling a shift to voluntary behavior. • Doctors assess neurological function by seeing if reflexes disappear when they’re supposed to.
Rooting Reflex (above pic) Newborn Babinski reflex on right; normal non-newborn response on left
Sucking reflex • Two purposes—babies get nourishment, and they get enjoyment out of sucking • Even fetuses show sucking reflex • Non-nutritive sucking—85% of babies do it (suck on pacifier, fist, etc.) • As many as 40% of children suck their thumbs after they’ve started school. • Sucking behavior is also used to gauge a baby’s attention or interest in people, things, or noises.
The Sucking Reflex (this will often immediately follow the rooting reflex as baby searches for something to suck on)
Smiling • Helps ensure an infant’s survival by making the adult feel tenderness toward him/her. • Two types of smiling—reflexive & social. • Reflexive smiling—first month of life; child smiles for no apparent reason, usually during sleep (doesn’t appear in alert state) • Social smiling—appears somewhere around 2 months of age (some say as early as 3 weeks); baby smiles in response to a face
Sleep “Sleeping like a baby…” Is it all it’s cracked up to be?
States of Arousal in Newborns • Regular sleep—8 to 9 hours • Irregular sleep—8-9 hours • Drowsiness—varies • Quiet alertness—2 to 3 hours • Waking activity and crying—1 to 4 hours • **Quiet alertness is the most variable and fleeting. Time spent in each state depends on temperament.
REM sleep in infants • Infants spend 50% of total sleep time in REM sleep • By age 3-5 years, it declines to 20%…the same amount an adult has • It’s thought that REM sleep is vital to baby’s development—helps stimulate the CNS. • REM sleep is disturbed in infants who are brain-damaged or have severe birth trauma. • Poorly sleeping babies are likely to be behaviorally disorganized & have problems learning. Trouble with interactional synchrony
Where should baby sleep? • Attachment parenting proponents insist baby should sleep in “family bed” until h/she decides to sleep in own bed. • Called “co-sleeping” • Opponents believe child should learn to fall asleep in own bed; baby must be taught to put self to sleep
Problems with the family bed • Increased sleep disorders in children (sleep problems found in 35-50% of co-sleepers), compared to 7-15% of those who sleep alone • Dental problems—co-sleeping babies continually feed during the night, which causes cavities
Problems…cont. • Developmental problems—Controversial topic; some theorists believe that child can’t develop independent sense of self when co-sleeping • Peer problems—school-age cosleeping child could be made fun of • Marital problems—cosleeping creates difficulties for parents attempting intimacy • Safety problems—the biggest issue; sharing bed greatly increases chances of child dying during night (by smothering)
SIDS—Sudden Infant Death Syndrome • Leading cause of death in US of infants between ages of 1 month and 1 year (2-3 per 1000 children die of SIDS in US every year) • SIDS especially prevalent in Australia & New Zealand; low in Japan and Sweden. Reasons unknown. • With SIDS, babies simply stop breathing during naps or nighttime sleep, and they die.
Risk factors for SIDS • More common in winter when babies suffer more respiratory infections • More common in males than females • Highest rates with babies 2-4 months of age • Putting a baby to sleep on stomach is a big risk factor—PUT BABY TO SLEEP ON ITS BACK!
More risk factors for SIDS • Babies who have history of apnea—brief periods when breathing stops—are more likely to die of SIDS • Racial differences: SIDS rates highest in Native Americans, then Blacks, then Whites, and finally, Asians. • SIDS rates are higher among the poor and among moms who didn’t get proper prenatal care. • Preterm or low-birth-weight babies are at higher risk, as are those who had low APGAR scores.
Smoking and SIDS • If women stopped smoking while pregnant, the SIDS rate would drop by 30%. • Babies who are exposed to smoke either prenatally or after birth (in the home) are 4 times more likely to die of SIDS.
Brain differences in SIDS babies • Brains of SIDS babies often show signs of delayed maturation. • Myelinization of neurons has progressed at a slower rate • May be that inadequate fat intake in last month of pregnancy or during infancy may contribute to the problem (link with dietary fat)
Pacifier use and SIDS • American Academy of Pediatrics issued a statement in October of 2005 advocating the use of pacifiers as a deterrent of SIDS. • Pacifier use has now been added to the SIDS prevention list.
Another SIDS hypothesis • Between 2-4 months, reflexes decline and are replaced by learned, voluntary responses. • Respiratory & muscular weaknesses may prevent some babies from acquiring voluntary behaviors that replace defensive reflexes. • Instead of waking up or shifting position, they simply give in to death.
Summary: Reducing risk factors • Do not smoke or allow baby to be exposed to any smoke. • Put baby on back to sleep. • Keep room fairly cool (68-72 degrees). • Don’t put blankets, stuffed animals, or pillows in crib. Make sure mattress is firm. • Eat well during pregnancy; don’t skimp on fat.
Sleep Problems in Infants • Nighttime waking is the most common problem. • 20-30% have a hard time going to sleep at night and have nighttime waking problems. • Infant waking at 1 year predict sleep problems at 4 years and are consistently linked to parents interacting with their babies at night (e.g., going in to comfort them when they hear them wake up). • Solution—”sleep train” your child, starting around age 4 months. Let them cry it out (within reason). Known as the Ferber method.
Crying and Colic You’ll want to cry right along with the infant.
Crying • First way babies communicate with parents—signals distress • Usually cry because of physical needs, but they also cry when they hear other babies crying. • 80-90% of babies have crying spells of up to 1 hour per day that aren’t easily explained. • Crying time often corresponds with dinnertime and may be related to sensory overload.
Colic • A period of sustained, uncontrollable crying that differs from normal crying. • Crying must last for 2-3 hours at a time on a daily/almost-daily basis for at least 3 weeks to be considered colic. • Usually begins during the 2nd or 3rd week of life and lasts until about 3 months • Baby with colic is inconsolable and appears to be in pain. Acts hungry but can’t or won’t eat. • Eating and sleeping are upset by colic.
Rejected Causes of Colic • Babies cry to exercise their lungs • They cry because of gastric discomfort triggered by food allergies or sensitivity • They cry because of parental inexperience • Colic is hereditary • Colic is more common in babies whose mothers had difficult pregnancies or deliveries
Possible theories still being debated • Crying is a normal manifestation of a baby’s physiological immaturity, and colic is just an extreme form of it. • Immature digestive tract may contract violently when gas is passed, causing pain. • Painful intestinal spasms occur because of progesterone withdrawal as maternal hormones in baby’s body drop off. • Immature nervous system hasn’t yet learned to inhibit unwanted behavior (crying).
Most plausible theory • Babies with colic lack a “calming reflex” that other babies are born with. • Can’t shut out sensory experiences. • During first month (when colic is relatively rare), newborns have a built-in blocking mechanism that allows them to shut out stimuli. Around the 1 month mark, the mechanism disappears, and they may have a hard time adjusting to the new sensations of life.
5-step colic cure (“Cuddle Cure”—Harvey Karp) • Swaddle baby tightly so he can’t move. • Put baby on side or stomach • Shush baby (make loud hushing sounds in baby’s ear, preferably in rhythmic fashion) • Swing baby from side to side • Give baby something to suck on—finger or pacifier • These tips are known as the 5 S’s of the Cuddle Cure. • From The Happiest Baby on the Block by Harvey Karp.
Feeding the Baby It may be natural, but it’s not as easy as you think.
Feeding the baby • Breast milk has been the standard for all of human history. • With the advent of formula, breast-feeding declined from the 1940s to 1970s, when over 75% of American children were formula-fed. • Today, about 2/3 of American women leave the hospital breastfeeding, but the figure drops to 30% still breast-feeding 6 months later. • Breast-feeding is more common in higher SES.
Advantages of breast milk • Contains at least 100 ingredients not found in formula. • Composition of breast milk changes throughout the day to meet baby’s specific needs; also changes as baby matures • More easily digested than formula; baby has less stomach upset. • Has correct balance of sodium, fat, and protein to put less strain on baby’s kidneys • Baby absorbs calcium better with breast milk.
Advantages cont. • Less risk of allergy to breast milk than to formula, although baby can be sensitive to something Mom has eaten. • Constipation almost never occurs in the baby who is breastfed. • Babies get essential antibodies that will bolster immune system. Get sick less often. • Breastfeeding may prevent obesity in children and adults. • Breast milk is free, convenient, and offers Mom some protection against breast cancer before menopause.
Do moms who breastfeed lose weight faster? • Mothers who breastfeed must take in an extra 500 calories a day to compensate for calories lost during breastfeeding. • Theoretically, breastfeeding Moms should lose weight faster, and it’s always been said to be true. • New research suggests that breastfeeding moms lose LESS weight initially than bottle-feeding moms do, but 8 years later, they are thinner than their bottle-feeding counterparts.
Is breastfeeding a form of birth control? • Often women who breast-feed don’t ovulate (and thus do not have a period). • Some women use breastfeeding as birth control, but this is unreliable. • You MAY ovulate while breastfeeding and could get pregnant without meaning to. • Breast-feeding moms can take a “mini-pill,” which is a specific version of birth control pills. It’s progestin-only, which won’t harm the baby.
So why would anyone bottle-feed? • Breast-feeding is hard work and has some disadvantages to the mother. • It’s not easy to learn to breastfeed. It can be painful, too. • Nursing moms often have to nurse “around the clock.” Baby eats every 1 ½ hours or so instead of every 3-4 hours like formula-fed babies do. • Mom is solely responsible for feeding—can’t get help from others unless she pumps.
More deterrents to breastfeeding • Mother must watch her diet and medication use just as she did while pregnant. Less freedom for her. • It’s draining and exhausting, which can lead to postpartum depression. • Interferes with sex in several ways: 1) no sex drive; 2) no vaginal lubrication; 3) breasts leak milk during sex • Nipples can become sore and cracked. Mom runs danger of developing mastitis.
Advantages of formula • Baby isn’t hungry as often; can go longer between feedings • Other people can feed the baby, leaving Mom free to do other things. • You can gauge exactly how much baby eats and don’t have to worry about whether he’s getting enough. • No dietary or medication restrictions; no sexual interference.
Are there IQ differences? • Some studies cite a difference of 7 IQ points between bottle-fed and breastfed children (breastfed children having higher IQ) • At least 3 longitudinal studies since 1999 have disputed this finding and have found no differences in intelligence, emotional stability, or attachment to the mother between breastfed and bottle-fed children. • It’s hard to say conclusively without experimental studies.
Bottom line • Breast milk is clearly better for the baby, and the baby likes the taste of breast milk better, too. • Breast-feeding is not easier for the mom. • If you choose to feed the baby formula, h/she will still be getting excellent nutrition and won’t suffer any damage. • Feeding is NOT the primary ingredient to having a happy, healthy baby.
Starting solids • Pediatricians recommend starting solids (“baby food”) between ages of 4-6 months, depending on baby’s weight and how easily he can swallow food. • Whether you start with fruits or vegetables is a matter of debate. Start one food and wait for 2-3 days to see if baby has an allergic reaction. Also introduce cereal. • Add meats last.
Starting solids takes some getting used to. Some babies don’t like it. This is Drew’s first bite of solid food (rice cereal) at age 4 months.
Obesity in infancy • New studies are focusing on the dangers of obesity in infancy because, contrary to what was thought only a few years ago, it may predict adult obesity. • Most babies thin out during toddlerhood and the preschool years as growth slows and become more active, but some remain obese. • Some researchers believe that weight setpoint is set in the first year of life, though. • Bottle-fed babies are 2 ½ times more likely to become obese than breastfed babies, although some studies refute this finding.
Malnutrition • 40-60% of world’s children are malnourished. • Marasmus—a wasted condition caused by a diet low in all nutrients. Appears in first year of life because Mother is too malnourished to produce healthy breast milk. Baby starves and is in danger of dying.
Height & Weight Changes • At birth, the typical baby is 7.5 lbs. and 20 inches long. • First year of life: babies grow 10-12 inches and triple their body weight. • By age 2 for girls & 2.5 for boys, toddlers are roughly half as tall as they will be as adults. • 2-year-olds still have proportionately larger heads than adults do because toddlers have nearly full-sized adult brains to go with their small bodies. (Cephalocaudal trend of development)