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2. CAEL's Mission. The Council for Adult and Experiential Learning (CAEL)Mission StatementTo advance lifelong learning in partnership with educational institutions, employers, labor organizations, government, and communitiesTo remove barriers and expand lifelong learning opportunities for adults
1. The Adult Learning Focused Institution: Principles and PracticesFebruary 28, 2008 Judith Wertheim, Ed.D.
Vice President for Higher Education Services
2. 2 CAELs Mission The Council for Adult and Experiential Learning (CAEL)
Mission Statement
To advance lifelong learning in partnership with educational institutions, employers, labor organizations, government, and communities
To remove barriers and expand lifelong learning opportunities for adults
3. 3 CAELs Current Partners Among its projects, CAEL is working with
to identify creative strategies that will encourage adults to return to school and complete degrees.
4. 4 Emphasizing College Enrollment In his State of the State address (February 5, 2007), Governor Brad Henry stressed the importance of higher education in Oklahoma:
Though college enrollment is at record levels, Oklahoma mustwork toward producing more college graduates.
5. 5 Oklahomas Challenge Yet, as Chancellor Glen Johnson said:
Currently, we are below the national average in the percentage of our population with college degrees, so there is much to do.
We must enhance our efforts to retain and graduate our college students at a higher rate.
January, 2007
6. 6 The Adult Learner
7. 7 What Are Barriers for Adults? Institutional
Policies and practices that impede and discourage adult learners
Adult learners life situation or circumstances
Adult learners personal concerns, beliefs, or attitudes
8. 8 Deciding to Enroll Main Factors Influencing an Adults Decision to Enroll in Higher Education
Convenient time and place for classes
Flexible pacing for completing program
Ability to transfer credits
Reputation of institution
Requirement for current or future job
How Adults Learn
Adults need to know why they need to learn something
Adults need to learn experientially
Adults approach learning as problem-solving
Adults learn best when the topic is of immediate value
How Adults Learn
Adults need to know why they need to learn something
Adults need to learn experientially
Adults approach learning as problem-solving
Adults learn best when the topic is of immediate value
9. 9 Deciding to Enroll Factors Influencing an Adults Decision to Enroll (contd.)
Credit for learning gained from life/work experiences
Availability of online courses
Availability of financial assistance
Tuition assistance from employer
Availability of child care
10. 10 The Adult Learning Focused Institution
11. 11 CAELs ALFI Project CAELs Principles of Effectiveness for Serving Adult Learners
Life & Career Planning
Assessment of Learning Outcomes
Teaching-Learning Process
Student Support Systems
Strategic Partnerships
12. 12 ALFI Principle #1 ALFI Principle #1
The institution conducts its outreach to adult learners by overcoming barriers in time, place, and tradition in order to create lifelong access to educational opportunities.
13. 13 ALFI Principle #2 ALFI Principle #2
Life and Career Planning
The institution addresses adult learners life and career goals before or at the onset of enrollment in order to assess and align its capacities to help learners reach their goals.
14. 14 ALFI Principle #3 ALFI Principle #3
The institution promotes choice using an array of payment options for adult learners in order to expand equity and financial flexibility.
15. 15 ALFI Principle #4 ALFI Principle #4
Assessment of Learning Outcomes
The institution defines and assesses the knowledge, skills, and competencies acquired by adult learners both from the curriculum and from life/work experience in order to assign credit and confer degrees with rigor.
16. 16 ALFI Principle #5 ALFI Principle #5
Teaching/Learning Process
The institutions faculty use multiple methods of instruction (including experiential and problem-based methods) for adult learners in order to connect curricular concepts to useful knowledge and skills.
17. 17 ALFI Principle #6 ALFI Principle #6
Student Support Systems
The institution assists adult learners using comprehensive academic and student support systems in order to enhance students capacities to become self-directed, lifelong learners.
18. 18 ALFI Principle #7 ALFI Principle #7
The institution uses information technology to provide relevant and timely information and to enhance the learning experience.
19. 19 ALFI Principle #8 ALFI Principle #8
Strategic Partnerships
The institution engages in strategic relationships, partnerships, and collaborations with employers and other organizations in order to develop and improve educational opportunities for adult learners.
20. 20 ALFI Principle #9 ALFI Principle #9 (Identified after a pilot project with 25 community colleges)
The institution supports guided pathways leading into and from its programs and services in order to assure that students learning will apply to successful achievement of their educational and career goals.
21. 21 All of the Principles The Principles of Effectiveness are:
Integrated they work together
Indivisible they form a whole
Imperative not just a good idea
22. 22 The ALFI Assessment Toolkit The ALFI Assessment Tools
Adult Learner Inventory (CAEL & Noel-Levitz) is an adult student survey based on ALFI
Institutional Self-Assessment Survey (CAEL & NCHEMS) is for adult degree program administrators
Both tools piloted in 2002-2003 and released in 2004
23. 23 ALFI Tools - ALI Adult Learner Inventory (ALI)
Survey to capture the experience of adult students in undergraduate programs
Developed in partnership with Noel-Levitz. Available from Noel-Levitz via CAEL Web site: http://www.cael.org/alfi/ali.html
ALI focuses on seven of the eight CAEL ALFI Principles (Strategic partnerships principle is not covered because students are unlikely to know about this area), plus the new area of Transitions
Items rated on a 1-7 scale (1 is low; 7 is high)
Structure of the instrument follows the Noel-Levitz model with students indicating both the level of importance and the level of satisfaction for each item
24. 24 ALFI Tools - ALI Adult Learner Inventory Survey
47 items rated for importance and satisfaction
10 optional items defined by the institution, rated for importance and satisfaction
Version for four-year institutions and a version for two-year community colleges; same items; text adjustments
2 summary items overall satisfaction and likelihood student will recommend to other adult students
18 standard demographic items (gender, age, employment, etc.)
2 optional demographic items (one major/program and one other)
(With thanks to Julie Bryant, Senior Director, Retention Solutions, Noel-Levitz for much of the ALI information)
25. 25 The ALI Sample Questions from the Adult Learner Inventory
My program allows me to pace my studies to fit my life and work schedules.
I am able to obtain information I need by phone, fax, e-mail, or online.
Sufficient course offerings within my program of study are available each term.
I can receive credit for learning derived from my previous life and work experiences.
26. 26 ALI Scores Importance scores
How important is it for your program to meet this expectation?
Satisfaction scores
How satisfied are you that your program is meeting this expectation?
Performance gap scores
The discrepancy between the expectation (importance score) and the reality (satisfaction score).
27. 27 Top Scales in Order of Importance to Adult Learners (4-year)
Teaching-learning process
Life and career planning
Student support services
Assessment of learning outcomes
28. 28 Top Scales in Order of Importance to Adult Learners (2-year) Outreach
Life and career planning
Teaching-learning process
Student support services
Assessment of learning outcomes
29. 29 ALFI Tools - Institutional Survey Institutional Self-Assessment Survey (ISAS)
The ISAS is a paper-based survey that is completed by administrators and faculty and offers a unique opportunity for dialogue across departments about adult learners. It provides the framework you need to examine how your resources, structures and practices impact the success of your adult learners.
30. 30 Institutional Self-Assessment Institutional Self-Assessment Categories
Institutional background
Mission, leadership, and organizational structure
Tuition and financial aid
Teaching and learning
Faculty recruitment and development
Student services
Key constituencies
31. 31 ALFI Tools - ISAS A version for four-year institutions and a version for community colleges
Approximately 50 items
Completed by an institutional team
32. 32 ALFI Tools - ISAS ISAS Team
8-10 individuals representing various offices and divisions
Meet as a group to discuss and come to consensus
One survey is submitted to CAEL
33. 33 The ISAS Institutional Self-Assessment Survey
Sample Item:
To what extent does your institution partner with other organizations (community-based organizations, employers, other postsecondary providers) to deliver student support services:
Not at all
Not very much
A great deal
Almost always (provide examples on supplementary page)
34. 34 The ALFI Tools Provide -- Comparative data:
Internal: The institutions perspective vs. adult learner perspective for each scale
External: Your teams and your students ratings vs. students and teams at other institutions that have used the ALFI Assessment Tools
35. 35 How Institutions Respond Attempt to respond to no more than 3-5 for any given academic year
Consider conducting focus groups to better understand the issue from the student perspective and to begin the problem-solving process
Establish next steps and timelines for initiatives
Inform the campus of the plan and actively work the plan
Inform the campus when changes have been made
36. 36 Using the Tools How Institutions Have Used the Tools
Preparation for accreditation review
Internal program review
Development of strategic plans
Aligning resources to best meet the needs of adult learners
Creating recruitment messages
37. 37 Using the Tools How Institutions Have Used the Tools
Facilitating discussion & debate
Helping with market niche reporting
38. 38 Recent Uses of ALFI Data Following a recent CAEL study, funded by Lumina Foundation for Education, institutions are:
Developing new and expanded course delivery options (Saturday, Sunday, Friday night, accelerated, hybrid)
Redesigning Web site for adult learners, which is also used as a resource for faculty & staff
Redesigning orientation sessions
Developing non-credit program to help adults transition to college
39. 39 Recent Uses of ALFI Data (contd.)
Creating student mentor program to help new students
Hiring advising and retention personnel
Initiating mandatory advising training for faculty; online tools to update information
Forming an Adult Learner committee
Using data to secure a Title III grant to aid student success during first 30 credit hours
40. 40 Recent Uses of ALFI Data (contd.) Exploring articulation agreements with four-year colleges
Using data to inform strategic planning & program review
Using data to inform strategic planning &program review
Using data as baseline for future assessments
Including data in annual report
41. 41 The Major Benefits of ALFI Use of the ALFI Tools serves to focus attention on adult learner needs and issues.
Indeed, the ALFI project demonstrates that colleges can take specific steps in instruction, assessment of prior learning and student services to improve access, retention, and success for adult learners.
42. 42 Additional Information For more information, please contact me at any time:
Judy Wertheim
43. 43 Additional Information You can also visit CAELs Website:
for additional information about
Prior Learning Assessment (PLA)
CAEL Membership
CAEL conferences and Webinars
White Papers