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Health and Wellness Training Presentation

Navigate through this training at your own pace. Includes quiz questions for learning. Disclaimer and course outline provided. Learn about health assessment, diet, exercise, weight management, and more.

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Health and Wellness Training Presentation

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Health and Wellness

  2. Instructions Welcome to this training presentation on Health and Wellness. Please use the forward and backward arrows at the bottom left of this page to navigate through the training at your own pace. This presentation includes quiz questions, which will appear after every few slides. You must answer the questions before the training will continue. If you are unsure of the correct answer to any question, you may go backward to reread the information so that you can fully understand the message. When you see purple, bolded text, click on the link for more information. Thank you for doing your best to learn this important information.

  3. Disclaimer • This training material presents very important, pertinent information. It should not be assumed, however, that this program satisfies every legal requirement of every state. Some states require the training be developed and delivered by an individual with specific training and experience. • This training is AWARENESS LEVEL and does not authorize any person to perform work or validate their level of competency; it must be supplemented with operation and process-specific assessments and training, as well as management oversight, to assure that all training is understood and followed. • Your organization must do an evaluation of all exposures and applicable codes and regulations. In addition, establish proper controls, training, and protective measures to effectively control exposures and assure compliance. • This program is neither a determination that the conditions and practices of your organization are safe, nor a warranty that reliance upon this program will prevent accidents and losses or satisfy local, state, or federal regulations.

  4. Introduction

  5. Course Goals Click on each corner of the donut. Healthy choices will enhance your productivity and quality of life.

  6. Course Outline 1. Health Assessment 2. Diet 3. Exercise 4. Weight Management 5. Harmful Substances 6. Preventative Measures 7. Mental Health 8. Environmental Factors 9. Summary

  7. Health Assessment

  8. Health Assessment Body Mass Index (BMI): • A quick and easy method for assessing general health is to measure height-to-weight ratio, known as body mass index (BMI). • BMIis a numberthat provides an indication of whether a person’s weight falls outside the healthy range. • BMI is not a perfect health assessment tool. Click below for examples.

  9. Health Assessment Weight in pounds X 703 BMI= Height in inches2

  10. Diet

  11. Diet Click below for the short-term and long-term effects of diet.

  12. Diet For more information on the USDA nutritional guidelines, visit www.choosemyplate.gov.

  13. Diet Vegetables: • Foods that are raw or steamed retain more nutrients than foods prepared using other methods. Dark green vegetables Beans and peas Red and orange vegetables Starchy vegetables Other

  14. Diet Click the apple again. Click the apple for information on fruits.

  15. Diet Click below to learn about protein.

  16. Click below to learn about grains. Diet

  17. Diet Dairy:

  18. Diet Click on each segment for information on fats. Oils Monounsaturated Fats Polyunsaturated Fats Monounsaturated fats Saturated Fats Trans Fats Omega-3 Fatty Acids Trans Fats

  19. Diet Click below to learn about natural vs. processed foods.

  20. Diet Click below for more information on nutrients. button 2

  21. Diet Simple Carbohydrates Zinc Folate Vitamin A Thiamin Sodium Vitamin C Complex Carbohydrates Calcium Riboflavin Water Iron Vitamin D Dietary Fiber Niacin Lipids Magnesium Vitamin E Vitamin B12 Proteins Vitamin K Potassium

  22. Exercise

  23. Exercise The benefits of exercise: Cancer risk Sleep Blood circulation Weight control Energy Infection resistance Cardiovascular Bones and muscles Mental health Brain function

  24. Exercise frequency: Exercise

  25. Exercise Click below to learn more about the two types of exercise.

  26. Exercise Stretching:

  27. Weight Management

  28. Weight Management Click below to learn about obesity.

  29. Weight Management Statistics on obesity from 2009 – 2010: Children16.9% Adults35.7%

  30. Weight Management Basics of weight management: • 1. Nutrition • Select a variety. • Severe restrictions may be ineffective. • 2. Portion control • Control your portion sizes. • Do not starve yourself. • 3. Active lifestyle • Staying active burns calories. • Expect to put in effort. The best strategy is to make gradual changes.

  31. Weight Management

  32. Weight Management Click on each sign to learn more about selecting food.

  33. Weight Management Click the circles to learn more about food preparation.

  34. Weight Management Click below for more information on dining out principles.

  35. Weight Management This or that game - 1 What would you like to drink? Lemonade Water Soda

  36. Weight Management This or that game - 2 Can I start you off with an appetizer? Yes No Which appetizer would you like? Stuffed mushrooms Cheese sticks with marinara Never mind Breadstick with garlic butter

  37. Weight Management This or that game-3 Have you decided on an entrée? Vegetable Dish Steak Fish

  38. Weight Management This or that game-4 How would you like it prepared? Fried Grilled

  39. Weight Management This or that game-5 This entree comes with a side of fries, soup, or salad. Which would you prefer? Salad Soup Fries What dressing would you like? We have minestrone or clam chowder. Ranch Minestrone Lite Ranch Clam Chowder Can I see the other options again? Can I see the other options again?

  40. Weight Management This or that game-6 Is there anything else? That’s it. I would like to get the child’s size. I’d like to split the meal with another person. Can I add bacon?

  41. Weight Management This or that game-7 [the meal arrives and you get the initial calorie count. After it is done tallying…] Do you have room for dessert? Seasonal fruit Ice cream sundae [then dessert arrives and you get the final calorie count.] Slice of pie No, thanks.

  42. Weight Management

  43. Harmful Substances

  44. Harmful Substances

  45. Harmful Substances Click on each coffee pot from left to right. If you have a history of irregular heartbeat, cardiovascular or anxiety disorders, dehydration, or thyroid or urinary tract concerns, talk to your doctor to see if you should limit your intake or avoid caffeine altogether.

  46. Harmful Substances

  47. Harmful Substances • Click below to learn more about alcohol.

  48. Preventative Measures

  49. Preventative Measures Checkups:

  50. Preventative Measures Cardiovascular health: • Heart disease is the number one killer. • Regulate diet. • Exercise regularly. • Manage your weight. • Do not smoke. • Check cholesterol and blood pressure.

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